Mohd. Yusuf Khan alias Dilip Kumar was born on 11th december in the year 1922 in a pashtun family in Peshawar, the city of flowers, which is now in the territory of Pakistan. He had 12 siblings. His childhood was not the bed of Roses, rather it was a rough patch as his father relocated himself from Peshawar to Mumbai after his birth. His father was basically a fruit merchant.
Dilip Kumar completed his college around 1940 and had a positive thought of supporting his father financially, but, with some disagreement with his father he skipped to Pune and started working in a British canteen. This was the turning point of his life as he was being noticed by a leading actress of that time, Devika Rani. Ms. Devika was impressed by his profile and offered him to work for Bombay Talkies which was jointly owned by her husband Mr. Himanshu Rai.His first film ‘Jwar bhata’ was released in the year 1944. Although this was a flop, But, this breakthrough gave him the courage to enter an entirely unexpected career. Later he got his first box office hit film in 1947 ‘Jugnu’. And this ‘Jugnu’ led to the birth of a magical star Dilip Kumar.
Later, his career went to the 2nd lap in the 60s when he worked for Mughal E Azam which became a Superhit on Box office and produced a film ‘Ganga Jamuna’ which received the National Award and many other awards.
Dilip Kumar’s unique style of acting made him one of the greatest actors and the newcomers like Sharukh Khan got inspired from him and followed his style of acting.
After 1970 Dilip Kumar’s career slumped as hardly any movie got a superhit on the box Office. Now let us analyze this “Tragedy King ” through the lens of Astrology.

Dilip Kumar was born in the Nakshatra of Venus (Purva Phalguni) with rising Ascendant Capricorn and Moon placed in Leo.
His Nakshatra Purva Phalguni indicates him to be freedom lover, famous in the Artistic field, good intuitive powers, sweet speech and ready to offer a helping hand. He was never a Yes Man and hence did not work under anyone. Health wise he was good except some problems related to dental, abdomen and diabetes.
His Rising Ascendant Capricorn is a mature, assertive and considered daddy of the zodiac. Since this zodiac falls under cardinal sign, he is motivated, ambitious, and a great leader. Also, being an earth sign, he is practical, productive, and dependable. He had the strategy of ‘Slow but steady’. Capricorn made him Tragic King, super serious, almost all the time! He was goal-driven, brilliant in his field, and, like all earth signs, motivated by money. But even if he made enough money , he was only interested in being as hardworking as he is.
Let us analyze his Vimshottari Dasha
Till 1932 – He was under Venus Dasha which indicates he had enjoyed childhood and was participating in stage shows during that period.
Turning points of Dilip Kumar
1944– He was undergoing the Moon-Saturn period which can be considered as the prime period for breakthrough. Also Saturn was transiting in his Laabh Bhav from the Moon. So he got the breakthrough. Since Moon is placed in the 8th house so things came to him surprisingly and suddenly.
1947– He was under the Moon-Venus period which is considered to be the best combo for masses and media. He got his first Hit at the box office this year.
1950-1960 – This is the period when he entered Mars Dasha which is the lord of the house of gain and House of happiness. Also Mars is placed in the house of finance so his earning improved undoubtedly and also he had the best period career wise. Later in 1955 he entered the key dasha of his life and that is Rahu Dasha. This Rahu Dasha took him to the Pinnacle of Success.
1961-1970 The actual success and the feel of being a superstar and also the achievement of awards and rewards all happened in the period of Rahu which displaced the Ascendant lord Saturn in the house of Fate. People always think Rahu to be negative but the real virtual world success in terms of fame and money can be given by Rahu Only. He produced a film and got a National Award in the Rahu-Saturn Period.
1971-1980– This was the slump period which was obvious because he entered Jupiter Dasha and Jupiter is never supportive to the showbiz industry. Also Jupiter was not well placed in the initial 70s.
1981-1990 From 1981 he entered into Venus Antardasha under Jupiter and this time again brought him back on the screen with some success. In 1986-87 when Rahu Antardasha came he got the success of his famous box office hit ‘Karma’.
1991- 2000 In early 90s he entered Saturn Mahadasha which again gave him a stupendous success in ‘Saudagar’. And he got a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’.
2001- 2021 In the initial period of this new decade i.e from 2000 to 2006 he was nominated as the Rajya Sabha member of Parliament and this if we analyze was the period when he was undergoing Saturn- Mars and Saturn- Rahu period.
He was also acknowledged with the highest civilian Award i.e Padma Vibhushan in 2015 when he was undergoing Mercury – Venus period as both are placed in the house of gains and aspected by Saturn.
Talking about his love life, Dileep Kumar fell in love with Madhubala but after 7 years it flopped then he get into the affair of Vyajayanthimala which also did not continue longer. But one day while he was in the birthday celebration of Saira Banu, they both clicked the emotions and tied the knot. The difference between Dileep kumar and Saira Banu was almost 22 years younger to him. Looking from the lens of Astrology we can say it was in his destiny because of following reasons, His 7th lord is Moon placed in the death and destruction house i.e 8th house and this led to problems in his love affairs. Also Ketu is aspecting his 7th house which again indicates that his marriage will have breaks and be delayed. Apart from this Cancer in the 7th house indicates the age difference with the life partner will be more than normal and as it happened he finally married a 22 years younger girl.
Regarding his fifth house that is the children he was not fortunate enough because of Ketu and Saturn affliction on Venus.
Hence we can conclude that the Twinkling Star Dileep Kumar had a twinkling effect of Rahu Saturn and Mars that took him to the epitome of success. But at the same time he had Saturn and Rahu in conjunction which led to Shrapit dosh so he could not get the fortune of having kids.
Thus we can say that a natural malefic will give all the happiness of the physical world but not the mental satisfaction. He has to undergo many things. Also, we can say that Rahu gave him everything he could think of like money, fame, position and an excellent life partner but did not give him the pleasure of children.