Significance of Samavartan Sanskar
In Hindu society, spiritualism, and religious beliefs have been the guiding principles since time immemorial and have always been linked to one’s growth and all other activities at different stages of life.Every thing is done systematically at a fixed time, according to a definite plan.
Various religious ceremonies known as Samskaras are performed. Their purpose is to accord religious sanctity and social reckoning to different stages of one’s physical and spiritual growth and development. There are a total of sixteen such Sanskaras and Samvartana or Holy bath is the 14th Sanskaras amongst them.
Completion of education is a huge milestone in a child’s life. The child is congratulated and blessed at home. Everybody wishes the best and looks forward to a bright future. The mother, father and other relatives convey their heartfelt wishes and are thrilled, especially if the child has travelled far off for studies. Samavartan Sanskar is a ritual which is performed at this time by the family to mark a person’s graduation and entry into the new professional world. Anyone who completes his/her educational course is regarded high in society and is looked upon as a learned person.
This Sanskar was traditionally performed when a student returned home after spending many years of education at the Gurukula. Students in Gurukula learn many things which help them in leading a life as a responsible person in society and also acquire basic skills to earn their livelihood, These Sanskaras help them to cope up with the realities of life and face situations bravely with the help of their knowledge.
Along the same lines in modern times, Samavartan Sanskar is a ritual which takes place when a student completes his academic education and returns home. The significance of this convocation is that a pupil has completed his educational and celibate life. In a broader sense, it means that a boy or a girl is now ready to step in the youth phase of life and can get married. This ceremony is performed by gathering all the friends of the student, their parents, and teachers. This ceremony or convocation is done usually after school or graduation at the age of 21 or after.
The ritual is started by offering Gurudakshina to the Guru. After that the Guru enlightens the student with the knowledge of family life, facts and responsibilities of the material world. He has to offer all the belongings of his/her celibate life into a flowing water.These Sansakaras are performed on a good Tithi and days considered are generally in the bright half of lunar month” Shukla Paksha”
Samavartan Sanskar is a special moment in a person’s life. In olden days students used to wait for this time eagerly. This ritual used to give youngsters the license get married as well as the exposure to step out and face the outside world. In other words this Sanskar prepares the native to enter into the Grahast Ashram. This is the stage between Brahmacharya and Grahast Ashram. After this, only two Samskaras remain in a person’s life. Those being marriage and cremation.
However these days it is not performed at the right time, as a result, it loses its significance. Now, this Sanskar is just a formality.