Your birth ascendant is Aries and today is Sunday. Sun the day-lord of Sunday. The Sun occupies the fifth house in Aries ascendant as a result of which it is likely to yield favorable results for you. This day, you will be conscious of your duties. If you are feeling capable of exercising discretion, then you will be in a position to take decisions on various worldly aspects. You may go ahead with deals related to sale and purchase of materials. You will be provided with a good scope of making financial investments too.
There is a good prospect of profits and increase in income today. If you anticipate good things, they might come true today, but this will only be possible if you apply your mind and make sincere efforts. This day is equally favorable to all Aries ascendants in matters relating to giving loans, buying or selling of shares etc.
You may invest money in gold ornaments. Brass color will be especially favorable for you this day. You may invest money on these colors or in materials of such colors. You may invest money in areas connected with education.
If you are a student, you may pay entrance fees etc. for undertaking a new course, as it will be an investment in building your career. If you are planning to make profit out of any sports related activities, then you may opt for playing games like chess, puzzles etc. That require application of your mind.
The Sun in the fifth house will be favorable for saving money this day. Normally, the more you are conscious, farsighted and careful for your welfare, the better are the results that you get.
In matters concerning attires, coarse clothes will be favorable for you today. Trading in wheat might be especially fruitful today.