Taurus Horoscope for December 2019

Your financial situation will be under pressure. There may be delays in realizing payments. In such times, keep track of your transactions and do your best to recover them. Do not lend money as it may become bad debts. All documents must be checked before signing.
Do not invest in speculative activities such as share market. Businesses in iron, steel, mining, insurance, and footwear will prosper. All efforts in business will result profitably.
Your hard work will be recognised and appreciated. Your rewards may be delayed but your efforts will pay off. Consult your seniors and follow all details diligently. Try not to divulge any sensitive information, and keep away from ill-wishers.
Business with progress as the month goes by. Your returns will be generous and people in jobs will realize their dues by the end of the month.

You lack focus. Extra efforts and hard work are required to get through examinations. Primary students will find they are yet to finish the syllabus for internal examinations. In such conditions, students will become mentally strong.
Students in higher education will find there is no shortcut to hard work. Students of fashion designing, media, and films will find this time a bit easy to get through. Those in management, technical and engineering courses will struggle.
Your health will be good but keep your diet in check. Make sure to have a balanced diet and avoid junk food. Any ongoing ailment will go away but take utmost care at all times.
You should take the necessary measures to keep yourself healthy. Do yoga and Pranayam. Get regular medical checkup done. You need to take adequate rest to meet the work pressure.

Love Relationships
Your love life will face strenuous moments during the first half of the month. With a positive approach, you will handle the situation well. This can be done by talking to each other openly or having dinner together or going on walks.
However, those who are yet to find their soulmate might have to wait as this is not a suitable time for it.
Difference of opinion may arise with some members of the family, the blessings of the elders will ,however, resolve all differences. You may go for a social get together and cherish your relations. Do not argue with your life partner and avoid conflicts. Your restraint will be well paid off.
Take care of your spouse’s health. Elders need medical care. Children will be of great help.

Do not lie to anyone.
Respect your wife.