Panchpakshi Compatibility For Owl And Rooster

Owl Man & Rooster Woman

Compatibility Analysis

The birth-chart comparison through Panch Pakshi method shows that both the birth-birds have relation of enmity which will also influence your married life. Be serious towards your responsibilities otherwise there would be lack of compatibility in your relationship and may also have disagreements with your spouse.

Try to be cooperative and keep control over your temper otherwise you may have disagreements with your spouse and your marriage may suffer as a result. Do not be self-centered and respect the needs and expectations of your spouse for a smooth married life.

Couple's Personality Traits

The Panch Pakshi method of Birth-chart comparison indicates that you will have a short temper due to the impact of your birth-bird Owl. You will bean enthusiastic person and move ahead by overshadowing difficult situation. You will chase your dreams to achieve them. You like salty food.

You will have a sober nature and will make very well thought out moves but avoid being self-centered. Keep control over your temper as you tend to develop feeling of hatred against people who betray you. You love eating tangy food.

Recommendations From The Panch Pakshi Shastra

Faith, affection and commitment are the pillars of a successful marriage so realize the merits of your spouse instead of demerits. Support each one to overcome difficulties and try to spend quality time with each other. Also worship Lord Ganesha and Lord Vishnu to reduce difficulties from your life.
