Gemini Horoscope for September 2019

The hurdles you faced in the last few months will now come to an end. Your finances will recover. You should make plans in such a way that you have steady growth income, and with that, you should save for a secured future.
People may be jealous of your financial position. You may indulge in spending. Keep control on expenses, especially those that can be avoided.
You will scale new heights in your career and receive appreciation for the hard work you have done. This is apparent from planetary positions. The lord of profession house, Jupiter, is placed in 6th house of service aspecting its own house. Service people will be benefited the most from this. You will receive offers, inspect them thoroughly to make a wise choice.
Changes in business are also seen as you will be busy looking into minute details and will bring a lot of changes to increase the output.

Primary students will do well and will be quick to decide their stream of career. You score well in exams. Those in higher education will find it tough to get through in their desired field and will have to work hard. You should take advice from your teachers and mentors.
Those who are appearing for competitive exams will do better. They need to work hard to achieve the desired results.
You will feel fit and healthy. Enjoy the good health this month promises. Your Lagna Lord will be entering its own house which is its exaltation point. You will feel very relaxed and all anxieties and stress situation you had faced previously will go away this month.
You should not get complacent, however, and continue with your workout and exercises to remain fit. This is also the season for viral infections. Protect yourself from infections as much as possible.

Love Relationships
The middle of the month will bring romantic times in relation. You will enjoy a good time with your partner. Those who are single may find their life partner and begin a relationship for a better future.
This will be a golden time to take your partner on a trip and take a step further emotionally. Care for your partner.
You will have a happy time with your family. Your children will make you proud of their academic results. You should take caution and precaution of your life partner’s health as planetary positions indicate that.
You should ensure that your entire family has a balanced diet. You should get a medical checkup done for all members annually for everyone’s good health and wellbeing.

Donate green vegetables to the poor.
Listen to “Vishnu Sahasranamam”.