Your Moon sign is Pisces. Today the moon is transiting through Leo. During this period it will pass through the Nakshatras belonging to Ketu and Mercury away. The effects of this transit will produce mixed results.
You should refrain from arriving at any important decisions, starting new projects, financial investments or entering into deals related to sale and purchase of materials. You may take up travel today, but under caution. You should keep pending all matters relating to loan deals, as there is a risk of a dispute arising out of it. Never get involved in any type of disputes and pass your life in a simple manner today. Smoke color brings bad luck today, so avoid it.
Although there is possibility of you passing this day peacefully, yet there will be a cloud of difficulty hovering over you today. You should not be overenthusiastic in your approach and commit a mistake or take up any risky business. Be very careful while executing any work. Taking up works towards the eastern directions seems to be risky and care should be taken while its execution.
Your mind will be sensitive throughout this day, but don't allow yourself to get irritated. Little carelessness on your part concerning your health may result in your suffering from either fever or other such diseases. Your mind may be occupied with uncalled for desires and panic. Worship Lord Krishna / Sun God, recite Gayatri mantra and study the holy scripture of Gita.