Various Systems of Daily Astrology

Most of us are curious to know what the future holds. Many people may not believe in astrology but read their daily predictions for fun or out of interest.

Astrology is so fascinating that people who object to this science in society may use it in their personal lives. This dual nature has nothing to do with astrology but a person’s character itself.

We will discuss daily astrology here. Planetary transits determine daily predictions. Daily astrology takes into account the movement of planets in different signs and their effects on a person on a particular day. There are different opinions about the impact of planetary transits on a person’s life. We will highlight some of the important points.

One of the methods gives daily predictions based on the relationship of a person’s name and the planetary position of the moon on that day. This arrangement decides whether a day will be favorable or unfavorable for someone. Most of the times a person’s social name is used for these type of predictions. But in my opinion, the birth moon sign and the name given at birth gives more accurate predictions.

Daily astrology, since forever, is determined by the transit of planets based on the Moon. Moon also decides Shani Sadhe Sati and Dhaiyaa, while solar eclipses too happen due to the transit of Rahu and Ketu with respect to Moon.

Moon sign

In another daily astrology system, we assess the effects of the Yoga of lunar sign and the day. Here we see the Tatwa (element) of the sign where the Noon is placed. Let us suppose the Moon transits through Aries. Aries belongs to the fire element. Now consider a day of the week, for example Sunday, Sun also belongs to the fire element. Here since the same element fire represents both the Moon and the day of the week the day is considered auspicious. Other signs and days of the week are analyzed similarly.

In addition to placement of Moon is signs and the Yogas involved there are also a lot of other factors which have an influence on the outcome of prediction on a daily basis. Moon remains in one Rashi or signs for two and a quarter of the day. As Moon is one of the fastest bodies in the universe, predictions are normally looked at from the Moon sign. Moon also represents the mind, so its placement in a sign is the most important which is going to influence the thinking process of the native. Further the transiting Nakshatra, Tithi, Karan, and Hora also plays an important role.

Planets and their Movements.

Next comes Sun which moves one degree daily and completes its cycle of 30° in one month. On Sankranti every month it changes sign which has a bearing on the native's behavior depending on the sign. Mercury and Venus are two planets which are move along with the Sun. Mercury will always remain within 27° of the sun on either side. Venus will remain within 47° on either side of the sun. Another factor related with Sun is combustion of planets. Any planet coming close to the Sun gets combust and is unable to give its desired results.

Mars is a planet which moves about 45 minutes a day and completes travel in one sign in about 45 days. Jupiter is an outer planet which moves slowly and remains in a sign for about a year. Saturn is the slowest planet which moves at an average speed of one and a quarter minutes thus covering a sign in two and a half years.

During the year all planets except Sun and the Moon get into retrograde motion. This happens when a planet is away from the Sun from its fixed limit. All planets get their energy from the Sun. Retrograde planets have different meaning as far as prediction is concerned. When a planet is retrograde it means, the impact of that planet need to be reconsidered. It is like you have moved out of the house for office and suddenly realize you have to go back and pick a very vital document left at home.

Planetary Aspects

There is another important factor which needs careful attention, it is the aspect of these planets. Their effect on a sign has to be looked into. Every planet has 100% aspect on the sign opposite it at 180°. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have some special aspects in addition to the seventh house aspect. Mars aspects fourth and eighth house from where it is placed as a special aspect. Jupiter aspects fifth and ninth house as special aspect. Saturn has third and tenth as special aspect.These aspects have a great influence on the sign.

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu are Chhaya Graha. They exercise their influence in the house they are placed in. Some astrologers are of the view that they also have a special aspect. Rahu and Ketu are Karmic control planets and have great influence in the axis they are located, as they are always 180° apart from each other. Being Chhaya Grah they will always move in retrograde motion.

Planetary conjunctions

The conjunction is another aspect in predicting the outcome of daily transit position. The interplay of planets has a bearing on the native. Each planet in conjunction will have its impact in a house where it is located and with whom it is placed. Interaction of planets in transit will have its impact in daily astrology. An astrologer can make daily general predictions based on the position on a particular day. In order to be precise one needs careful evaluation of the native’s the birth chart.

Importance in Journey Muhurat

Daily astrology is important when predicting travel and journeys. Moon placed in the direction of travel is auspicious, if on the other hand it is placed opposite it is considered inauspicious. Suppose the Moon is transiting through Gemini on the day of travel and Gemini indicates west. Traveling to the west will be fruitful while to the east will bring problems. Similarly, other lunar signs are considered. However, analysis of the Horary chart is more important for matters related to travel.

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