Chogadia For 22 February, 2025

Start Time End Time Chogadia Details
6:33:20 AM 8:2:27 AM Kaal Inauspicious Chogadia
8:2:27 AM 9:31:35 AM Shubh Auspicious Chogadia
9:31:35 AM 11:0:42 AM Rog Inauspicious Chogadia
11:0:42 AM 12:29:49 AM Udveg Inauspicious Chogadia
12:29:49 PM 13:58:57 PM Chara Auspicious Chogadia
13:58:57 PM 15:28:5 PM Laabh Auspicious Chogadia
15:28:5 PM 16:57:12 PM Amrit Auspicious Chogadia
16:57:12 PM 18:26:20 PM Kaal Inauspicious Chogadia
18:26:20 PM 19:57:12 PM Laabh Auspicious Chogadia
19:57:12 PM 21:28:5 PM Udveg Inauspicious Chogadia
21:28:5 PM 22:58:57 PM Shubh Auspicious Chogadia
22:58:57 PM 24:29:49 PM Amrit Auspicious Chogadia
0:29:50 AM 2:0:42 AM Chara Auspicious Chogadia
2:0:42 AM 3:31:35 AM Rog Inauspicious Chogadia
3:31:35 AM 5:2:27 AM Kaal Inauspicious Chogadia
5:2:27 AM 6:33:20 AM Laabh Auspicious Chogadia

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Daily Chogadia


What is Chogadia?

The Chogadia system divides the day into auspicious and inauspicious units. It is considered lucky to start any new thing in the auspicious time and the unlucky Chogadia are generally to be avoided for doing important work.

Jyotish says that the unlucky Chogadias should be rejected for starting any new project or a journey. The Chogadia is very popular in Gujarat.

The Chogadia may change from city to city (depending on sunrise) so please make sure you are filling in the details of your city to get the correct Chogadia time.
