V. S. Ramakrishnan Nair
The book contains all basic principles of astrology in simple language which can be understood by any laymen contents of the book also includes, "signs of death", "what isMore Info
स्वयं बने ज्योतिषी
Ajay Bhambi
ज्‍योतिष का उद्गम गुफा मानव के साथ हुआ, जो बाद में वेदों में प्रकट हुआ। गुफा मानव आरंभ से ही महान खोजी आविष्‍कारक, मानव व्‍यवहार का अध्‍येता, विचारक व वैज्ञानिक था, उसे चीजों कोMore Info
स्वप्न ज्योतिष
Radha Krishna Shrimali
जो व्‍यक्ति सक्रिय है, वह स्‍वप्‍न अवश्‍य देखता है। एक पाश्‍चात्‍य लोकाक्ति है कि – जो मनुष्‍य स्‍वप्‍न नहीं देख सकता, वह जीवित नहीं रह सकता। इसकाMore Info
स्त्रोत शक्ति
Radha Krishna Shrimali
यंत्र-मंत्र-तंत्र की अद्भुत शक्ति में स्‍तोत्रों की अपनी शक्ति है, अपना चमत्‍कार है। अपना बल और वर्चस्‍व स्‍तोत्र का वह माध्‍यम है, जिसकी सहायता से निर्बल भाग्‍य को सबलMore Info
Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time
K. N. Rao
Read the book and the evidences in it. Even if you do not know astrology, you will understand the true stories with evidences. If you know astrology, you will add to your own techniques ofMore Info
षट पंचाशिका
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
प्रश्‍नविद्या ज्‍योतिष-शास्‍त्र की सर्वाधिक चमत्‍कारी विद्याओं में से एक प्रश्‍नकर्ता की जिज्ञासा, इच्‍छा, उत्‍कंठा, शंका या चिंता का समाधान इस शास्‍त्र मेंMore Info
Astrology of the Seers
David Frawley
Astrology of the Seers is a clear yet comprehensive presentation of Vedic astrology and makes this difficult-to-understand subject clear, practical and relevant. it reveals the deeperMore Info
सर्वतो रूद्राक्ष
Sarvato RudrakshMore Info
Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes
B. V. Raman
Astrology in Predicting Weather and EarthquakesMore Info
Astrology In Marriage Counselling(Rev.Ed.)
Manik Chand Jain
Astrology In Marriage Counselling(Rev.Ed.)More Info
Astrology in Buddhism
Jhampa Shaneman
The ultimate purpose of Buddhism is to serve and benefit humanity therefore I believe that Buddhist ideas have a positive contribution to make to human society whether in the East or theMore Info
Astrology and You
Gopesh Kumar Ojha
The present book proposes to bring Astrology within the easy grasp of the layman. You will be delighted to unravel the mystery of your future, and that of your near and dear ones. What isMore Info
Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper
Gayatri Devi Vasudev
This book is an inspired collection of writings that expose the fraud of `Scientific temper" in its attacks on Astrology. Astrology has always had its critics criticism in indeedMore Info
Astrology and Religion in Indian Art
Swami Sivapriyananda
Astrology and Religion in Indian ArtMore Info
Astrology and Reincarnation
Manly P.Hall
ABOUT THE BOOK: Evolving over many centuries, astrology serves as a way to explain events in life that otherwise would appear inexplicable or arbitrary. Manly P.Hall endeavors to pick upMore Info
Astrology and its Utility
Onkar Lal Sharma 'Pramad'
Astrology is a wonderful science. Its accurate knowledge reveals the truth hidden in our future life. This book is the collection of my English articles published in english magazines fromMore Info
Astrological Guidance for Friendship and Profit
R.N. Vyas
Astrological Guidance for Friendship and ProfitMore Info
Astrological Exploration of the Soul
Bepin Behari
Astrological predictions have since long baffled the man. He wanted answers to his psychic quest, methods of self-realization and a knowledge of his ultimate goal. Astrology indicated thatMore Info
Astrological Biographies
Bepin Behari
Astrological Biographies shows that the life of every individual is guided by the same set of stellar impulses and everyone, howoever eminent he may be has to bear his own cross. The sorrowsMore Info
Astrological Applications Of Kota Chakra And Sanghatta Charkra
K. K. Joshi
Planets speak many languages. The language of 'Chakras' is one of them. A 'Chakra' is a special arrangement of rashis or nakshatras which simplifies the study of transits forMore Info
Astrological Analysis of Indian Affairs (1947-2050)
This book attempts to trace the history of post-Independent India astrologically. It presents the key events chronologically along with the important indicators of these events groupedMore Info
Lyn Birkbeck
An Interactive guide to take a dip and enjoy the following without any calculations: Your Emotional Intent-putting you in physical and emotional touch with the power and meaning of yourMore Info
Aspects In Vedic Astrology
Gopesh Kumar Ojha
Through astrologers are well aware that it is the aspects between planets which has been planets which add detail and definition to a birth chart, there has been no single work which dealsMore Info
Applied Astrology
Margaret E. Hone
After many years of teaching astrology, first to private pupils and then to classes, it has become increasingly obvious that the student is hampered in his early days by not being able toMore Info
Application of Prasna Astrology
V. K. Choudhry
• Concepts and Analytical Techniques • Insight • Identifying Prasna Prime Determinants, Afflictros, Significators, Timing Events & Recovery • Application ofMore Info
Annual Horoscope 2009
Bejan Daruwalla
* Your complete future in 2009: Career, Love & Luck, Money, Family & Children, Wealth & Health, Happiness & Friendship * Detailed forecast for 2009: Annual, Monthly, DetailedMore Info
राहु केतु एवं ग्रहण विचार
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
राहु-केतु के बारे में भ्रमपूर्ण कथाएं, किंवदंतियां यत्र-तत्र-सर्वत्र व्‍याप्‍त हैं, जिसका सत्‍या सत्‍य अंवेषण, वैज्ञानिकी स्‍पष्‍टीकरण आज के युग की मांग है। प्रस्‍तुतMore Info
प्रश्न ज्योतिष
Radha Krishna Shrimali
प्रश्‍न ज्‍योतिष, प्रश्‍नकर्ता की जिज्ञासा, उत्‍सुकता, उत्‍कण्‍ठा, इच्‍छा, शंका अथवा चिंता या अन्‍याय प्रश्‍नों का समाधान इस शास्‍त्र मेंMore Info
पांव तले भविष्य
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
क्‍या हाथ की रेखाओं की तरह पादलत या पांव की-रेखाओं के माध्‍यम से मानव का भूत-भविष्‍य जाना जा सकता है? यदि हां तो पांव के तलवे व उसकी रेखाओं द्वारा भविष्‍य-कथन की परम्‍परा कब सेMore Info
New Dimensions Of K P Astrology
Arastu Prabhakar
New Dimension of K.P. Astrology is an extension of the research by great savant of astrology late professor Krishnamurti. The importance of traditional astrology can neither be mitigated norMore Info
नीच भंग राजयोग
Ajay Bhambi
नीच भंग राजयोग की श्रेणियों में कई लोग आते हैं जो हम सबके आसपास होते हैं। आप चाहें तो उन्‍हें पहचान भी सकते हैं। एक श्रेणी में वो लोग होते हैं जो अपनी पीड़ा, असुविधा, संघर्ष को निहायत हीMore Info
नाड़ी ग्रंथ भविष्य
Shashikant Oak
नाड़ी शास्‍त्र भारतीय तथा साहित्‍य का अनमोल खजाना है। अनेक महर्षियों ने आज से हजारों वर्ष पूर्व, लाखों-करोड़ों लोगों के लिए तमिल भाषा में लिखे नाड़ी भविष्‍य को प्राचीन ताड़ पत्रों परMore Info