You have Leo Sunsign & Sagittarius Moonsign

You have the combination of Leo Sun sign and Sagittarius Moon sign. This combination makes you very dynamic and vibrant. You want thrill and excitement in life. You want to be constantly on the move. You want to explore new places and enjoy new journeys in life. Leo adds energy and high-mindedness to your personality. Leo makes you friendly and responsible. Sagittarius makes you sincere, truthful and open. You attitude is positive, faithful and flexible. You are very passionate and zealous.

You may be impatient and always on the edge. You are an activist, always ready to act. You must channel your energies to do something constructive and beneficial. You tend to be very easily exhausted. Strength of your mind and lively attitude can take you places, when put in the right direction.

You need steady aims in life to make good use of your fiery energy. You must work sincerely and use your creativity to achieve your goals. It is hard to pin you down. You hate routines and systematic work. You are not steady and stable. You cannot concentrate on one objective and on relationship. You want excitement and change in life.

You hate mean and small-mindedness. Dull and stale people turn you off. You are demonstrative and express yourself freely. You are not diplomatic and tactful. You want to fly like a free bird. You hate restrictions and obligations.
