Numerology love compatibility for 2 and 4

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of Number 2 is Moon and that of Number 4 is Uranus. This association is good for a relationship and it helps people to live their live peacefully. As mentioned earlier, people of number 2 are home loving, shy, sensitive, imaginative and diplomatic. People of number 4 are reserved, practical, intelligent and organizing. Therefore, lives of people in this association will be very smooth as people of number 4 are wise and strong. People of number 2 are romantic and spiritual while people of number 4 are practical. Therefore, this is an excellent combination.

This association usually results in a lot of comfort. People of number 4 are ultimate providers and builders at home. They can also be associated with security. All these traits are most appealing to the people of number 2. Perception somehow becomes a problem for these too. People of number 4 are not very demonstrative while people of number 2 are looking for love to be shown. Thus, people of number 4 should try to be a bit more expressive.

People of number 2 and number 4 have a lot to offer to each other in terms of emotional and financial security. People of number 4 usually have consistent routines and this may sometimes bore the people of number 2. Therefore, they should try to be more spontaneous in life. This relationship is extremely good for business as well as romance.