Your birth ascendant is Capricorn. Today is Sunday. This day is not favorable from the viewpoint of finance and business and you are advised to adopt extreme caution and not to invest your money today. You will be better off if you spend your time happily and peacefully at home or office and concentrate on business activities in the later half of the day only. Even then, a detailed list of the particular aspects of business, which are not favorable and conducible for incurring profits are being furnished below.
This day is unfavorable for carrying out the business related to sale of wool. Medicines may be a mediocre line for you today. Don't have high expectations from business in fruit bearing trees. Brass and the materials containing Brass may not be profitable. Business of woolen and common blankets and carpets may not be so profitable today.
Other businesses which may not be so profitable include, artificial teeth, garments, physician, wheat and sandalwood. Do not use smoky colored materials in your business today and if you are engaged in any of the above businesses, then spend your day without major speculation.