Charisma of Kendra Houses
Raj Kumar
The Lagna is basically a reference point from where the various houses in a chart are numbered. The Lagna is not synonymous with the ascendant although often used interchangeably. A chart shouldMore Info

Know about Predictive Techniques
Dr. Shanker Adawal
The study of any horoscope is based on analyzing the Natal chart. It is important, as in any other science; to start from the basics and the basic fundamentals should always remain the base. InMore Info

Longevity: A Vedic Approach
Vinod Kumar
The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar.Any prediction madeMore Info

Muhurta: Traditional and Modern
K K Joshi
In this book an attempt has been made to put the information relating to muhurta in an organized form. Various components of muhurta, benefic and malefic yogas formed by these components, muhurtaMore Info

Vedic Astrology for Marriage Point Love & Discord
M. K. Agarwal
The book contains the standard principles for determining the strength of the planets, a large number of combinations to determine the marriage point-based on transit of Saturn, transit ofMore Info

Advance Predictive Techniques of Ashtakvarga
M S Mehta
It is only Ashtakvarga that will tell us about the strength and weakness of planets and ultimately the periods of happiness prosperity or turmoil and dejections. Great contribution of AshtakvargaMore Info

Astrological Applications of Kota Chakra
K K Joshi
Kota Chakra is one of the several charkas in astrology. Study of this book will help one in getting an answer to the following questions: 1) what is Kota Chakra? Which segments of Kota Chakra areMore Info

Mystics of Sarvato Bhadra Chakra and Astrological
M. K. Agarwal
Sarvato Bhadra Chakra is an instrument which can most accurately predict and also verify correctness of astrological predictions. It can be successfully applied for the following purposes: 1)More Info

Mystery of Rahu in Horoscope
Shivraj Sharma
This book is an attempt to show the effects of Rahu in a horoscope. The book explain both types, the good and positive side of Rahu and the well known negative and destructive side of Rahu.More Info

Planets And Travel Abroad
M S Mehta
The author has made use of the ideas in corporating the timings for travel abroad. The results obtained are simply fascinating and readers and scholars will appreciate the high degree of accuracyMore Info

Annual Horoscope(Tajik)
M S Mehta
This is the first excellent book which is the best to have come out on tajak or annual horoscope till date containing brilliant predictive hints and examples.More Info

Analysing Horoscope Through Modern techniques
M S Mehta
This book has specially been written taking into considerations needs of students to comprehend astrology and be able to give correct predictions in shortest possible time.The author has made stepMore Info

Jathaka Sara Dheepa (2 vols)
Dr. U S Pulippani
The present work Jathaka Sara Dheepa a massive work of Sri Nrusimha Deivagna in Sanskrit covering all aspects of Vedic Astrology, has been translated into English with commentary and copious notesMore Info

Jathaka Sara Dheepa (2 vols)
Dr. U S Pulippani
The present work Jathaka Sara Dheepa a massive work of Sri Nrusimha Deivagna in Sanskrit covering all aspects of Vedic Astrology, has been translated into English with commentary and copious notesMore Info

Jaimini Astrology
P S Sastri
This system is unique in its aspects, interpretation, and dasas.One can time the events within a month by following Jaimini’s method. The book provides techniques and insights which areMore Info

Principles and Practice of Medical Astrology
Jagannath Rao
Most of the principles and combinations incorporated in this book were laid down by our ancient Rishis thousands of years ago. They are all tested and verified combinations. The author has triedMore Info

Stellar Healing
N N Saha
Cure and Control of diseases through Gemstones. Gems have wonderful powers in curing diseases and healing wounds. Gems can reduce the effect and provide immunity in the body against any disease.More Info

Practical Astrology (Key Highlights)
K.S.Ramakrishna Aiyar
The book has been arranged in such a manner that starting with the event called birth, it progresses to give practical hints on judging the various aspects of a horoscope, e.g. how toMore Info

Sarvarth Chintamani
J N Bhasin
Sarvarth Chintamani is one of the top astrological works. From the point of view of practical utility it offers very valuable comments on the subjects relating to each of the 12 houses of a birthMore Info

Brihat Jatak
Usha and Shashi
As regards the first astrological work taken up for translation, Brihat Jatak of Varaha Mihira, it is generally considered as one of the best works on the science.More Info