Lal Kitab Yearly Horoscope

Get your entire year analyzed according to the Lal Kitab astrology system.

Lal Kitab is a unique astrology system based on the Karmic theory (karma and debt), which analysis what sort of karmic qualities are reflected in your kundali.

What’s unique about Lal Kitab are its easy to do remedies that help you get rid of your karmic debt and improve your fate.

This report will analyze your year according to the principles laid out in the Lal Kitab and will give you a period-by-period review of the situations you’re going to face and the things you can do to improve them.

Get Your Lal Kitab Kundali Instantly
Just fill in your birth details, pay online and get your Lal Kitab varshaphala instantly delivered to you in PDF format. You can view it over any device including computers, smartphones or tablets.
Charts In Your Lal Kitab Horoscope

Avakahada Chakra | Ghataka Chakra | Favorable Points |
Planetary Aspects (Drishti) | Lagna Chart | Vedic Kundali |
Lal Kitab Planetary Positions | Lal Kitab Dasha | Houses in Lal Kitab |
Planetary Relationships | Chandra Kundali | Lal Kitab Palm Map |

Lal Kitab Interpretations & Remedies
We don’t just give you astrological computation and charts, we also bring you a detailed interpretation of these charts based on the principles of Lal Kitab Astrology.
This includes remedies for all planets according to Lal Kitab and detailed predictions.
What Your Lal Kitab Varshaphala Has

Planetary aspects | Planetary states (Avasthas) | Planetary Strengths |
Auspicious Planets | Planets in Support | Planets in Opposition |
Remedies for Planets |

Your Lal Kitab Varshaphala will give you the complete details and analysis of your year and tell you what remedies you need to do to get
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Built By The True Experts is built by veteran experts in Vedic astrology and astrological programming. With over 17 years of experience, we are the most popular creators of astrological tools in India.