Get Answers To Any Question With Vedic Astrology

Got a question that you’re desperately looking for an answer to? The ancient science of Vedic astrology can help you.

Prashna Shastra gives you the answers to any question by making a Kundali (horoscope) of the time when you ask the question (Prashna).

We have successfully computerized the entire Prashna Shastra to bring you the answer to virtually any question that you can ask.

Just Select Your Question From The List
There are some very common maladies and conflicts that human beings suffer from. We have carefully picked up the most common situations and problems and converted the complex Prashna Shastra algorithms to the computer for each one of them.
The Topics We Cover Include

Happiness | Personal Life | Family Life |
Marriage | Love Life | Siblings |
Wealth | Career | Health |
Illness | Success | Travel |
Business | Job Prospects | Children |

Just pick up any topic, and you can select the question you have in your mind. We will cast a horoscope and give you a detailed astrological answer to your question.
Prashna Shastra Answers Your Question
Your report has
- Prashna kundali for your question & Prashna Panchang
- Detailed astrological analysis which tells you which planets and factors are in favor, and which are against.
- Analysis of the favorable and unfavorable astrological yogas (combinations)
- Analysis of planetary aspects
- Final conclusion which gives you the answer
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Want to see what kind of horoscope you’ll get? Click on the icon below and see a sample PDF file containing a sample horoscope in English. Your similar horoscope will be delivered to you in your chosen language.
Special Limited Time Price
Only US $4
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Built By The True Experts is built by veteran experts in Vedic astrology and astrological programming. With over 17 years of experience, we are the most popular creators of astrological tools in India.