Numerology love compatibility for 8 and 9

marriage numerology

The ruling planet of number 8 is Saturn while the ruling planet of Number 9 is Mars. People of number 8 are ambitious, power hungry, material seeking, hard working and believe in sound judgement. On the other hand, people of number 9 are impulsive, dynamic, family oriented and not interested in materialism. People of number 8 usually try to take control of people of number 9. Therefore, there is a great need of a proper understanding between the two.

This association is considered to be very good for romance. Both the partners will however be very careless with money. Due to this reason, they are better lovers than friends or business partners. There might be a situation in this association where two highly motivated individuals who are motivated in different ways may find it hard to understand the ways of each other. When they are able to work as a team, this is a powerful and often inspirational pair. But, the combination fails to click quite often.