Your birth ascendant is Leo and today is Sunday. This day is favorable from the point of view of financial and business aspects. Sun is today's day lord and it will affect how profitable your day is.
Sun is the greatest source of brightness. You are likely to obtain good profits through your involvement in the lights industry which includes bulbs, tube lights, lampshades etc. This profit will be in proportion to your personal efforts. You may be highly profited through the business of brass and materials made of brass.
In case you are involved with the manufacturing of teeth or if you have invested money in materials made from ivory then you may earn significant profits through it. You are likely to earn profit through planting orchards or from selling fruits etc. You may also gain profit through forests this day.
You will gain plenty of profit through the business of perfumes today. You are also likely to earn good profits through the business involving sale of food grains. This day is also good for those who are involved in the trade of medicine.
You will have good profit in the business of Television, video etc. It will be favorable to use smoke color in your business this day. Among food grains, if you opt for business of wheat, it will be profitable.