Ganesh Mahotsav – Ganesh Mahotsav 2025 – Ganesh Festival 2025

The festival of Ganesh Mahotsav commences from the Bhadrapad Chaturdashi, and continue till Anant Chaturthi of Bhadrapad month. Ganesh utsav is celebrated around the country with enthusiasm and fervour. It is a festival of ten days and have special significance in Hinduism. Temples are decorated and Lord Ganesha is established in every home of his devotees. People worship the lord with proper rituals and faith, and hope to receive his blessings next year as well.

Commencing from 27 August 2025, the celebration of Ganesh Utsav will continue till 06 September, 2025. The enthusiasm and happiness of the festival can be seen around the country and abroad. Huge idols of Lord Ganesha are established in temples and worshipped with rituals. Devotees perform special aartis, pandals, and sing devotional songs in devotion of Lord Ganesha.

Das Divsiya Ganeshotsav

The celebration of this festival continue for 10 successive days and a huge crowd of devotees can be seen gathering in temples and performing special pujas and ceremonies. Lord Ganpati has been assigned a special place among all gods , and hence is worshipped by people before commencing any new auspicious work.

It is believed that Lord Ganesha gives relief from all the sufferings and obstacles in life. The results of the fast observed during this period is based on the faith and belief of the observer. He is the lord of “Gana” and, hence known as “Ganpati”. He is the giver of happiness and prosperity. 12 most known names of Lord Ganpati are: Ekdanta, Sumukh, Labondar, Vinayak, Kapil, Gajkarnak, Vikat, Vighan-nash, Dhoomketu, Gandhyakhsha, Bhalchandra and Gajanana.

Ganesh Mahotsav Puja

Lord Ganesha is believed to be the giver of happiness and prosperity. He fulfills all the desires of thew devotees. It is believed that Lord Ganesha was born on Chathurthi of Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha. This is reason people observe fast on this day and celebrate it in the form of Ganesh Mahotsav. Tulsi is not offered to the lord in prayers, while Durva has special significance.

The ritual to perform this fast is similar to that of any other fast observed to please the lord. Ganesha chaturthi fast is observed on the Krishna paksha chaturthi of every month. Worshipping the lord with mantra chanting has special significance in this fast and considered to give auspicious results.

On the day of the fast, the observer must wake up early in the morning before the sunset and perform his daily routine activities. While taking bath add white sesame in the water. Purify the home by sprinkling ganga jal.

Offer the prayers to the lord with ganga jal, dhoop, durva, deep, flowers, rice and water. While worshipping Lord Ganesha chant his beej mantra, “ Om Gan Ganpataya Namah”. Keep 21 ladoos made with pure ghee and distribute it as a prasad after the puja. Donate red clothes in the temple for Lord Ganesha.

Establishment of Ganesha Idol

Around the country the idols of Lord Ganesha are decorated and worshipped by large population. The enthusiasm of devotees can be seen during this festivals around the world. Trading of idol is on the rise during this period. Beautiful small and huge sized idols can be seen displayed in the markets and attract everyone passing by.

It is believed that those who observe fast and worship Lord Ganesha with full faith and devotion is blessed with immense happiness and prosperity. Worshipping him with rituals removes all the sufferings and obstacles from the life of the observer and his all wishes are fulfilled.

Celebration of Ganesh Mahotsav In Maharashtra

Ganesh Chaturthi s celebrated as Ganesh Utsav with full joy and excitement. Although this festival is celebrated everywhere in India, but, it is specially celebrated in Maharashtra. It is also called the main festival of Maharashtra. People establish the idol of lord Ganesha at crossings of road, streets etc. Aarti of lord is performed. The echo of praising lord can be heard coming out from every street. The festival is concluded by immersing the idol of lord Ganeshain water on Anant Chaturdashi.

Special pujas, havans and plays are organized during this festival. The entire Maharashtra can be seen crowded by devotees all over the streets and temples, praising the lord. All the devotees achieve blessings of the lord. THe major attraction in Mumbai is Lal bagh Raja and Siddhi Vinayaka.

Celebration Of Ganesh Mahotsav In Foreign Countries

There are large number of devotees of Lord Ganesha residing in foreign countries as well. The faith of people residing abroad is no less than the devotees in India. In Britain and America, people celebrate this festival with proper rituals and ceremonies.

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Mahalaya Shraddha – Chaturdashi Shraddh

In general, every Amavasya is dedicated to our ancestors. However, Amavasya in Ashwini month is considered to be very auspicious. This Amavasya is also known as Sarva Pitra Visarjani Amavasya or Mahalaya Amavasya. According to Shastras, Shraddh offered on this day is received by all ancestors. People who can not offer Shraddh according to the principles mentioned in shastras should perform it on this day to get auspicious results.

The day of ancestors begins from Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha Purnima. This stays till the day of Sarva Pitra Amavasya. People who can not perform Shraddh for fifteen consevutive days or people who do not know the exact date of death of their ancestor should perform Shraddh on this Amavasya. Ancestors expect you to perform this Shraddh on this day and when you don’t, you may suffer from Pitradosha and face a lot of problems.

Maha means a magnificent day and Alaya means home. Hence, Krishna Paksha is considered to be the period of ancestors and therefore, Shraddh is performed to satisfy them. A person suffering from Pitradosha should perform a Shraddh on the day of Sarva Pitra Amavasya.

Shraddh Principles

According to Shastras, some principles should be followed while performing Shraddh. According to these principles, Shraddh should never be performed on someone else’s property or land. A brahmana should offer prayers and worship to satisfy ancestors. The brahmana should be respected. Otherwise, appropriate results are not achieved.

In the beginning, a part of Shraddh is dedicated to fire. After a havan, food is dedicated to ancestors. Shraddh should not come in contact of pork and other prohibited things. Clothes should also be donated during Shraddh. Both hands should be used to pour water during Shraddh. Shraddh should never be performed in night time. Shraddh should also not be performed during dawn or dusk.

Pind Daan in Shraddh

Pind Daan is considered to be very important during Shraddh. Pind Daan is not done for children or Sanyasis. Rice is primarily used for Pind Daan. It is believed that people who have died are in the form of a Pind. Therefore, Pind Daan is performed. Ancestors are satisfied with things offered in Pind Daan. There are many different types of Shraddh including Nitya Shraddh, Kamya Shraddh, Ekodisht Shraddh, Goshta Shraddh etc.

Chaturdashi Shraddh

Shraddh is performed in the dates of Shraddh Paksha. The best type of Shraddh is considered to be the one which is performed on the day when our ancestors left this planet. If a person does not remember the date of death, Amavasya is considered to be an appropriate date. This way, Shraddh can be associated with many blessings from ancestors. Magha Nakshatra gives immense satisfaction to ancestors. Therefore, Shraddh performed during this period is considered to be very auspicious.

Chaturdashi Shraddh is performed to satisfy ancestors during Ashwini month’s Krisna Paksha or Shraddh Paksha’s Chaturdashi. This Shraddh is considered to be very important for people who died in accidents. A person is blessed if he performs Shraddh on this day.

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Nandanvami Fast – Nandanvami Fast 2025

Nanda Devi is being worshipped since ancient times. Nanda Devi is known to be one of the nine incarnations of Goddess Durga. Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha Navmi and Shukla Paksha Navmi are known as Nanda. This year, Nandanvami Goddess Durga is worshipped during three different periods in an year. Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha Navmi is celebrated as Maha Nandanvami. A fast is kept on Ashtamiand Lord Shiva and Goddess Nanda are worshipped on Navmi. A jagran is organized and food is offered to the Lords. Goddess Chandika is also worshipped on this day.

Nandanvami Puranic Importance

The magnificence of Nanda Devi has been explained in religious texts and folk legends. She has also been talked about in Puranas. Goddess Nanda Devi is considered to be one of the six incarnations of Goddess Bhagvati. According to Vishnu Purana, there were nine incarnations of Goddess Durga including Mahalaxmi, Harsiddhi, Kshemkari, Shivdooti, Mahatunda, Bhramari, Chandramandala, Revati and Nanda. According to Shiva Purana, Nanda Devi resides in the Himalayas. Nanda Devi is considered to be beautiful as well as powerful.

Nandanvami Festival

Nanda Devi is primarily worshipped on Navmi. A lot of fairs are organized on this day in a lot of different places. Kot ki Mai fair and Nanda Devi fair in Nainital are considered to be very important. On the day of Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha Ashtami, an annual fair is organized in Nanda Devi temple in Almora. This fair is extremely crowded and filled with a lot of zeal and excitement.

Nandanvami Worship

Nandanvami worship is carried out on Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha Navmi. Nanda Devi is considered to be an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. A lot of legends are associated with Nanda Devi. Nanda Devi is worshipped and praised on this day. During this period, a devote asks for happiness, success and prosperity. A jagran and katha are organized to worship Nanda Devi. The fast begins on Shukla Paksha Saptami. It goes on till the day of Navmi. Nanda Devi should be worshipped with flowers on Ashtami. A jagran should be organized on Ashtami and young girls should be worshipped and fed. Prasad should be eaten and the fast is ended on Navmi.

Nandanvasi Festival Importance

Nanda Devi is considered to be an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. According to other beliefs, she was one of the seven daughters of Daksha Prajapati. A lot of legends are famous about Nanda Devi. According to one such legend, Nanda Devi was a daughter of Nanda Maharaj. Nanda Devi was born before Lord Krishna’s birth. She escaped from Kansa’s arms and reached Nagadhiraj Himalaya and his wife, Maina. According to another story, Nanda Devi was born to Saint Himvant and his wife, Maina.

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Dadhichi Jayanti – Dadhichi Jayanti 2025 – Dadhichi Rishi

Bhadrapad month’s Ashtami is celebrated as Dadhichi Jayanti every year. According to legends, Saint Dadhichi donated his bones to protect devas. This year, Dadhichi Jayanti will be celebrated on 31 August 2025. Saint Dadhichi jayanti is celebrated with a lot of zeal and excitement all around India.

Saint Dadhichi Story

Saint Dadhichi is considered to be one of the most important saints of ancient times. He sacrificed his life for the welfare of the world. Hence, Saint Dadhichi is respected all around the country. Saint Dadhichi was born to Saint Atharva and Shanti. Saint Dadhichi was totally devoted to Lord Shiva throughout his life. He offered austerities to the Lord and was respected by everyone for his devotion.

Saint Dadhichi and Indra

According to a legend, Saint Dadhichi offered extreme austerities to the Lord. People were terrified to see him like this and Lord Indra’s throne started trembling. His austerities affected everyone. Lord Indra assumed that Saint Dadhichi wanted to acquire Indra’s throne and kingdom.

Hence, Lord Indra sent an Apsara named Roopvati to disrupt Saint Dadhichi’s austerities. However, Saint Dadhichi did not lose his concentration. Roopvati went back to heaven and told Indra about Saint Dadhichi’s concentration power. Lord Indra realized his mistake and apologized to Saint Dadhichi.

Donation of Ashes of Dadhichi and Vritrasur

Once, Lord Indra was terrified of Vritrasur and left his throne. He asked Lord Brahma for his help. But, Lord Brahma told him to visit Saint Dadhichi. Lord Brahma said that if Saint Dadhichi donated his bones, Vritrasur could be killed with weapons made of their ashes.

Saint Dadhichi’s bones were very strong. They could be used for killing Vritrasur. Lord Indra’s weapons were useless in front of Vritrasur and did not affect him. All different weapons of Devas were useless against Vritrasur.

Donation of Dadhichi

Lord Indra Visited Saint Dadhichi and asked for his help. Saint Dadhichi was blessed by Lord Shiva and had a powerful body and bones. Vritrasur could only be killed with an appropriate weapon. Lord Indra asked for Saint Dadhichi’s bones. Saint Dadhichi donated his body to Lord Indra.

Lord Indra used Saint Dadhichi’s bones to create a Vajra. Lord Indra used this Vajra to kill Vritrasur. Hence, the world and Devas were protected with the help of Saint Dadhichi.

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Dashavatar Fast – Dashavatar Fast 2025 – Dashavatar Dasami Vrat

Dashavatar fast is celebrated on the dashami on Bhadrapad shukla paksha. Ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. Lord Vishnu is known by several names. He is known to show his glory in the form of his manifestations.

Devotees call him by different name in different parts of the country. These names represents his glories in different forms. Some of his popular names are : Shri Krishna, Shri Narayana, Baikuntha, Lakshmikanth, Devkinandan, Damodar, Hrishikesha, Keshav, Pundarikaksha, Govinda, Garudadhwaja, Madhava, Swabhu, Daityari, Pitambar, Vishwaksena, Janardhana, Upendra, Indrava, Shori, Shripati, Purushottam, Kansarati, Adhokshaj, Vishvambhar, Kait Manbhar, Vidhu, Shri Hari and Girdhar Gopal.

Important Incarnations of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu manifested into various forms to protect the people of three worlds from the wrath of demons. The glory of his incarnations are described beautifully in various ancient scriptures. It s believed that Lord Vishnu manifests into a new form every time the wrath of demons increases on the earth. This is why he have taken incarnations in every era. In Sanatan Dharma there are 24 incarnations of Lord Vishnu. The primary ten incarnations are as follows:

Matsya Avatar

Lord took the incarnation in a form of fish and protected many saints and animals. As per the legend, he protected the boat of the saint who asked Lord Brahma to save his life. It is also believed that, when Shakasura hid the vedas in the sea, Lord Vishnu took the form of Matsya and brought back the vedas to re-establish them.

Kurma Avatar

In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu balanced Madar parvat on his shoulders while churning the Shri sagar. With his help the devas and demons found fourteen gems.

Varaha Avatar

In tis incarnation he protected the earth from the wrath of a demon, names Hirnayksha. He killed him and gave relief to the people from his wrath.

Narsingha Avatar

In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu killed Hiranyakashipu and protected his devotee Prahlada.

Vamana Avatara

Lord Vishnu incarnated into a priest in Vanama avatar and protected the devas from the sufferings caused by king Bali.

Ram Avatar

In the tretya yoga, he incarnated into Ram avatar to kill Ravana and spread the message of victory of good over evil.

Krishna Avatar

In Dwapar yuga he incarnated into Krishna avatar to kill Kansa and protect the people from his wrath. He established the dharma in this yuga.

Parshuram Avatar

In this incarnation he killed demons creating destruction in all the three worlds.

Kalki Avatar

It is believed that Lord Vishnu will incarnate into Kalki Avatar and come to the earth for the destruction of evil.

This way Lord Vishnu protected the dharma in all the period and killed those who created sufferings for the people.

Dashavatara Puja

The observer must get up early in the morning and perform his routine tasks. He should wear clean clothes and remember the lord with a pure heart. Lit a deep in front of the idol of Lord Vishnu and worship it with roli, turmeric, rice, white sandalwood, garland of flowers, coconut, kapoor, fruits, yagyopaveet, urn etc. Commence the prayer while chanting the name of Lord Vishnu continuously in your heart.

Chant mantras, “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” and recite stotra after offering your prayers to the lord. Devotees perform kirtans and sing devotional songs to please the lord on the auspicious day of dashmi bhadrapad shukla paksha.

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Ganpati Visarjan – Ganpati Visarjan 2025 – Ganesh Visarjan

Commencing from the Bhadrapad Chaturthi, Ganesha Utsav continuos till Anant Chaturthi of Bhadrapad month. Ganesha utsav is a festival of ten days and have special significance in Hindu culture. The enthusiasm of festival can be seen through the country. Temples are decorated and Lord Ganesha is established in every home of his devotees.

Everyone establish the idol of Lord Ganesha, whether big or small in their home, office and temple. Devotees of Lord Ganesha visit Siddhivinayak temple on the chathurthi of Bhadrapad Shukla paksha to offer their prayers to the lord. The excitement of this festivals can be seen in every nook and corner of the country. The festival of 10 days bring lots of joy and happiness and make the environment pleasant.

The festival of Ganesha Mahautsav is celebrated from the chathurthi to anant chaturthi of the bhadrapad month. It is believed that Lord Ganesha gives relief from all the sufferings and obstacles in life. The results of the fast observed during this period is based on the faith and belief of the observer. Lord Ganpati has been assigned a special place among all gods , and hence is worshipped by people before commencing any new auspicious work.

Rituals To Worship Lord Ganesha

It is believed that Lord Ganesha was born on Chathurthi of Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha. This is reason people observe fast on this day and celebrate it in the form of Ganesh Mahotsav. The ritual to perform this fast is similar to that of any other fast observed to please the lord. Ganesha chaturthi fast is observed on the Krishna paksha chaturthi of every month. Worshipping the lord with mantra chanting has special significance in this fast and considered to give auspicious results.

On the day of the fast, the observer must wake up early in the morning before the sunset and perform his daily routine activities. While taking bath add white sesame in the water. Purify the home by sprinkling ganga jal.

Offer the prayers to the lord with dhoop, durva, deep, flowers, rice and water. While worshipping Lord Ganesha chant his beej mantra, “ Om Gan Ganpataya Namah”. Keep 21 ladoos made with pure ghee and distribute it as a prasad after the puja. Donate red clothes in the temple for Lord Ganesha.

Vinyak Chaturthi is the birth date of Lord Ganesha and is celebrated as Ganesh Utsav in the country with enthusiasm and fervour. The festivals ends on Anant chaturdashi by flowing the idol of Lord Ganesha into the sea.

During Ganpati Visarjan, the idol of the lord is carried in a train like carrier. You can hear people shouting, “ Ganpati Bappa Moriya, Agle Baras Tu Jaldi Aa” with enthusiasm and happiness. On this day the lord is given the last farewell with a belief that he will visit again next year to give his blessings. Lots of people gather around the sea shores and rivers to watch this enthusiastic event and bid their farewell to the lord.

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Shraddh 2025 – Pitra Paksha – Kanagat

The time period between Bhadrapad poornima and Ashwin Amavasya is observed as Shraddh every year. In 2025, the shraddha will begin on the Poornima of Bhadrapad from 07 September to 21 September . In this period, the donations made in the name of the dead ancestors is performed in the form of Tarpan. Pitra Paksha is also known as Mahamalya or Kanagat. According to the beliefs in Hindu culture, when Sun enters the Virgo sign, the soul of ancestors comes to the earth to visit their sons and daughters.

Donation and special pujas organized during this period and are known as Shraddh. You can find a lot of detailed description on significance of Shraddha in various ancient scriptures. According to the Hindus, it is believed that the soul of the dead ancestors of a family residing in the Pitra Lok i.e a realm between the heaven and the earth visit earth at the time of Shraddh Paksha or Pitra Paksha. The ceremonies and Tarpan performed at this time for their peace is known as Shraddh. Thus, it is believed that whatever we donate in the name of our ancestors is  received by them also.

For instance, if an ancestor is born with Dev yoni then accordingly the brahmins or priests are fed on their date of death. This food is then believed to reach to the soul of ancestors in the form of amrit. Likewise, if the ancestors belongs to a gandharva lok then the food reaches him in the form of a prasad, in sarpa yoni is it received in the form of air, flesh if the soul belongs to danav yoni, blood in pret yoni, in the form of food when in manushya yoni  and so on.

Shraddha Sanskar

The religious work such as donation, tarpan, pind daan performed during this time for the peace of dead ancestor’s soul  is known as Shraddha.  Acording to the Vayu Purana, “ Mere Pitar Jo Pretroop Hain, Tilyukta Jaun Ke Pindo Se Veh Tripta Ho. Saath Hi Srishti Me Har Vastu Brahma Se Lekar Tinke Teh, Chahe Char Ho Ya Achar Ho, Mere Dwara Diye Jal Se Tripta Ho”.

In this sloka the significance of Shraddh in Hindu culture can be seen very clearly. It is believed that the tradition of performing Shraddh began in the Vedic times.

Reasons For Performing Shraddha

According to the ancient scriptures, during this period the departed souls of ancestors or forefathers leave the Yamaloka or abode of Yama and descend to earth to acknowledge the rites performed by their descendants. It is believed that whatever we donate in the name of our ancestors is  received by them also. According to the granthas, he Shraddha of Pitra Paksha involves oblations to three preceding generations by taking their names along with the name of the family tree. The person of first generation goes to heaven only when the person of second generation dies and hence the Shraddh for the person of first generation are not completed. Therefore, in Pitr Paksha the Shraddha of ancestors of three preceding generations is done to propitiate them.

The three generations of every family consists of father, grandfather and forefather. It is believed that they are considered to be equivalent to three devas. Father is worshipped s Vasu deva, Grandfather is worshipped as Lord Shiva and Forefather is equivalent to Aditya Deva. All these three souls represents other ancestors of the family as well. It is believed that the soul of the Pitra enters into the body of the descendant performing the tarpan, receives the food and go back after giving his blessings to all the family members.

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Padma Ekadashi – Padma Ekadashi 2025 – Padma Ekadashi Fast

The Ekadashi of Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha is known as Padma Ekadashi. In 2025, it will be observed on 03 September On this day, the Vamana incarnation of Lord Vishnu is worshipped by the devotees. Observing this fast increases the happiness and fortune in a person’s life. It is believed that, Mata Yashoda had washed the clothes of Lord Krishna on this day. Hence, this Ekadasi is also called as the ‘Jal Jhulni Ekadashi’.

On this day,Lord Vishnu is seated in a Palki and Shobha Yatra is carried on. The idol of Lord Vishnu is made to have a bath outside the temple. On this occasion huge crowd of people gather to worship the idol of Lord Vishnu. Fast is observed and Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this Ekadashi.

Jal Jhulni Ekadashi Puja

On this day the puja is performed with flowers, dhoop, deep , rice etc. On the first date of this fasts, seven earthen pots are established. These seven urns are filled with seven type of cereals. The seven cereals are- wheat, Urad, Mong, gram, barley, rice and Masoor. On the day before Ekadashi, that is Dashmi Tithi, none of these cereals are eaten

The idol of Lord Vishnu is then placed on the urn and worshipped by the observer. After observing this fast, Jagran of Vishnu Path is performed at night. This fast begins from Dashmi tithi and concluded on Dwadashi (a day after Ekadashi). Hence, the time span of this fast is longer in comparison to others. After observing fast for the whole day on Ekadashi, a pitcher full of cereals is donated to Brahman on the morning of Dwadashi.

Dol Gyaras

Jal Jhulni Ekadashi is also called the Dol Gyaras Ekadashi, in Rajasthan. On this day, Lord Ganapati is worshipped here and the idol of Goddess Gori is established.  On this occasion, many fairs are organised.  At this time, God and Goddess of the temple are taken near river or pond and worshipped. These idols are taken back in the evening and various Shobha Yatras are made. In which, devotees sing Bhajans, devotional songs, perform Kirtans with a happy mood.

An environment of devotion and excitement is created by the Bhajans and drums etc.

Significance of Padma Ekadashi

As per the legend, a King of Suryavanshi, Mandhata was blessed all the pleasures of life. People used to live happily in his kingdom. A time came when the kingdom did not receive any rain for three years. The condition got worse with the time. The king went to seek help from Lord Vishnu and requested him to provide his kingdom relief from this wrath. Lord asks the king to observe Shukla Paksha Ekadashi.

As a result of the fast, the kingdom was filled with joy and prosperity. Hence, a person who observes the fast must donate as per his potency.

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Anant Chaturdashi – Anant Chaturdashi 2025 – Anant Chaturdashi Fast

Chaturdashi in Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month is celebrated as Anant Chaturdashi. Lord Anant is worshipped on this day and an Anantsutra is tied which saves a person from all problems and obstacles.

Anant Chaturdashi Muhurat

Anant Chaturdashi is celebrated on the day of Chaturdashi in Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month. A fast is kept on this day. According to religious scriptures, six minutes or three muhurat are very important during sun rise. According to Shastras, this is Gaun Paksha and it should be between Purvaharan and Madhyahan. According to both the notions, this fast will be done on 06 September 2025 with worship, fast and the ceremony of tying Anantsutra. Besides this, this muhurat is also applicable 4 minutes after sunrise.  Lord Vishnu should be worshipped on this day.

Anant Chaturdashi Story

On this day, Lord Anant is worshipped and Anantsutra is tied which is believed to protect a person from all kinds of problems. It is believed that Lord Krishna asked the Pandavas to keep this fast when they were facing a lot of problems in exile. As asked by Lord Krishna, Yudhishtir kept this fast with his brothers and Draupadi. All of them wore Anantsutra and as a result, all their problems were eliminated.

Anant Chaturdashi Worship

A person keeping this fast should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. He should also keep a Kalash (Pot) in his home. A picture of Lord Vishnu should be drawn on this Kalash. He should take a thread with fourteen knots which would be called Anantsutra. This should be dedicated to Lord Vishnu. After this, Lord Vishnu and Anantsutra should be worshipped. Om Anantayanamah should be chanted. A man and his wife should wear Anantsutra once the worship is finished. Food should be offered to a Brahmana and Prasad should be consumed by the family members.

Anant Chaturdashi Second Story

According to this story, there was a saint named Sumantunam in Satya Yug. He married his daughter to Kaundinya muni. Sumantunam’s daughter Sheela used to keep a fast on Anant Chaturdashi. Even after her marriage, she used to worship Lord Vishnu on this day and wear Anantsutra. As a result, their life was happy and prosperous. But once Kaundinya muni saw this thread in her wife’s hand and did not find it to be appropriate. He asked his wife to remove the thread.

Sheela told her husband that the thread was Anantsutra and she wore it for happiness and prosperity. But, the saint was filled with pride and insulted the thread before finally burning it to ashes. As a result, he faced a lot of problems and his life was disrupted. Kaundinya muni realized his mistake and asked for Lord Anant’s forgiveness. He kept Anant fast for fourteen years. Lord Anant was impressed with his devotion and provided him with happiness and prosperity.

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Santan Saptami Fast – Santan Saptami 2025 – Santan Saptami Vrat

Santan Saptami fast is kept on Saptami of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year, it will be celebrated on 30 august 2025,  This fast is kept to be blessed with a child or for a child’s success and protection. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are worshipped on this day. This fast is considered to be very important.

Saptami Fast Procedure

Saptami Fast is kept by women for their children. A woman keeping this fast should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. She should wear clean clothes. Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva should be worshipped in the morning before beginning the fast.

Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati should be worshipped in the afternoon with sandalwood, rice, lamps, naivedya, supari and coconut. For Naivedya, kheer, puri and jaggery are used. Kalava should be dedicated to Lord Shiva for a child’s protection. The same kalava should be worn and the story associated with this fast should be heard.

Santan Saptami Fast Story

A legend is famous about Santan Saptami fast. According to this legend, Lord Krishna told Yudhishtir that once Saint Lomesh visited Mathura. Lord Krishna’s parents Vasudeva and Devaki served the saint and told him about the death of their other children. The Saint advised them to keep a Santan Saptami Fast.

Saint Lomesh told them about the worship procedure. He told them that Nahush was an aggressive king in Ayodhyapuri. His wife was named Chandramukhi. A brahmana named Vishnudatta lived in his kingdom. Vishnudatta’s wife was named Roopvati. Queen Chandramukhi and Roopvati were good friends. Once, they went to take a bath in a pond. Other women were also taking a bath in the same pond. These women made idols of Lord Shiva and Goddess parvati and started worshipping them. Chandramukhi and Roopvati were curious and asked for the worship’s procedure.

A woman told them that the fast could bless a woman with a child. Chandramukhi and Roopvati were committed to keep Santan Saptami fast. They wore a thread with the name of Lord Shiva on it. But they forgot to keep the fast once they reached home. As a result, they were born as Queen Vanari and Brahamani Murgi in the next life.

They were again born as humans in the next life. Chandramukhi was married to King Prithvinath in this life and Roopvati was born in a Brahmana’s house. Chandramukhi came to be known as Ishwari and Roopvati came to be known as Bhushna in this life. Bhushna was married to Raj Purohit Agnimukhi. In this life too, they were good friends.

Since Chandramukhi forgot about the fast, she had no children in this life too. Bhushna remembered the fast and gave birth to eight beautiful sons. Bhushna visited Queen Ishwari to console her. Queen Sihwari was jealous of her and tried to kill her sons. But, she was unable to kill them. She told the whole incident to Bhushna and asked for forgiveness. She asked Bhushna why she could not kill her children. She told her about the fast. As a result, Queen Ishwari also kept Santan Saptami fast and gave birth to a beautiful son. Since then, this fast is kept for the protection of one’s children and to be blessed with a child.

Santan Saptami fast Worship

Once a woman has heard the story associated with this fast, she should worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in the evening. Lamps, dhoop, fruits, flowers and fragrance should be used in the worship. Naivedya should be offered to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva’s aarti should also be sung.

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