Numerology love compatibility for 3 and 6

marriage numerology

The ruling planet for number 3 is Jupiter and the ruling planet for number 6 is Venus. This is a good association. People of number 3 enjoy their life with people of number 6. In the same way, people of number 6 like the wise company of people of number 3. These two numbers spend their life blissfully with each other. Both of them have similar likes and dislikes.

This association naturally works well in most of the cases. People of number 3 are full of enthusiasm and ideas. People of number 6 provide stability, support and encouragement. These two people work together as a team. The chemistry is usually very strong and durable. The problem can only arise when the people of number 6 are jealous of the flirtatious nature of people of number 3. They will have to learn that this is their born trait.

People in this association can build up a family together. This is also a good combination for business partnerships.