Your birth ascendant is Sagittarius and today is Sunday. This day is destined to be favorable for you from financial and business point of view.
If you are a physician, then this will be a good day for you financially. Makers and sellers of medicine too will be able to increase their sales. Wool is another profitable business for people of your ascendant today.
Business connected with lighting accessories like electric bulbs, tube lights etc. will provide you with ample profit today. Business of artificial teeth will add to your profits. Likewise, business connected with ivory will be profitable.
Taking up business in brass and materials made of brass will remain profitable for you this day. You may get profit through various inaccessible areas such as hills, caves and forests etc. Works connected with blankets, carpets etc. may provide you with good profit this day.
Taking up business in sealed packets containing fruit jams, jelly etc will be profitable for you today. You may earn significantly from wheat. It will be extremely lucky for you if you use smoke and red color in your business this day.