Diwali Festival – Diwali Festival of Lights – Diwali Festival Puja

Diwali is one of the most popular and important festival of Hindus. It is a festival of wealth, joy and fervor. A festival of five days is celebrated on the Amavasya of Kartik month around the country with enthusiasm and joy.

Commencing from the Kartik Krishna Paksha, this festive season continues till Dwitiya of Kartik Shukla Paksha. This festival is celebrated by people to achieve wealth, prosperity and get relief from sufferings and poverty in life. It is considered to be an very auspicious day by businessmen as it marks achievement of prosperity and happiness. A person is said to be rich if he has a health body, happiness in life, he spend money for attainment of happiness, and if he has name, fame, wisdom, prosperity. Every place is decorated with lights on this day.

Diwali is a festival of lights. It has special cultural importance and is an important festival of Hindus. The significance of this festival can be studied in various vedas and ancient scriptures.  On the day of Diwali, married and commercial class people ask for prosperity from Goddess Lakshmi. Whereas, saints and Tantrics wish to have special power attainment and perform Tantric acts at night, on this day

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is a giver of wealth and prosperity. She is the goddess of wealth. She is considered to be a form of peace, radiance and truth. As per the legends, Goddess lakshmi was born on the amavasya of Kartik krishna paksha during churning of the sea by gods and devils. This is why there is a tradition of worshipping goddess Lakshmi on Diwali. Lord Ganesha is also worshipped keeping in mind the significance of wealth and prosperity that this special festival offers.

Worshipping Goddess Saraswati

Goddess Saraswati is also worshipped on Diwali, along with lord indra . It is a very important festival for businessmen and households. Businessmen worship their account and safe on this day to welcome the goddess of wealth. Business owners should make a symbol of shubh labh and swastika at the entrance of their office place. Put roli and flowers on the symbols and chant “ Om Dehlivinayakaya Namah”, while offering their prayers.

Worshipping The Pen On Diwali

A new pen or writing object should be worshipped on the auspicious ocassion of Diwali. Wash the pen with a pure water, tie a role on it and keep it at the place of worshipping. While offering your prayer chant, “ Om Lekhnitskii Devaya Namah”.

Rituals To Worship The Account Book

Businessmen should worship their safe and account books on this day. Establish the safe or account book on the red cloth. Apply the tilak o saffron and red vermilion on the book and make a swastik sign. Write “Om Shri Ganeshaya namah” on a plate with vermilion and keep turmeric stick, garland of lotus and rice. Chant Saraswati mantra, “ Om Shri Saraswateya Namah”.

Worshipping Gods And Goddesses on Diwali

Lamps and diyas are listed on Diwali to eliminate the darkness of evil and devious, and brighten the night if amavasya. It is believed that goddess lakshmi visits earth on Diwali . Therefore, lamps are lighted to show the goddess path to her destination. Every nook and corner is decorated with lamps to eliminate darkness. This time is also known as Mahanishtheen Kaal.

Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi are worshipped on this day. The preparation of the puja begins from the evening only. At an auspicious time the idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshami are established on a platform. Shri sukt and Lakshmi Sukt path are recited during the puja. The prasad or bhog i offered to the god and then distribute among family members and neighbours. At night, everyone celebrate the joy of this festival with crackers.

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Roop Chaturdashi । Roop Chaturdashi 2025 । Roop Chaturdashi Pooja

Roop Chaturdashi is also known as Narak Chaturdashi, Narak Chaudas, Roop Chaudas and Narka Puja. Narak Chaturdashi is celebrated on Kartik Krishna Chaturdashi with worship of Lord Yamraj, the Lord of death. This year, Roop Chaturdashi will be celebrated on 20 October Roop Chaturdashi, 2025. This festivals is celebrated as Choti Diwali. Lamps are lit and houses are decorated on this day. Eating sesame seeds and using oil for a massage and bath are considered to be very important on Roop Chaudas.

Narak Chaturdashi

Narak Chaturdashi puja is done to protect oneself from untimely death and maintain good health. According to a legend, Lord Krishna killed Narkasur on Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha in Kartik month. He freed saints and devas from Narkasur’s horror.

Roop Chaturdashi Mythological Basis

Narak Chaturdashi is also known as Roop Chaturdashi. Lord Krishna is worshipped on this day. A person’s visual appearance is enhanced by worshipping Lord Krishna. According to a famous story associated with Narak Chaturdashi, a saint used to live in a place called Hiranyagarbha. Once this saint tried to invoke the Lord by praying to him. He offered austerities and faced a lot of problems.

Due to the problems that he had to face, he was distressed and tensed. Narad Muni visited him and asked about the problem. The saint asked Narad Muni why he had to face so many problems despite worshipping the Lord. Narad Muni told him that he had prayed in an inappropriate manner and that was the reason why he had to face so many problems.

Narad Muni suggested that the saint should keep a fast on the day of Chaturdashi in Kartik Krishna Paksha. He also suggested that the saint should worship Lord Krishna on this day. Narad Muni assured him that he would be beautiful and healthy if he does so. The saint followed all different principles of the fast and became healthy and beautiful. Due to this, Narak Chaturdashi came to be known as Roop Chaturdashi.

Roop Chaturdashi Importance

On this day, a person should wake up early and take a bath. You should put some Apamarg leaves in water before you take a bath. A four faced lamp should be kept in a plate for worshipping the Lord. Roli, jaggery, gulal and flowers should also be kept in this plate.

After worshipping the Lord, all the lamps are lit in different corners of your home. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi should also be worshipped with dhoop and lamps. Lamps are also donated on this day. Fourteen lamps are lit in southern direction. These are dedicated to Lord Yamraj. A person worshipping with devotion is freed from all sins and problems.

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Hanuman Jayanti । Hanuman Jayanti 2025 । Lord Hanuman Birthday

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on the Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi of Kartik month. In 2025, Hanuman Jayanti will be celebrated on 19 October . Devotees should wake up early in the morning, take bath and worship Lord Hanuman with devotion and faith. Vermilion is mixed with the oil and offered to the god while performing puja ceremony.

On Hanuman Jayanti, devotees offer red color clothes, flag, Sindoor (vermilion) etc. Bhog is given to Lord Hanuman which include, fruits, laddu, wheat churma etc. In the evening, a lamp of jasmine oil is lighted in front of the idol, while reciting sunderkand path. The Hanuman Jayanti on this day is celebrated according to the North India culture, whereas in the South India it is observed in the Chaitra month.

As per the legends, Lord Shiva was born in the manifestation of Lord Hanuman to Ma Anjana. Lord Hanuman was born on the Narak Chaudas of Kartik month. Taking holy bath, making donations and other religious works on this day have special significance according to the ancient scriptures. It is believed that by doing religious activities one gets to achieve auspicious results throughout the month. In some places, people also observe fast to please Lord Lakshmi Narayana.

Hanuman Jayanti Fast

It is believed that worshipping Lord Hanuman by chanting Hanuman mantra brings auspicious results. Reciting Hanuman chalisa path on this day pleases Lord Hanuman. Person observing fast with rituals gets freedom from all sins and obstructions of life. It is believed that Ravana’s Lanka was also burnt by Hanuman on the same day only.

On the day of Hanuman Jayanti, devotees offer vermilion, red clothes, sandalwood, garland of flowers etc. as per his potency. Lord Hanuman is pleased by offering coconut and parts of trees. Also, Dakh-Churma is used in Bhog. Fruits like banana etc. are offered. Aarti is performed using camphor. Lord is bowed, worshipped and then, Bhajan, Kirtans and Jagrans are performed.

Significance of Hanuman Jayanti

Fairs are organised at many places on this day. Some famous places are, Salasar, Mehendipur, Chandpol. his fast can be observed by all age group people. All wishes of devotees come true by observing this fast. Lord Hanuman removes all kinds of sufferings and problems of life.

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Karwachauth Fast 2025 | Karva Chauth Fast | Karva Chauth Vrat

Karwachauth fast is observed on the chaturthi of Kartik krishna paksha. This fast is observed by married females for the long and prosperous life of their husbands. During this year the festival of Karwa chauth will be celebrated on 10th October 2025. Karwachauth is also known as Karak Chaturthi in many states of India.

The significance of Karwachauth has increased with time, especially in Northern India. Among the modern and educated ladies, when on one side the relevance of other fast got reduced, and the fast of Karachauth have become mode of expressing love for the lovers, fiance or husbands. Now, its not just a fast kept by the married women, but it has become the first Vrat kept by husbands for their wives.

Profits earned by market through Karwachauth is quite clear. But, the fast plays an important role in making married life happy and successful. Because Karwachauth today is, not just a festival of tradition rather a source of sharing of feelings.

Historical Significance of Karwachauth

As per the legend in Mahabharat, Arjun goes to Nilgiri hills to perform penance and on the other hand the Pandavas have to go through various sufferings. Draupadi gets upset seeing all the hardships of Pandavas and requests Lord Krishna to provide her the solution for these trouble.

Lord krishna asks Draupadi to fast on the Kartik krishna paksha to get relief from all the troubles. Draupadi observes the fast as recited by Lord Krishna and as a result gets freedom from all sufferings and troubles going on with the Pandavas.


Sargi is an important part of Karwachauth  given by mother-in law to their daughter-in-laws in a form of a blessing. Sargi includes various food items like fruits, sweets etc and clothes and is given in the form of good luck and prosperity. Married women eats this sargi before the sun rise. On this day married women wears special clothes, adorn themselves with jewelry, colorful bangles, bindi and vermilion on the forehead and apply design patterns of heena (Mehendi) on both hands.

Rituals For Karwachauth Puja

On the fasting day, the married women take the pledge to observe fast for the longevity of their husbands. A paste made of wheat and grinded rice are used to make the idol of goddess Gauri and Lord Ganesha sitting on her lap. Put the idol of the goddess, along with a water filled urn on a wooden platform. The idol of the goddess is decorated with vermilion and dupatta.

The fasting ritual of Karwa Chauth signifies utmost love and devotion of a wife to her husband. The fast starts before sunrise and ends after seeing moon on the same day. Ladies observe a day long fast without having food or water for the prosperity and longevity of their husbands on this day.  They fast for the whole day, and worship again in the evening, after hearing the Karva Chauth saga. The fast is concluded by worshiping moon.

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Dhanvantari Trayodashi | Dhantrayodashi 2023 | Dhanteras 2023

According to the mythology, Lord Dhanvantari  appeared on the day of Dhanteras. In 2023, Dhanteras will be celebrated on 11 November on the Kartik Krishna Paksha. It is believed that Lord Dhanvantari the father of Ayurveda appeared on the day of Dhanteras only carrying a pot of amrita in his hand during the churning of the sea.  The lamps are lighted on the main entrance and garden of the house.

Apart from Dev Dhanvantri, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber are worshipped on this day. Yam Dev is also offered Deep Dan on this day. it is believed, worshipping Yam Dev on this day cancel any premature death. After worshipping Yam Dev, a lamp should be lit on the entrance door facing the south direction for the whole night.

Purchasing new gifts, coins, utensil and jewellery is considered auspicious. Puja is performed in the auspicious time and seven cereals are worshipped. seven cereals include wheat, Urad, Moong, gram, barley and Masoor. Golden flowers are used while worshipping Bhagwati. This day, white sweets are used in form of prasad. Worshipping of goddess Lakshmi is considered favorable on this day.

Dhantrayodashi – Kuber Puja

Lord Kuber is worshipped on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras. People should worship the lord on this day as it is considered to very auspicious and fruitful. Establishing Kuber yantra brings prosperity and wealth. Borrowing or lending money should be avoided.

Historical Significance of Dhanvantari Tryodashi

There is a very popular ancient tale related to Dhantrayodashi according to which Lord Dhanvantari appeared holding a pot of amrit and Ayurveda shastra in the other. He was known as the father of Ayurveda and was the doctor of gods in all the three worlds

Significance of Dhanvantari Trayodashi

On Dhanteras the houses are cleaned and rangoli is made at the entrance of the house.  In the evening the candles are lighted at different areas of the house,. People light a candle outside their home and pray Lord Yamraj for their long life. Lord Yam is worshipped to get relief from untimely death. The rituals to light lamps in the evening is performed to signify victory of good over evil and to enlighten the life with a new bright beginning.

Auspicious time to buy things on Dhantrayodashi

Purchasing new items like utensils, jewellery etc is considered to be auspicious on his day. It is believed that purchase of silver, gold etc brings wealth and happiness in the house.  By the auspiciousness of Shubh Muhurat, individual gets favorable health, wealth and longevity. Worshipping is Amrit Muhurat is considered to be most favorable.

At some places the Ayurveda scriptures are also worshipped. This is an important day for ayurvedic practitioners. Ayurvedic schools, hospitals etc perform special pujas in devotion of Lord Dhanvantari. people who are mentally or physically sick should worship him on this day with full faith and dedication.

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Festivals of Kartik Month – Kartik Month Festivals

Karva Chauth Fast

Karva Chauth fast is celebrated on Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha in Kartik month. Married women keep this fast and ask for their husband’s long life. Moon is worshipped on this day by married women. Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha and Goddess Gauri are also worshipped on this day. Women keep a fast on Karva Chauth and pour water in front of the Moon before eating or drinking anything.

Ahoi Ashtami Fast

This fast is kept by mothers on Ashtami in Kartik month. On this day, mothers ask for a long life for their children. This fast is also known as Ahoi Attha. An interesting thing about this fast is that it is celebrated on the same day.


This festival is celebrated two days before Diwali. It is also known as Dhan Trayodashi. A tradition of buying new utensils is followed on this day. People also buy gold ornaments on Dhanteras. A big lamp is lit on the main door during evening.

Narak Chaturdashi

A day before Diwali, Choti Diwali is celebrated. This day is known as Narak Chaturdashi or Narka Chaudas. It is believed that Lord Krishna killed Narkasur on this day. Therefore, this day is known as Narka Chaudas. Prayers are offered in evening and lamps are lit according to your own customs and traditions.


This is the most important day of the five day long festival. A lot of zeal and excitement can be noticed since morning. People offer their wishes and blessings to each other. Everyone decorates his or her house. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi are worshipped in evening. Dhoop, lamps, sweets, red thread, sindoor, flowers etc. are used in puja. There is a tradition of eating sweets after the puja.

Diwali is celebrated every year on Amavasya in Kartik month. This is a very important festival for Hindus. People decorate their house since morning. Lamps are lit in evening. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi are worshipped and sweets or gifts are distributed among friends, relatives and neighbours. Children as well as adults burn fire crackers at night.

Annakut Festival

Annakut festival is celebrated on the next day of Diwali. On this day, vegetables are mixed together to form a special dish. This dish is known as Annakut. Devotees visit various temples to eat this dish on this day. Puris are also offered with Annakut. Curry and rice are also cooked.

Govardhan Puja

Govardhan Puja is carried out at night on this day. Cow dung is used to create a replica of Govardhan Parvat. It is worshipped with dhoop and lamps. Food or prasad is also offered. After the puja, family members circle this replica.

Vishwakarma Day

Vishwakarma day is also celebrated on the same day. Labourers worship their tools on this day. Factories and workshops remain closed on this day.

Bhaiya Duj

The festival of Diwali ends on the day of Yam Dwitiya or Bhaiya Duj. This festival is celebrated on the day of Dwitiya in Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. Sisters put a tilak on their brothers’ forehead and offer sweets on this day. In return, brothers give gifts to their sisters.

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Saraswati Pujan | Goddess Saraswati Puja | Saraswati Puja

Saraswati is the Goddess of voice and knowledge. Knowledge is considered to be most important than everything in this world. It is believed that Goddess Laxmi, Goddess Kali and Goddess Saraswati reside in the same place. A proof for this argument is Mata Vaishno’s temple. These three Goddesses reside together in Mata Vaishno temple.

Goddess Saraswati’s  puja is as important as Mata Durga’s puja in Navratri. Goddess Saraswati is worshipped on the day of Saraswati pujan. Goddess Saraswati is also associated with art and therefore, artists should also worship Goddess Saraswati.

Mythological Basis

According to Lord Vishnu’s story, Lord Brahma called Goddess Saraswati. When Goddess Saraswati appeared, Lord Brahma asked her to fill the world with music through her Veena. The word ‘Sa’ originated as soon as Goddess Saraswati touched her Veena. This word is considered to be the first intonation in music. Due to this, sound originated on Earth. Sound and voice was provided to air, ocean, animals, birds etc.

Rivers started making soothing sounds. Lord Brahma was impressed and associated Goddess Saraswati as the Devi of sound and voice. He named her Vageshwari. Goddess Saraswati is also known as Veenapaani as she holds a Veena in her hands. Goddess Saraswati is being worshipped since ancient times.

It is impossible to imagine a world without voice and knowledge. Goddess Saraswati is the Devi of both these things and therefore, she is worshipped by mankind as well as other Devi-Devas. On the day of Saraswati Pujan, people worship Goddess Saraswati’s idol or image. A lot of committees organize ceremonies and functions on this day.

Saraswati Mata Worship

In the beginning, an idol or picture of Goddess Saraswati is place in front. A Kalash is established and Lord Ganesha is worshipped with the nine planets. After this, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. First of all, you should bathe Goddess Saraswati’s idol or picture and offer a garland.

Sindoor should be offered and Goddess Saraswati’s idol is decorated. Gulal should be offered to Goddess Saraswati on Basant Panchami. Goddess Saraswati wears white clothes and therefore, she is decorated with white clothes. On the day of Saraswati Pujan, Goddess Saraswati is offered yellow fruits. Seasonal fruits can also be offered. Malpue and Kheer should also be offered to Goddess Saraswati.

Invoke Saraswati Mata

Once you have worshipped Goddess Saraswati, you should invoke her. A havan is performed for invoking Goddess Saraswati. One and a quarter hands should be measured to choose a place for performing this Havan. Ganges water should be sprinkled in this place to purify it. Small branches from a mango tree should be spread in this place. They should be lit with fire. Lord Ganesha and nine planets should also be worshipped during this Havan. After this, ‘Om Shri Saraswataye Namah Swaha’ should be chanted 108 times. Goddess Saraswati’s aarti should be sung in the end.

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Papakunsha Ekadashi 2023 | Papakunsha Ekadashi | Papakunsha Ekadashi Fast

Papankush Ekadashi fast is observed on the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha, Ashvin month. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day, In the year 2023, Papakunsha fast will be observed on 25th October.  It is believed that by worshipping this fast a person receives heaven after death. Bhog is offered to Lord Vishnu after completing all the rituals of worshipping.

It is said that the fruits of thousand Ashwamedha Yagya and 100 Surya Yagya can be obtained by observing this fast. Therefore, no fast is equivalent to this fast. Moreover, the person who performs Jagran in the night of this Ekadasi, receives heaven.

Rituals to Perform Papakunsha Ekadashi

Lord Vishnu is worshipped with incense sticks, lamps, coconut and flowers on Papakunsha Ekadashi.  On the day of Ekadashi, person observing fast should wake up early in the morning and complete his routine work. After this, the resolution of fast is taken. Then, an urn is placed on which idol of Lord Vishnu is placed.

Person observing this fast should read the Vishnu Sahasranamam, at night. This Vrat is not concluded on Ekadashi itself, but on Dwadashi (a day after Ekadashi), by giving donations to Brahmans.

Papakunsha Ekadashi Fast Story

According to the Papakunsha fast story, there was a very cruel hunter named, Krodhan. At the end of his life, Yamraj ordered to bring the hunter in his court. Scared by death, he went to the Ashram of Angira Rishi and started pleading to save him from going to hell. Sage Angira said him to worship Lord Vishnu on the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha, Ashvin Masa. By observing fast and performing Puja, on this Ekadashi, he became free from all his sins. By observing this fast as per the rituals told Angira, he attained peace and salvation in the end.

Significance of Papakunsha Ekadashi

The observer must give donations as per his potency. By observing this fast, all sins of a person are removed. The significance of this fast is also mentioned in various scriptures. Those who are not able to observe complete fast, can eat food in the evening also. Observing this fast helps to attain peace and salvation. Devotes should worship the lord with full faith and devotion.

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Ahoi Ashtami Fast 2025 – Ahoi Ashtami Vrat – Ahoi Ashtami Puja

Ahoi Ashtami fast is celebrated on Ashtami of Krishna Paksha during Kartik month. This fast is kept to pray for a husband and children. Ahoi Ashtami fast is kept on the days of Udaya Kalik and Pradosh Vyapini Ashtami. This fast is usually kept by women. Women pray for their children’s long life and ask for blessings. This year, Ahoi Ashtami fast will be celebrated on 13th of October 2025.

Ahoi Ashtami Importance

As mentioned earlier, this fast is kept by a woman to pray for her children. Hence, this fast is only kept by mothers. According to an opinion, this day marks the beginning of Diwali. Women keeping this fast should wake up early in the morning and fill water in a utensil made of mud. After this, Mata Ahoi should be worshipped with dedication and devotion. A woman should not eat anything on this day. In evening, fruits should be offered to Mata Ahoi and she should be worshipped again.

Mata Ahoi should be worshipped when stars are visible in the sky. Water should be offered to stars and an image of Ahoi should be drawn on a wall. This image should be worshipped in evening. Sweets should be cooked and offered to Mata Ahoi. A woman should end her fast by drinking water offered by her child. The importance of Ahoi Ashtami is better understood by the story related to it.

According to this story, there was a King named Chandrabhan in Datiya Nagar during ancient times. He had a lot of children, but they always died at a young age. Due to this, both husband and wife were worried and stressed. Chandrabhan and his wife sacrificed all their wealth and went to a forest. They saw a pond near Badrika Ashram. They sacrificed food and waited there for their death.

They waited for seven days and their dedication was disrupted by a prophecy which stated that they were suffering due to their sins committed in their past life. The prophecy suggested that they would have to keep Ahoi Ashtami fast and receive blessings from Mata Ahoi. The prophecy suggested that if they keep this fast, their children would have a long life. Due to this, both husband and wife kept Ahoi Ashtami fast and asked Mata Ahoi to forgive them for their sins. Mata Ahoi blessed them.

Ahoi Ashtami Worship

On the day of Ahoi Ashtami, Mata Ahoi is worshipped and a woman keeps a fast seeking her blessings. Ahoi Ashtami is celebrated with a lot of zeal and excitement. Different things associated with Ahoi Ashtami should be collected. These include sugarcane, singhara, turmeric, pot etc. Women should keep this fast with full devotion and dedication. An image of Ahoi Mata should be drawn on a wall along with images of children.

Mata Ahoi should be worshipped in evening. A woman should touch her mother in law’s feet and offer water to the stars. A woman should end her fast by consuming water offered by her child. Ahoi Ashtami fast can be considered to be similar to Karva Chauth fast. On Karva Chauth, a wife asks for her husband’s long life. In the same way, on Ahoi Ashtami, a woman asks for her child’s long life. Karva Chauth fast ends when the Moon is visible in the sky. In the same way, Ahoi Ashtami fast ends when the stars are visible in the sky.

Ahoi Ashtami Fast and Children

People who do not have children should keep Ahoi Ashtami fast. Ahoi Ashtami fast blesses a couple with a child. For maximum results, you should keep four Puris each and halwa in a plate. You should wear orange colored clothes and worship Mata Ahoi. Halwa and Puri should also be distributed among your beighbours. A person keeping this fast is blessed and receives auspicious results.

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Different Forms of Dussehra – Other Facts Related to Dussehra


The ‘Ramlila’ is held during the nine days preceding Dussehra. It is an enactment of life of Lord Rama And Sita. Fairs are organised around the country to celebrate this festival and on the day of the Dussehra.  Ravana is cremated along with his son Meghnad and brother Kumbhakarna. Huge effigies of Ravan, Kumbhakarna and Meghnath are put on every nook and corner of te country which are burnt in the evening by the army of Lord Rama.


Simollanghan is celebrated on Dussehra. Kshatriyas consider it as a significant festival for Kshatriyas. They believe that when there is no war, the kings must exceed the limit of their kingdom on this day. Once King Yudhishthira asked Lord Krishna about the significance of this day on which Lord Krishna told him that on the day of Vijayadashami all the kings should decorate their slaves, elephants and horses and celebrate the festival with full zeal and enthusiasm.

The king along with his priest should depart towards the eastern side of his kingdom to exceed the limit of his kingdom’s boundaries and worship the Vastu Dev, Ashta-Digpal and Partha Deva. He should make a mannequin of his enemy and dig an arrow into his chest while chanting the Vedic Mantras. Complete all the rituals and head back to his kingdom. Any king who performs these rituals will always gets victory over his enemies.

Shami Pujan

Shami Pujan and Ashmantak tree is also worshipped on Vijayadashmi. As per the legend, goddess  Parvati asked Lord Shiva about the significance of Shami Tree on which lord Shiva says that Arjun hid his weapons in the hole of a Shami Tree during his time of exile and started living as a Vrihanna in the kingdom of King Virat.

Later on with the help of king’s Son, Arjun collected his weapons from the tree and got victory over his enemies. This way Shami tree protected Arjun’s weapons. Other than this, when Lord Rama was marching towards the Lanka, Shami tree predicted his  victory over Ravana. This is the reason that Shami tree is worshipped on the day of Vijayadashami. If one is unable to find Shami tree, then Ashmantak tree can also be worshipped. People exchange the leaves of the Shami tree among friends and relatives as gold.

Shastra Pujan

People worship their weapons on the special day of Dussehra and call for the power of god. They clean their weapons thoroughly that are used in daily lives, arrange them in a row and worship them along with the almighty god. This is an important festival of Kshatriya and they worship Devi Aparajita on this day. People achieve happiness in all spheres of life by worshipping on this day.

Dussehra is considered to be an auspicious to begin new ventures. In ancient times, Kings used to worship on this day for their victory before leaving for the war. Special fairs are organized on this day in every nook and corner of the country. The festival of Dussehra encourages sacrifice of negative feelings like aggression, deception, egoism, violence etc.

Aparajita Pujan

Vijayadashami is also known as Aparajita pujan. Goddess Aparajita is the deity of power and energy. Aparajita pujan gives fruits as per its name. Lord Vishnu is fond of it and thus, provide victory to the devotees who perform this puja. It is a very significant puja for war and lawsuits according to tantra shastra.

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