Sharad Purnima 2025 – Kojagar Fast – Sharad Purnima

Sharad purnima is celebrated on the purnima of ashwin month. In 2025, sharad Purnima will be celebrated on 6th October. Sharad Purnima is also known as Kojagar Purnima and Ras purnima.  In some states it is also observed as Komudi fast. On this day Lord Vishnu and Moon are worshipped. People hear their legends and recite path on this special occasion. According to scriptures, on this day Moon acquires all of its sixteen qualities. The devotees should worship the lord while reciting lakshmi stotram path. It is believed that goddess Lakshmi can be pleased by observing Kojagar fast on this Purnima. The person observing the fast obtains wealth, fame, respect etc.

Rituals to observe fast on Sharad Purnima

On the occasion of Sharad purnima the observer should worship his lord with proper rituals and devotion. He should worship lord Indra and goddess Lakshmi with deepak, flowers, incense etc.

Brahmins should be called at home. fed kheer and offered dakshina. This fast is basically observed to receive the blessings of goddess Lakshmi. Those who organize jagrans are believed to receive immense wealth and prosperity in return of their efforts.

This fast is mainly observed by the female members of the family. The females observing fast place a water filled urn on a wooden platform. Then she keeps a glass of wheat topped with money. After that 13 grains of wheat are taken into the palm while listening oaths. Then the glass and the wheat in hand are given to the lady reciting the katha. At night the females observing fast eat food only after worshiping the Moon. There is a tradition of distributing kheer in the form of prasad in temples and sacred places. Traditionally, watermelon divided in two parts, one seasonal fruit and kheer is kept during the puja.

Significance of Sharad Purnima

It is believed that the rituals and deeds performed on this day give fruitful results. Worshipping elephants during the third phase of the day is considered to be very auspicious. As per the legend, lord Krishna performed maharaas on this day. The rain of holy water also took place on this day. Hence, kheer made on this day is kept under the moonlight for the whole night and then distributed as prasad next morning.

Purnima occurring in the Ashwin month is considered to be very auspicious. It is believed to be a day of blessings. Full moon is considered to be the source of holy water and thus, it is believed that Moon showers the holy water on this day. The tradition of keeping the kheer under the moonlight at night is followed with a view that it absorbs the qualities of moon and whoever eats it gets relief from all kind of diseases and illness.

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