Aquarius Horoscope for September 2019

Your financial position will improve as the month advances. You will have new sources of income. Your efforts will be rewarded with monetary gains but it will involve a lot of travel and reviving old contacts which will not be easy. You may face obstacles but keep putting efforts.
You should have control over your expenses as a fine balance between income and expenses is essential for stability in life. You should stay focused and take up challenges to solidify your financial position.
You will work with enthusiasm and energy which will highlight your true potential. There may be some challenges along the way but do not let them stop you from achieving your goals. You will meet people and make new contacts. You will travel a lot as well which will boost your confidence and business.
Those in services will also work hard and strive to show their capabilities and plans to their seniors. Don’t discuss your plans with everyone.

Students will have a good time with studies. Your intelligence will boost your sharp memory. PhD and research students will shine through. Those in accounts, finance and administration management will do well. Software and engineering students will also excel in their field.
Students in primary education will need to work hard. They must listen to their teachers and mentors to reach their educational goals.
Your Lagna Lord will enter the House of Gains on 18th which will bring improvement in your health. You should take good care and maintain a balanced diet. Your areas of concern are liver and digestive organs. Drink filtered water to avoid water-borne diseases. Practice Yoga and Pranayam to stay fit.
Your love life will be smooth while enjoying the company of your partner. Spend time to understand your partner’s feelings and keep ego out of the relationship. Buy presents and go for an outing with your partner. Take efforts to relax and enjoy quality time with your partner.

Love Relationships
Your love life will be smooth while enjoying the company of your partner. Spend time to understand your partner’s feelings and keep ego out of the relationship. Buy presents and go for an outing with your partner. Take efforts to relax and enjoy quality time with your partner.
Those who are unmarried may find a new friend and begin a loving relationship.
Your family relations will improve after the 18th when Saturn gets direct motion. Children will make you proud. You will take your family on an outing to spend quality time together. Friends may visit you and cherish old memories.
Your family relations will be affectionate and display togetherness. Show respect towards elders and take care of them.

Donate black lentils on Saturday.
Worship Lord Bhairav.