Today is Saturday and your birth ascendant is Gemini. This day will yield both favorable and unfavorable trends from financial and business point of view. You are advised to spend your time analyzing the financial and business investments, future plans etc. Those who are of exceptionally spiritual and helpful in nature will get satisfaction, pleasure and profits from financial point of view.
Those who are adventurous in investments, have a scope for financial and business investments this day. You should seriously think over investments today and start the investment only after making sure that you are in a secure position.
The business connected with manufacturing of earthen pots is profitable today. In case you are already in the business, then this day will fetch you good profits.
Those who are brokers or commission agents will get good profits from their deals today. You should avoid financial investments in areas related to riverbanks, swampy areas, gardens and forest related areas.
You may obtain profit through iron and the products made of iron. You may also make profit through shares in such companies. If you can utilize brown color today, then this will be extremely profitable for you.