Your birth ascendant is Scorpio and today is Tuesday. This day does not seem to be favorable from financial and business point of view. You should not make any financial investments this day. You are advised to only analyze and scrutinize your business and chart out future plans. Keep a close watch on the proceedings of the day.
Poison and those medicines in which poison is used may generate good profits. Business concerning clay, materials made of clay etc. may provide you with good profits today.
Preparing foods or running a restaurant, etc may be very profitable today. If you are in the business of golden jewelry then you might get an opportunity to spread your business further.
You should be extremely careful in investing your money. Only invest after giving due consideration to all the pros and cons. If you use golden color in all these businesses, then you may earn considerable profit.
Today is a good day for soldiers. Business connected with the manufacture and sale of arms and ammunitions will be beneficial. Business of mines or works connected with fire may be unfavorable for you today. All business related to land might also be unfavorable to you this day.