Book details

Planets in the Signs & Houses

Bepin Behari

Tags : vedic astrology, Hindu astrological,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Planets in the Signs & Houses is the second volume of the Vedic Astrologer’s Handbook and is unique in many respects. It is remarkably complete—it shows the impulses likely to be generated by the planets in different signs and houses in the natal chart. A planet’s placement may radically alter its impact. Every planet precipitates its special influence depending upon the sign in which it is placed and the house it occupies. This is the only accessible volume in the Vedic (Hindu) field which offers such a thorough treatment of the subject.     

Planets in the Signs & Houses, like all of Bepin Behari’s work, embodies a reformulation of classical Vedic principles (Yoga and Vedanta), a more “modern” interpretation to an ancient science. He cuts through the surface of the hundreds of rules of the Hindu astrological scriptures written in the language of medieval India to the spiritual core of the science.