Vish Yoga and Hutashan Yoga
Vish yoga and Hutashan yoga are known as inauspicious yogas. Vish yoga ruins auspicious events. Astrologers say that no auspicious event should be performed if this inauspicious yoga is formed. You should not start any new project if Vish yoga and Hutashan yoga appear. You should not travel for any auspicious event because these yogas are not fruitful for traveling.
Vish yoga and Hutashan yoga are known as inauspicious yogas. Vish yoga ruins auspicious events. Astrologers say that no auspicious event should be performed if this inauspicious yoga is formed.
You should not start any new project if Vish yoga and Hutashan yoga appear. You should not travel for any auspicious event because these yogas are not fruitful for traveling.
Firstly, let us consider how Vish yoga is formed. According to astrology,
Vish yoga
Vish yoga forms when a special yoga is formed between day and Tithi.
1. If the fourth Tithi happens on Sunday then this Yoga forms.
2. If the day is Monday and the Tithi is the sixth Tithi then this inauspicious yoga forms.
3. If Tuesday is the day and Tithi is the seventh Tithi then Vish yoga will form.
4. If the day is Wednesday and Tithi is the second Tithi then you may face Vish yoga.
5. If the Tithi is the eighth Tithi and the day is Thursday then Vish Yoga forms.
6. If the Ninth Tithi happens on Friday then Vish yoga will form.
7. If the day is Saturday and the Tithi is the seventh Tithi then you should not perform any auspicious act because Vish Yoga forms.
Hutashan Yoga
Let us learn how Hutashan yoga, which is also inauspicious, forms and its effects.
- 1. If the day is Sunday and the Tithi is the twelfth Tithi then Hutashan Yoga forms.
- 2. If the day is Monday and the Tithi is the sixth tithi then Hutashan yoga forms.
- 3. If the seventh Tithi happens on Tuesday then this yoga is formed.
- 4. If the Tithi is the eighth Tithi and the day is Wednesday then Hastushan Yoga will form.
- 5. If the Tithi is the ninth Tithi and and the day is Thursday then you will get results of Hustashan Yoga.
- 6. If the day is Friday and the Tithi is the tenth Tithi then it forms Hustashan Yoga.
- 7. If the eleventh Tithi occurs on Saturday then you should not perform any auspicious acts.
Hutashan yoga is the last yoga made from the combination of day and Tithi and it has the seventh place in the series of yogas.