Numerology love compatibility for 9 and 7

marriage numerology

The ruling planet for number 7 is Neptune while the ruling planet of number 9 is Mars. This association can turn into an ideal relationship. People of number 7 are intelligent, philosophical, spiritual, artistic and non-materialistic. On the other hand, people of number 9 are outgoing, compassionate, sensitive and spiritual. A combination of these two numbers brings harmony, peace and prosperity in life.

The people in this association have a deep spiritual connection. This relationship is considered to be very successful no matter if it is for love, business or friendship. This couple is anything but neutral in their affiliation. They are listed neutral because the relationship can go either way depending largely on spiritual beliefs. Both have strong spiritual inclinations and deeply held positions. However, these views on the spirituality and god often divide these two along rigidly held lines. In such cases, compromise is usually not an option. When the spiritual positions are in harmony, this can be a very compatible combination.