Your birth ascendant is Cancer and today is Sunday. You may experience quite a busy time, which will bring you financial satisfaction in your financial and business concerns. Use this day to analyze your financial and business positions this day. You may be provided with profits from all business endeavors this day. But there are some specific fields from where you may earn profits through your investments or from your existing investments.
Today your power of convincing people will play an important role in all your businesses. So, be soft spoken while dealing with others. You may consider starting business or earning wealth through voice related businesses. Your politeness and tact in dealings with others will influence your business favorably. You may be benefited by the wisdom of an influential person, working with him or working under him or assessing him in his business will be good for you. The business of perfumes is good for your ascendant today.
Wool is a good line for your ascendant today, and those who are involved in its trade will get good profits. You will experience profit from the beginning of the day. Whatever the business you take up this day, if you are using red color then it will enhance your luck.