Remedies For Planet Pacification in Navratras

Performing puja for planet pacification during nine days of Navratri is considered to be very auspicious. This special puja eliminates all kind of sufferings and obstacles from life caused by malefic planets. Those who are inclined to attain sadhana  perform special pujas during these nine days. Moreover, those who suffer from afflicted planets can also get relief from the ill-effects of malefic planets by worshipping the gods and goddesses during the ten days of Navratri.

Planet Pacification Rituals with Durga Puja

Goddess Durga is the deity of all tantra and mantra. She is the goddess Kalratri, Kali and Kapalini. All kind of tantra -mantra is born from her. According to the astrology, all the beings on the earth suffer from some or the other afflicted planets. Therefore, to ge3t relief from the ill-effects of malefic planets, worshipping the goddess is the only solution one can perform. Performing planet pacification during nine days of Durga puja gives results early. People worship the goddess by establishing the urn at home, followed by other rituals. Performing planet pacification ceremony of each planet on one day concludes to pacification of nine planets during Navratri.

Rituals For Pacification of Nine Planets

Planet pacification works are done during the nine days of Navaratra. On Pratipada, worship is done to pacify Mars, on Dwitiya for Rahu, on Tritiya for Jupiter, Chaturthi for Saturn Panchami for Mercury, Shashthi for Ketu, Saptami for Venus, on Ashtami for Sun and Navami for Moon.

First of all, Kalash is established on the first day of the Navratri, followed by worshipping the goddess. Now, create yantra on a red cloth with your hands. Make three columns on the yantra. Mark Mercury, Venus and Moon on the top most column of the yantra. Establish Jupiter, Sun and Mars in the middle column and Ketu, Saturn and Rahu at the bottom. Now, worship the yantra by chanting Navgrah bek mantra and begin the Navagraha puja.

Planet pacification puja is performed for Mars on the first day of Navratri. After performing the puja, panchmukhi rudraksha rosary bead is used to chant the Mars’s beej mantra. Chant this mantra for 108 times, followed by reciting Mars Kawach and Ashtotarashatnam. Likewise, Rahu is worshipped on the second day of the Navratri. Rahu beej mantra should be chanted 108 times, followed by reciting Rahu kawach and Ashtotarashatnaam.

The rituals to perform planet pacification for others planets is similar as described above. On the tenth day the Yantra should be worshipped and established in the puja room of the house.

Rosary For Planet Pacification

The rosary bead to chant the mantra for planets should be different for different planets. Panchmukhi rudraksha or black beaded mala is good for Rahu and Saturn. For Mercury, Charmukhi rudraksha or green akik mala, naumukhi rudraksha for Ketu, rosary of white akik, sandalwood beads, or rhinestones for Rahu, Red akik rosary, panchmukhi rudraksha or red sandalwood beads are used for Sun, pearl rosary, or white akik rosary for Moon.

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Upang Lalita Fast – Upang Lalita Panchami 2025 – Upang Lalita Vrat

Goddess Lalita is one of the greatest power of ten mahavidyas. Observing Upang lalita fat is considered to be very auspicious for the devotees. In 2025, Upang Lalita fast will be observed on 26th of September. Worshipping goddess Lalita on this day with devotion and faith brings happiness and prosperity in the life of the devotees. As per the belief, a sight of the goddess gives relief from the troubles and sufferings of life. She provides a person with happiness and contentment throughout the life.

Upang Lalita

The description of Upan Lalita can be studied in various ancient scriptures. As per the legends, According to this Purana, Devi Sati attended the Yagya performed by her father, Daksha. She could not bear the insult of her husband, Lord Shiva, and thus jumped into the fire. Lord Shiva lifted Sati’s body on his shoulders and started roaming all around the world with the dead body. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu used his Chakra to dissect Devi Sati’s body into 108 parts. In this way, Shaktipeeth were established wherever these parts of the body fell on Earth. Ma Lalita holds the same place. Devi Sati came to existence as Lingdharini in Naimish. She later came to be known as Devi Lalita.

According to another legend, Devi Lalita came into existence when Pataal Lok was being destroyed by Lord Brahma’s Chakra. Even the saints were scared when this was happening. The whole world started submerging into water. All the saints started worshipping Ma Lalita and asked for her help. Devi Lalita was impressed and stopped this destructive Chakra. The whole world was given a new life.

Upang Lalita Panchami

Observing Upang Lalita fast provides properity and hapiness to the devotees. The worshipper obtains immense power and strength by worhipping the goddess.  huge gathering of the devotees can be seen in the  Lalita Devi’s temple. A lot of fairs are organized in different place on thi day. Thousands of devotees take part in these fairs with a lot of zeal and excitement. Maa Lalita Devi’s worship is considered to be special and important in hindu culture.

This day is celebrated throughout the country. According to legends, Devi Lalita was born on this day in order to kill a demon. Devotees worship the goddess with enthusiam and fervour. Skandamata and Lord Shiva are also worshipped along with the goddess Lalita.

Upang Lalita Pujan

Lalita Devi Jayanti is celebrated on the fifth Navratri in the Shukla Paksha of Ashwini month. Devotees fast on this day with full dedication. This day is also known as Lalita Devi Jayanti Vrat. Devi Lalita’s appearance is considered to be enlightening and peaceful. Mata should be worshipped with devotion, dedication and a pure heart.

According to Kalikapurana, Devi has two hands, belongs to Gaur Varna and resides on top of a Lotus. Worshipping Lalita Devi provides a person with success. According to southern rulers, Devi Lalita is another form of goddess Chandi. Lalita Devi is worshipped in the same way as Ma Chandi along with puja like Lalitopakhyan, Lalitasahasranaam and Lalitatrishati.

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Saint Valmiki Jayanti 2025 | Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti | Valmiki Jayanti 2025

Saint Valmiki was one of the most popular sages of ancient times. He he is well known for his contributions in ancient literatures. The epic scripture, Ramayana was composed by him. This is the reason that the original Ramayana is popularly known as Valmiki’s Ramayana by people around the world. Ramayana is based on the life story of Lord Rama and related incidents, that depict various duties and responsibilities of a human towards life.

Saint Valmiki is well known as a composer of Ramayana. Sage kashyap had a son named, Varun/Aditya. Once Varun was sitting under a tree in a deep meditation. Soon, an anthill grew around him. After a long penance, a divine light came upon him and said that he was free from all sins, and that he was to be called “Valmiki” from then

Life Story Of Saint Valmiki

Valmiki’s birth name was Ratnakar, before he became a saint. He used to do to illegal activities to fulfill the basic needs of his family. Once he encountered Narad Muni, passing by the forest. He asked Ratnakar about the reason of his bandit activities, on which he replied that he does all this to feed his family. On this Narad Muni asked him whether his family members will also be ready to take the responsibility of these sins.

Narad Muni told him that when your parents would not be responsible for his sins, why he wants to indulge himself into such bad acts. Listening to this statement of Narad Muni, Ratnakar feels shattered and enlightened. He bowed to him and fell to his feet. He told him that he will adopt the path of virtue and wisdom and leave all bad activities. Narada told him to repeat Lord Rama’s name and that would assist him. But, he was unable to chant Lord Ram’s name, on which Narad Muni asked him to chant, “Mara, Mara”, which ultimately was pronounced as Ram. Thus, he became a saint and started living a righteous life.

Valmiki Ramayana

One day, Valmiki was touched by seeing the love act between two birds. Suddenly, due to the attack of an eagle, the male bird dies that leaves the female bird shattered and upset. Listening to the rhythmic sound of the female bird, Valmiki realized his ability to create rhythmic verses. He started singing the shlok, “ Ma Nishad Pratishtha Twamgam Shashvati Samah | Yatkronchamithunadekam Avadhi Kammohittam ||, which became the base of Ramayana.

Celebration of Saint Valmiki Jayanti

Saint Valmiki Jayanti is celebrated with zeal and fervor around the nation every year. Special pilgrimages are organized on this day. Devotees can be seen reciting Ramayan with affection, and respect. Ramayan depicts the feelings of sacrifice, love, success and penance. Valmiki aimed at enlightening the minds of people through his composition.

On this day, the Valmiki temples are decorated beautifully. Devotees visit the temples and take part in religious and spiritual activities. Enthusiastic young people can be seen dancing and yelling in front of the jhanki carried in devotion of Lord Rama.

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Dussehra Auspicious Muhurat 2025 – Dussehra Muhurat – Vijayadasami Muhurat 2025

Vijayadashami, also known as Dussehra is celebrated with enthusiasm and fervour in the country every year. The festival of Vijayadasami is celebrated on the Dashami Shukla paksha of Ashwin month. It is a festival that signifies victory of good over evil. It represents  establishment of dharma and peace. On the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami, Ramlila is organized in different corners of the country to depict the significance of this festival. Kshatriya worship their weapons on this day and a sight of Lord Neelkanth is considered to be very auspicious. Dussehra is celebrated after the Navratra on the 10th day of the Navratra.

Dussehra is considered to be an highly auspicious muhurat.  It is an Abhuj Muhurta. Taking up new projects and inaugurating any business is considered auspicious on this day. Purchasing any new vehicle, electronic item, gold and clothes on this day  is also considered auspicious.  Worshipping lord Neelkantha on Dussehra brings prosperity.  People start new work on the day of Dussehra. They perform special rituals like Shastra Puja. In ancient times, Kings used to worship for victory before  going on for any war. Fairs are organised in every corner of the country. Dussehra is a symbol of sacrificing all the evil deeds, anger, ego, violence etc.

Dussehra Pujan

All the members of the family should complete their daily routine tasks and wear new clothes before the puja. Then, prepare 10 balls i.e Kanda from the cow’s dung and apply curd on each of them. Barley is grown on the first day Navratra. This plant is then kept on the Kand and then the god is worshipped with Dhoop, Diya, Rice and Roli. At some places there is a ritual to keep barley on the ear of son in a family and are offered to Lord Rama. Rest of them are kept in the puja.

Vijayadasami Muhurat

On this day, lord Rama killed Ravana. According to mythology, Sitaji was kidnapped by Ravana during her exile with lord Rama. Lord Rama fought with Ravana with the help of his brother Lakshman and Hanuman Ji and brought Sita back.

During the nine days of the war, Lord Rama worshipped goddess Durga and killed Ravana on the tenth day i.e Dashami. This is the reason that Vijayadashmi is one of the most significant day in Hindu mythology. On this day, Ravana is burnt along with his brother Kumbhakarna and son Meghnad in the form of a mannequin. After worshipping the Ravana’s idol in the morning, the mannequins are burnt on the onset of “Vijaya” star. This activity is completed before the sunset, as according to the hindu culture the cremation ceremony should be performed before sunset only.

Vijayadashami Puja

Many traditions and versions are completed in the festival of Dussehra. Many customs are practised in this festival and some important religious works like Krishi Mahautsava, Shastra Mahautsava, Shani Pujan, Aparajita Pujan and Shastra Pujan are performed.  The festival of Dussehra has its own cultural significance. In India, farmers bring home the grown crops in a form of wealth and worship the grains on this auspicious occasion. This festival is celebrated in various different forms throughout the country.

In Maharashtra this festival is also known as Sima Ullanghan. People cross the border of their territory on this day in the evening dressed up in new clothes and get the leaves of the “Shammi tree”. These leaves are then exchanged among friends and relatives as gold. Lord Shri Rama got victory on this day. On the tenth day of Ashwin Shukla, a star named Sandhya rises and during its rise a phase comes known as “Vijya Kaal” that is considered auspicious to complete any work. There is a story related to the celebration of this festival, which is as follows:

Once Devi Parvati was curious to know about the importance of this festival. She asked Lord Shiva to give her the answer and settle down her curiosity. Lord Shiva told her that in the evening of Ashwin Shukla’s tenth day a star rises in the sky during which a phase comes knows as “ Vijaya Kaal” and this phase is auspicious to get victory over enemies and all the wishes are fulfilled during this Kaal. If Shravana Nakshatra is formed on this day, then it becomes more auspicious. Lord Rama attacked Lanka during this phase and got victory over Ravana on this day only.

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Worshipping Goddess Shakti in Navratri

There is a belief about Navratri that even the Gods worship goddess Durga, also known as Maa Shakti. In Navratri, the nine different forms of goddess Durga are worshipped.  Goddess Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Ma Gauri and Siddhidatri are  worshipped respectively during the nine days of Navratri. Worshipping the goddess Shakti gives relief from all kinds of sufferings and obstacles of life.

During Navratra, Jau is kept in any big utensil full of sand to grow in-front of the idol or image of Goddess to worship. On one side, a Kalash full of water is established and a raw coconut is kept on it. After establishing the Kalash, the Akhand Jyoti(lamp) is burnt. This Jyoti should burn for whole nine days and night. Lord Ganesh is worshipped first and after that Varun Dev, Lord Vishnu, Shiv, Sun Moon and the other nine planets are also worshipped.

After worshiping the Gods, goddess Shakti  is worshipped. Fast is observed daily during Navratri and Path of Durga Saptasati and Devi is chanted. Mata Durga is known by different names like: Gyana, Kriya, Nitya, Balparda, Shubh, Nishubh harani, Mahishasura Mardini, Chand-Mund Vinashini, Parmeshwari and the one to bless Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. In addition, devi  Mantra can also be recited.

Navgrah Yantra Puja In Navratri

Planet pacification works are done during the nine days of Navaratri. On Pratipada, worship is done to pacify the effects of planet Mars. On Dwitiya tithi the pacification puja is done  for Rahu, on Tritiya for Jupiter, Chaturthi for Saturn Panchami for Mercury, Shashthi for Ketu, Saptami for Venus, on Ashtami for Sun and Navami for Moon. Before starting the pacification work, Kalash is established and Mother is worshipped. After worshiping an instrument consisting nine blocks is made on a red cloth. In the first three blocks: Mercury, Venus and Moon; in the middle block: Jupiter, Sun and Mars; and in the lower block: Ketu, Saturn and Rahu is given the place.

After this Navgrah Beej Mantra is worshipped, then Navgrah Shanti(Peace) resolution is taken and then Mantra of planet is chanted according to the day. Since Durga Saptashati consists of 700 Maha Mantra it is known as Saptashati. It is believed that following these rituals help devotees to get all his desires fulfilled.

Navratri Fast Rituals

During Navratri the three powers should not be worshipped in the same house. The Goddess likes Kaner and fragrant flowers so only these flowers should be used for worshiping. Kalash should be established in the day and Idol of the Mother should be decorated with red clothes. The worshiper should sit on a red cloth or warm platform and worship.

The person observing Navratri fast should eat righteous food and that too only once in the day. Alcohols and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided. In addition, hair and nail cutting should also be avoided. Celibacy should be maintained. On the Ashtami and Navami of Navratri, 9 small girls and a boy of age less than ten years are fed and Dakshina should be given. Boys are considered the guise of a Bhairav. Performing Havan on a previous night of the day of feeding the girls and a boy(Kanjak) is considered auspicious. After feeding them, the germinated Barley and the sands are immersed in the water to conclude the fast.

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Importance of Holy Bath in Kartik 2025 – Kartik Snan 2025

In 2025, Kartik holy bath will commence from 06 October. With the commencement of Kartik month, the devotees starts performing religious ceremonies, take bath in the holy river, observe fasts and worship all the gods and goddess with full faith and devotion. As per the scriptures, it is  believed performing bathing rituals in the Kartik month have special significance in Hindu culture. It gives relief from the sufferings and sins of life.

Kartik month is considered to be an auspicious month to perform religious ceremonies. It is believed to give results equivalent to visiting all the pilgrimages. The significance of Kartik month can be studied in various popular ancient scriptures such as Skanda purana, Narada purana, Paghya purana etc.

Taking bath in the holy water during the Kartik month is considered to be as auspicious as taking bath in the Ganga 1000 times, 100 times magh bath, crore times in Narmada river during Vaishakh month. The result that one gets by taking bath in the Prayag in Kumbh is equal to taking bath in one holy river during the Kartik month. Chanting Gayatri Mantra during this period is believed to give good results. Those who follow all the rules and regulations as mentioned in the scriptures gets relief from all sins.

Significance of Holy bath and Donation in Kartik month.

Kartik month is considered to be auspicious for performing religious works. Taking bath in holy rivers commencing from the Ashwin Shukla paksha to Kartik Shukla Paksha is considered to be very auspicious. Devotees can be seen bathing in holy rivers like Ganga and Yamuna early morning during this period. Those who are unable to take bath in holy rivers, can take early morning and worship the lord at home only. Worshipping lord Shiva, goddess Chandi, lord Sun and other gods and goddess have special significance as well. There is also a tradition of worshipping lord Vishnu with flowers.

Performing all these rituals give results equivalent to that of Ashwamedha yagya. Lord Kartikeya is the deity of this month and thus, Kartikeya fast is observed by devotees. Every person should take bath on this date and donate to needy people according to his own potency. Pushkar, Kurukshetra and Varanasi are the  best places to perform religious ceremonies, holy baths and charity.

Kartika Holy Bath Puja

Worship Radha – Krishna with tulsi, amla etc in the morning after taking bath, along with all other gods and goddesses. In the evening worship Lord Vishnu and goddess Tulsi by lightning a  diya. It is believed that in the Kartik month, the rays of Sun and Moon have a positive effect on the body and mind of humans. Worshipping Lord Vishnu, goddess Tulsi in Kartik month has a special significance and the one who does it is blessed with good fruits.

The devotees eat tara bhojan during Kartik month. They keep fast for the whole day and eat food only after worshipping the stars in the evening. On the last day of the fast, udyapan is done and priests are offered some kind of dakshina. With the commencement of Kartik month, the rituals to perform holy bath and donations also begins. Male and females both visit pilgrimage places and perform religious activities with faith and devotion. People make donations and offer their prayers to the lord according to your potency.

This day is also known as Tripuri Purnima. According to the trinity gods, it is a very auspicious day to perform religious activities and obtain god’s blessings.Paghya yoga also has a special significance on this day. It is formed when the Moon is in the Krittika Nakshatra and Sun is in the Vishakha Nakshatra.

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Sharad Purnima 2025 – Kojagar Fast – Sharad Purnima

Sharad purnima is celebrated on the purnima of ashwin month. In 2025, sharad Purnima will be celebrated on 6th October. Sharad Purnima is also known as Kojagar Purnima and Ras purnima.  In some states it is also observed as Komudi fast. On this day Lord Vishnu and Moon are worshipped. People hear their legends and recite path on this special occasion. According to scriptures, on this day Moon acquires all of its sixteen qualities. The devotees should worship the lord while reciting lakshmi stotram path. It is believed that goddess Lakshmi can be pleased by observing Kojagar fast on this Purnima. The person observing the fast obtains wealth, fame, respect etc.

Rituals to observe fast on Sharad Purnima

On the occasion of Sharad purnima the observer should worship his lord with proper rituals and devotion. He should worship lord Indra and goddess Lakshmi with deepak, flowers, incense etc.

Brahmins should be called at home. fed kheer and offered dakshina. This fast is basically observed to receive the blessings of goddess Lakshmi. Those who organize jagrans are believed to receive immense wealth and prosperity in return of their efforts.

This fast is mainly observed by the female members of the family. The females observing fast place a water filled urn on a wooden platform. Then she keeps a glass of wheat topped with money. After that 13 grains of wheat are taken into the palm while listening oaths. Then the glass and the wheat in hand are given to the lady reciting the katha. At night the females observing fast eat food only after worshiping the Moon. There is a tradition of distributing kheer in the form of prasad in temples and sacred places. Traditionally, watermelon divided in two parts, one seasonal fruit and kheer is kept during the puja.

Significance of Sharad Purnima

It is believed that the rituals and deeds performed on this day give fruitful results. Worshipping elephants during the third phase of the day is considered to be very auspicious. As per the legend, lord Krishna performed maharaas on this day. The rain of holy water also took place on this day. Hence, kheer made on this day is kept under the moonlight for the whole night and then distributed as prasad next morning.

Purnima occurring in the Ashwin month is considered to be very auspicious. It is believed to be a day of blessings. Full moon is considered to be the source of holy water and thus, it is believed that Moon showers the holy water on this day. The tradition of keeping the kheer under the moonlight at night is followed with a view that it absorbs the qualities of moon and whoever eats it gets relief from all kind of diseases and illness.

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Navratri Nine Divine Nights

India is a land of Festivals and each of them have a great importance in hindu culture. All these fasts and festivals are celebrated all over India with great zeal and fervor. Among all the fasts and festivals, Navratri fast holds a place of great importance. During the nine divine nights of Navratri,  devotees worship the nine forms of goddess Durga.

The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated twice in a year. The first Navratri of the year lies in the month of Chaitra (March – April), known as Chaitra Durga Puja and other in the Ashwin month (September – October), known as Ashwin Masa Durga Pooja.

Observing Navratri fast for nine days as per the rituals blesses the person with virtue and hapiness. The details of the nine forms of Mata are given here:

Goddess Shailputri

Goddess Shailputri is the first incarnation of goddess Durga and worshipped on the first day of Navratri. Shailputri is the daughter of Himalaya seated on a bull with trident in right hand and lotus in the left. On the first day of Navratra, the devotee enters the cycle of foundation which is a way to begin meditation and attain powers

Goddess Brahmacharini

Goddess Brahmacharini is the second manifestation of Durga which represents enlightening.  Brahma means “tapa” or penance and Charini means observer, thus it is name of the one who observes penance. The goddess is quiet and absorbed in meditation. She is a unique blend of radiance and rigorous austerity that can be seen on her face which highlights all the three worlds.

Goddess Chandraghanta

The goddess Chandraghanta represents supreme knowledge and bliss with radiant face which appear like an image of solar system. A bell shaped mark of moon is present on her forehead because of which she is named Chandraghanta. Her pacifying form clears all the sorrows and sadness of her devotees. All the hindrances coming in way of a person are removed by her blessings.

Goddess Kushmanda

Goddess Kushmanda created the whole universe in the shape of an egg called “Anda” with her little divine smile like a flower which bloomed with a bud. Thus, she is known as Devi Kushmanda as she created the universe with her little egg and gave light through her divine smile.  The core of Sun is the residence of the goddess. She is the only one who controls the functioning of Suryaloka.

Goddess Skandmata

The fifth manifestation of the goddess Durga was named Skanda Mata because she was the mother of lord Skanda. The goddess can be seen showering her motherly blessings on her son Skanda Kumar. The goddess possesses four arms and is seated on a lotus. Goddess Skandmata is the deity of the solar system. By worshiping the goddess in the form of Skanda Mata, the devotee gets all his desires fulfilled and tastes the supreme joy even in this very mortal world.

Goddess Katyayani

The fourth manifestation of Goddess Durga is worshipped in the form of Goddess Katyayani. Goddess Katyayani gives instant results and her devotees get freedom from all the troubles and sufferings in life. She is known to kill the demons and sinners. The worship of Maa Durga as Goddess Katyayani on 6th day of Navratri has a great significance. Yogis & Sadhaks practice penance for Agya Chakra on this day. The person worshipping the goddess can feel a strong sense of enlightenment in himself.

Goddess Kalratri

Devi Kalratri is the seventh manifestation of goddess Durga. She is worshipped on the seventh day of Navratri. She is also known as Shubhankari as she always give auspicious results to her devotees. Yogis & sadhaks enters into the Shastra Chakra on this day

Goddess Mahagauri

Goddess Mahagauri is the eighth manifestation of goddess Durga. Goddess Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day of the Navratra.The goddess protects the husband of those females who worship her with full devotion. Unmarried girls get decent life partners by worshipping Devi Mahagauri. The goddess blesses the gents who worship her with peaceful life and burn all their sins. Goddess Mahagauri blesses her devotees with peace and radiance in life.

Goddess Siddhidatri

Goddess Siddhidatri is the ninth aspect of goddess Durga and hence, worshipped on the ninth day of Navratri. Goddess Durga created this manifestation to shower the sympathy and compassion on her devotees. Devas, sages and humans everyone worship her will full devotion and she showers her immense compassion on the devotee who worships her with pure heart.

Concluding Navratri Nine Divine Nights

On the ninth day of the Navratra, Kanya Puja is performed according to the rituals mentioned in the Shastras. 9 girls representing nine forms og the goddess are worshipped on this day. A person can improve his fortune by worshipping one girl child and salvation by worshipping two  girls on this day. By worshipping 3 girls, one gets the devout mind and wealth, treasure by worshipping 4 girls, wisdom and success by worshipping 5 girls, six kind of achievements by worshipping 6 girls, kingdom by worshipping 7 girls, wealth and prosperity by worshipping 8 girls and domination of earth by worshipping 9 girls. Girls up to 10 years of age are worshipped in Kanya Puja.

First of all, the feet of the girls are washed with water and are made to sit in a row on a pedestal. The girls are worshipped by chanting the Mantras. Then, Kumkum is applied on the forehead of all the girls  followed by tying kaleva on their hands. Halwa, Puri and black grams are served to them. Once the girls finish eating the prasad the devotee touch their feet to get the blessings. Then give them some kind of dakshina before departing them. Goddess Durga gets pleased when  the devotee performs Kanya Pujan with proper rituals and gives him freedom from all the troubles in his life.

Worshiping of Nine Forms of Mother

The Navratra that begins on Ashwin Shukla Paksha Pratipada and continues for nine days is called Sharda Navratra. The meaning of Nav is nine as well as new. From Sharda Navrata onwards, season starts changing and the days become smaller and colder. To avoid the effect of change of season, there is a tradition of observing Navratra fast of nine days since ancient times.

During this period, the worshipper consumes plain food and meditate god. This helps gain good health and virtue. These nine days are also called the day of worshipping Shakti(Power).

There is a tradition of observing Navratra twice a year. First Navratra is from Pratipada of Chaitra month to Navami and the second is exactly after six months in Pratipada of Ashwin Shukla Paksha to a day before Vijayadashami. In the two Navratras Sharada Navratra is given more importance.

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Navratri Puja Vidhi – Navratri Puja

“Navratri” as the name suggests is a festival of nine days and nine nights. During this period, the nine manifestations of Goddesses Durga are worshipped each day. These nine forms of the goddess is also known by the name of “Navdurga”. The nine forms of goddess Durga worshipped during Navratri are: Shailputri on Pratipada; Brahmacharini on Dwitiya; Chandarghanta on Tritiya; Kushmanda on Chaturthi; Skand Mata on Panchami; Katyayani on Shashthi; Kaalratri on Saptami; Mahagauri on Ashtami and Siddhidatri on Navami.

After observing fast for nine days during Navratri, it is ended on Navami Tithi of Ashwin Shukla Paksha. All the major fasts and festivals of Hindus commence from this day onwards. During the nine days of Navratra, different prayers are offered everyday to the nine Goddesses. Here we have presented the rituals to worship all the nine goddess on each day of the Navratri.

First Day Of Navratri : Pratipada Date

On the first day of Navratri, fast is observed and Kalash is established as it is considered to be an auspicious part of every worshipping in HIndu culture. Kalash is said to be a form of Lord Ganesha. As Ganesha is worshipped first of all the Gods, the Kalash is established before beginning the fast.

On Pratipada date, the place is purified by spraying ganga jal and cow dung and then the Kalash is established. Sand of seven colours are mixed and a raised platform is prepared at the purified place on which the Kalash is established. In this Pooja, all the nine planets, Gods and Yoginis are invited and offered to sit in the Kalash. Then, seven different types of grains are sown below the Kalash which are harvested on the tenth date of the Navratri during conclusion. The idol of Goddess Durga is established in the middle of the place of worship. On the right side, the idol of Shri Ganesh and Mahalakshami is kept and on the left the idol of Kartikeya and Goddess Saraswati is kept and worshipped.

Second Day Of Navratri – Worshiping Brahmacharini

On Dwitiya date, the second manifestation of goddess Durga, Brahmacharini is worshipped. Take one flower in your hands while worshipping the goddess and chant, “Dadhana Kar padmabhyamakshamalakamandalu, Devi Praseedatu Mayi Brahmacharinyanuttama”. On this day, Hibiscus and Lotus flowers are used to garland Mata Brahmacharini as the goddess i fond of these two flowers. Lord Shiva is also worshipped along with her as Brahmacharini performed hard penance to get him in the form of husband. Ma Brahmacharini does not fulfill any desire of the devotee without praying for Lord Shiva along with her.

Third Day Of Navratri – Worshiping of Chandraghanta

On the third day, the third manifestation of goddess Durga Chandraghanta is worshipped. It is believed that goddess Chandraghanta removes all the problems and hurdles of life. irst of all, worship all the gods, goddesses, planets, lord of the villages in the Kalash. Then, worship the family members of the goddess which are Ganesha, Lakshmi, Vijya, Kartikey, Saraswati, Jaya etc and at last worship Devi Chandraghanta followed by praying Lord Shiva and Brahmaji.

Fourth Day Of Navratri  – Worshipping of Kushmanda

Goddess Kushmanda is the fourth manifestation of goddess Durga. This form of the goddess is worshipped on the fourth date of Ashwin month. Worshipping this Goddess with full faith and devotion removes all the problems, diseases and pains of life. You start with the worship of Kalasha on this day with all the gods and goddesses and the family members of the goddess invited into it. Then worship Devi Kushmanda by keeping flowers in your hands to offer her and chant,  “ Surasampurnakalasham Rudhiraplutmeva Cha | Dadhana Hastpadhyabhayam Kushmanda Shubhdastu Me ”.

Fifth Day Of Navratri – Worshipping of Skand

Goddess Skand, the fourth manifestation of goddess Durga and the mother of Kumar Kartikeya is worshipped on this day. Person worshipping this form of mother gets the motherly affection of Mata Skand. The blessings of Devi fulfills the wishes of the devotees and brings peace and prosperity at home. Worship the goddess according to the Panchopkar ritual. Lord Shiva and Brahmaji are worshipped in the end of the Puja according to the rituals mentioned in the Shastras. Some people observe the fast of Udyang Lalita on the fifth day of the Navratra. This fast is considered to be very fruitful. Devotees who worship Devi Skandmata with full devotion and attention gets blessings from her and their all his wishes are fulfilled.

Sixth  Day Of Navratri – Worshipping Katyayani

The sixth form of the goddess is known by the name of Katyayani. Since she was born to sage Katyana, her name became Katyayani. By worshipping her, the devotees attains salvation.Worshipping Goddess selflessly makes the person strong and gets victory over his enemies. Maa Katyayani is worshipped in Godhuli Bela. Worship the Kalash on the sixth day and all the gods residing inside it followed by worshipping the family of the goddess seated on the both sides of her. Goddess Katyayani is worshipped in the end with flowers and mantras. Lord Shiva and Brahma should also be worshipped after worshipping the goddess. Lord Shiva is worshipped along with goddess Lakshmi.

Seventh Day Of Navratri  – Worshipping Kaalratri

On Saptami date, the seventh form goddess Durga, Kaalratri is worshipped. This form of Mata blesses the devotees with Riddhi Siddhi. This is called auspicious for persons doing Tantric meditations. According to the rituals mentioned in the scriptures, first of all the Kalasha is worshipped along with all the planets and family members of the goddess. After that one should worship the goddess Kalratri by chanting, “Devya Yaya Tatmind Jagdatmashakta, Nisheshdevganshaktisamuhmurtya, Tambikamkhiledvahamarishipujya, Bhakta Natah Sma Vidadhatu Shubhani Sa nam”. Lord Shiva and Brahma are also worshipped after worshipping the goddess.

Eighth Day Of Navratri  – Worshipping Mahagauri

Mahagauri is the eighth form of Gooddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Mahagauri blesses her devotees with disintegratable glee and power. One should feed unmarried girls on all the days of the Navratra, but Ashtami has its own significance to do so.  On this day the females offer a red coloured stole and perform puja with the same rituals as performed till saptami. While worshipping the goddess Mahagauri chant the given mantra, “ Sidhgandharvashadheyarsureyarameyarapi | Sevyamana Sada Bhuyat Sidhidi Siddhidayini || ”.

Ninth Day Of Navratri- Worshipping Siddhidatri

Goddess appeared in nine forms to bless her devotees. Goddess Siddhidatri is the ninth manifestation of goddess Durga. This Goddess blesses her devotees with all the Riddhi-Siddhis of the world.  All the shlokas of Durgasapshati can be treated as mantras while giving the ahuti to all the gods and goddesses. Recite the beej mantra of devi 108 times as given below while giving the Ahuti to the goddess, “ Om Hrim Kalin Chamundaya Viche Namoh Namah”.  In the end, Lord Shiva and Brahmaji should also worshipped. Distribute the prasada among the devotees and cool down the sacred fire with holy water. The ashes so obtained will help to keep away the evil and wave off the fear.

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Shraddha – Base To Get Relief From Pitra Dosha

It is believed that those who perform remedies for Pitra dosha shanti during shraddh gets relief from pitra dosha. There are many causes and remedies mentioned in shastras for pitra dosha.

As per the belief, it is believed that the soul of the dead ancestors of a family residing in the Pitra Lok i.e a realm between the heaven and the earth visit earth during ashwin krishna paksha. According to Matsya Purana, when Sun enters into the Virgo sign in the month of Ashwin, yamraj allow the ancestors to visit the earth and meet their descendents.

Hence, the ceremonies of Shraddh are performed during this time for the peace of ancestor’s soul and happiness for the future generations. According to the belief, those who do not perform these ceremonies have to suffer from pitra dosha, leading to various troubles in life.

Pitra Dosha is formed if anyone in the family dies unnatural death or it happens many times. It can also happen if family members do not offer water and food to their manes or do not remember their manes in the spiritual activities. Pitra Dosha occurs if no one in the family is interested to perform spiritual tasks or if any family member kills a cow or destroys a foetus in the womb. In these situations, Sun and Rahu form conjunction in the ninth house in the birth chart of that person who is afflicted by Pitra Dosha.

According to the astrologer, the ninth house is the house of father and Sun as a Karaka planet of father is also the Karaka planet of progress, age, promotion and spirituality. If malefic Rahu and shadow planet affects this planet then it forms Grehan Yoga and Pitra Dosha as well. If this Yoga is present in the horoscope, the person gets delayed support of his luck and he has to struggle a lot to achieve success on the work front.

Reasons For Pitra Dosha

There are various reasons for occurrence of Pitra dosha such as untimely death. It can also happen if family members do not offer water and food to their manes or do not remember their ancestors in the spiritual activities.

The sorrows of the families include, inability to get a child or a job, money loss, professional difficulties or household conflicts and so on. The future generation is not able to achieve their goals and accomplishments. To get relief from such suffering, the descendants must perform special ceremonies for the peace of their ancestors. It is said that before pleasing the lord, one should please their own ancestors.

Effect of Pitra Dosha

According to Markandeya Purana, those who perform pitra shraddh are blessed with child birth, wealth, wisdom, and other pleasures of life. On the other hand, those who don’t perform have to suffer from the consequences of pitra dosha. This is the reason performing tarpan, pinddan, and shraddha with respect and faith have significance in hindu culture.

Remedies For Pitra Dosha

In the krishna paksha of ashwin month, shraddh must be perform on the date of the death of ancestors with proper rituals. Sesame, kusha, flowers, rice, pure ganga jal are included in the water. The priest should be donated food, clothes, money etc. according to one’s potency. Shraddh should be performed with full faith and respect for the ancestors.

People who don’t know the date of death of their manes can perform all these activities for pacification of their ancestors on the day of Amavasya. On every Amavasya, put Kheer in the ash of cow dung cake and recall your manes in the south direction and apologize for your mistakes and Karmas. It is one of the beneficial remedies.

Mahalaya shraddh is celebrated from Bhadra Shukla Purnima to Ashwin Krishna Amavasya.

During this time performing auspicious ceremonies and new works are prohibited during this period. Those who do not perform shraddha have to suffer from the consequences of pitra dosha.

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