Books by Bepin Behari
Astrological Biographies
Bepin Behari
Astrological Biographies shows that the life of every individual is guided by the same set of stellar impulses and everyone, howoever eminent he may be has to bear his own cross. The sorrowsMore InfoAstrological Exploration of the Soul
Bepin Behari
Astrological predictions have since long baffled the man. He wanted answers to his psychic quest, methods of self-realization and a knowledge of his ultimate goal. Astrology indicated thatMore InfoIntroduction to Esoteric Astrology
Bepin Behari
Bepin Behari, an Economist by profession, ann alumnus of Patna and London Universities, retired from the Government of India service as a diplomat.He has studied Vedic Astrology for moreMore InfoSolve Your Problems Astrologically
Bepin Behari
A unique publication on Hindu astrology which exposes everyday human problems like education, sex, marriage, job, finance, ill-health and death in the most revealing manner. If you have aMore InfoThe Timing of Events
Bepin Behari
THE TIMING OF EVENTS fulfils an important need of Vedic Astrology. Predictive astrology aims at identifying the specific period for the occurence of a specific event. Several principles onMore InfoNew Dimension in Vedic Occultism
Bepin Behari
This is a study of pure metaphysics. Broadly speaking, the study is grouped into four main divisions: Basic esoteric postulates of astrology are given in the first three chapters. They describeMore InfoMyths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology
Bepin Behari
Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology is one of the rare books that explains astrological mythology. Serious students and astrologers will find it useful for providing an eastern perspective on theMore InfoPlanets in the Signs & Houses
Bepin Behari
Planets in the Signs & Houses is the second volume of the Vedic Astrologer’s Handbook and is unique in many respects. It is remarkably complete—it shows the impulses likely to beMore InfoSolve Your Problems Astrologically
Bepin Behari
A unique publication on Hindu astrology which exposes every human problems like education, sex, marriage, job, finance, ill-health and death in the most revealing manner. If you have a problem,More InfoThe Timing of Events
Bepin Behari
The Timing of Events fulfils an important gap in classical astrological literature. The ancient seers with yogic siddhis did not need rules for predicting future events. They clairvoyantly saw theMore Info