Capricorn Journey on 26 July, 2024

Vedic Panchang

Venus rules over the day and favors the South-East direction. Moon is placed in an earthy sign. It is in the South direction. Both make the South, East, South-East and South-West directions safe for the journey.

Better avoid starting journey in the North-West directions. It is beneficial to chant the mantras of Shukra, Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Gauri. Maintain distance from hatred and any kind of evils. Show ideal behavior to others who are ill fated and socially disabled. Keep sacred thoughts in your mind and start your journey for best results.

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Daily Journey Analysis

Vedic Travel Analysis

Journey Analysis For You

Are you going to start a new journey today? This analysis will help you discover the prospects of success by checking your rashi with the lord of the weekday.

Vedic Astrology says that if you start the journey on a favrable day in the favorable direction then you will get a better outcome and better experience during the journey itself.