Vedic Astrology for Marriage Point Love & Discord
M. K. Agarwal
The book contains the standard principles for determining the strength of the planets, a large number of combinations to determine the marriage point-based on transit of Saturn, transit ofMore Info

Astrology And Wealth
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
Money is the basic requirement of life but some people are not so lucky in this regard. There are various factors that do not let a person earn money but as he is unaware of adverse impact ofMore Info

Change Your Name Change Your Fate
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
Name is like the ornament of a person. The personality goes haywire if the ornamentation is not proper. Sometime back, people had started adopting bizarre and meaningless names. But, now withMore Info

Jyotish And Santan Yoga
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
For the furtherance of any family a son is needed but there are countless couples who have no progeny, neither a son nor a daughter. In Hindu tradition it is the son who performs last rites on andMore Info

A Complete Book on Triple Transit Influences of Planets
V. K. Choudhry
The divine science of Vedic Astrology is one of the most useful bodies of knowledge available to the mankind. We all know prevention is better than cure. The divine science of Vedic AstrologyMore Info

A Course on Jaimini Maharsi's Upadesa Sutra (Vol. 1)
Sanjay Rath
This unique and rich book contains sutras, translations, meanings, commentaries, analysis, mantras and teachings of the parampara on the first adhyaya of Jaimini Maharshi's "UpadeshaMore Info

A Mandala of Cards The Buddha Tarot
Robert M. Place
The twenty-two sequential cards of the Tarot`s major arcana are often seen in larger terms as a depiction of the archetypal hero`s journey. The journey from the naivete of the Fool card toMore Info

Acharya Varahmihir Ka Jyotish Mein Yogdaan
Bhojraj Dwivedi
Acharya Varahmihir Ka Jyotish Mein YogdaanMore Info

All the Secrets of Palmistry for Profession and Popularity
All the Secrets of Palmistry for Profession and PopularityMore Info

All You Wanted to Know About Astrology
Vijaya Kumar
Perhaps the stress and strain of modern-day living leaves you wondering where all this is leading you to. You would love to gaze into the crystal ball and discover how best to turn theMore Info

All You Wanted to Know About Chinese Astrology
Y.L. Hew
All You Wanted to Know About Chinese AstrologyMore Info

All You Wanted to Know About Gems
Ravindra Kumar
Ravindra Kumar, Ph.D. experienced Kundalini awakening in 1987 and has published several books about yoga, chakras, dreams, and psychic development. Jytte Kumar Larsen experienced KundaliniMore Info

All You Wanted to Know About Graphology
Ravindra Kumar
Ravindra Kumar, Ph.D. experienced Kundalini awakening in 1987 and has published several books about yoga, chakras, dreams, and psychic development. Jytte Kumar Larsen experienced KundaliniMore Info

All You Wanted to Know About Numerology
Ravindra Kumar
Ravindra Kumar, Ph.D. experienced Kundalini awakening in 1987 and has published several books about yoga, chakras, dreams, and psychic development. Jytte Kumar Larsen experienced KundaliniMore Info

An Astrological Guide to Heal Yourself
Ada Muir
Rediscover an ancient healing tradition and design your personal plan for health. An Astrological Guide to Heal Yourself unites two of the Earth's oldest traditions; herb lore andMore Info

Analysing Horoscope through Modern Techniques
M. S. Mehta
This book has specially been written taking into consideration the needs of students to comprehend astrology and be able to give correct predictions in the shortest amount of time. It uses aMore Info

Annual Horoscope 2009
Bejan Daruwalla
* Your complete future in 2009: Career, Love & Luck, Money, Family & Children, Wealth & Health, Happiness & Friendship * Detailed forecast for 2009: Annual, Monthly, DetailedMore Info