Cancer horoscope for August 2019

Your financial position is very good. You have new, energetic ideas to fulfill your financial aspirations. Your efforts at work will get appreciation from seniors and you may be given monetary rewards. You may even take an international trip for work.
Those in the business of food, dairy, consumer goods, and silver items will shine and will do great business. You will also plan to expand your activities to increase the potential of the business. Try to save some money for future emergencies.
Mars, your profession lord will be combust on the 9th of August, so brace yourself for some tough times at work. Check your documents carefully before signing them. Consult your seniors for important issues and adhere to the rules and guidelines.
Business people should take care of their operations so that there are no notorious activities happening which may earn the company a bad name. There is nothing to worry, but prevention is better than cure.

Excellent period for students in primary or higher education. Your grasping power is enhanced this month. Those appearing for competitive exams have to work hard to achieve the desired results. You will get support from your teachers and parents.
Some of you may go abroad for studies. Since your Lord of Education, Mars, is debilitated and combust, you should meet with counsellors to choose the right field of education for you and the appropriate college or institution.
Your health-related problems seem to go away and you will be in a better position healthwise this month. You still should continue to take care of your health. You should be careful about stomach and joint pains, and headaches. Try to maintain a routine with Yoga and Prayanama to remain fit. Avoid oily and junk food.

Love Relationships
Your love relationship will blossom and you will have a wonderful time with your partner. You may go for a movie or dinner and spend time together.
Cancerians are emotional people. You should express your feeling to your partner to show that you really care about them. It will help in consolidating your relationship. You may take a foreign trip with your partner.
The atmosphere at home will be supportive and enjoyable. Your brother and sisters, children, and all members will help you in maintaining harmonious relations within the family. You should consult them when taking any major decision.
Spend time with your children and help them with their studies. Your elders will shower you with love and affection. Overall, a good time for family life.

Donate sweets to poor children.
Recite “Om Namah Shivay”.
Serve your mother and seek her blessings.