Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper
Gayatri Devi Vasudev
This book is an inspired collection of writings that expose the fraud of `Scientific temper" in its attacks on Astrology. Astrology has always had its critics criticism in indeedMore Info

Astrology and You
Gopesh Kumar Ojha
The present book proposes to bring Astrology within the easy grasp of the layman. You will be delighted to unravel the mystery of your future, and that of your near and dear ones. What isMore Info

Astrology in Buddhism
Jhampa Shaneman
The ultimate purpose of Buddhism is to serve and benefit humanity therefore I believe that Buddhist ideas have a positive contribution to make to human society whether in the East or theMore Info

Astrology In Marriage Counselling(Rev.Ed.)
Manik Chand Jain
Astrology In Marriage Counselling(Rev.Ed.)More Info

Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes
B. V. Raman
Astrology in Predicting Weather and EarthquakesMore Info

Astrology of the Seers
David Frawley
Astrology of the Seers is a clear yet comprehensive presentation of Vedic astrology and makes this difficult-to-understand subject clear, practical and relevant. it reveals the deeperMore Info

Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time
K. N. Rao
Read the book and the evidences in it. Even if you do not know astrology, you will understand the true stories with evidences. If you know astrology, you will add to your own techniques ofMore Info

V. S. Ramakrishnan Nair
The book contains all basic principles of astrology in simple language which can be understood by any laymen contents of the book also includes, "signs of death", "what isMore Info

Ayurvedic Astrology
David Frawley
Ayurvedic Medicine represents the healing branch of yogic science, while Vedic astrology provides its understanding of time and karma. Ayurvedic Astrology teaches the interface of these twoMore Info

The Astrological Analysis Of Earth Quake
Bhojraj Dwivedi
If not impossible but it is quite difficult to predict the natural calamities. Though our ancient books and sciences are able to pave the way to predict such natural calamities. Recently weMore Info

Basic Astronomy for Astrologers
Deepak Nair
Study of Astrology is linked with the study of Astronomy. Our ancients had thorough knowledge of astronomy which they gained by studying the movement of Sun, Moon and planets against theMore Info

Thumb The Mirror Of Fate
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
Thumb is the main centre of Conscious power and is directly Connected with brain. It is also the centre of will power and represents a person’s personality. It is far more important thanMore Info

Be Your Own Astrologer Ascendant - Aries
Bhojraj Dwivedi
Be Your Own Astrologer Ascendant - AriesMore Info

Be Your Own Astrologer Ascendant - Libra
Bhojraj Dwivedi
Be Your Own Astrologer Ascendant - LibraMore Info