Chamatkar Chintamani
S S Sareen
An acknowledged classic having chosen just 108 verses out of 4, 00,000 verses of the then available texts of the yore.Gives some unique formulae to study effects of various planets in houses.More Info

Jataka Tatva
S S Sareen
The entire book has been divided into five Tatvas 1)Samjna Tatva dealing with the main principles of Astrology, 2) Sutika Tatva consists of conditions, place and circumstances at the time ofMore Info

Sarvarth Chintamani
J N Bhasin
Sarvarth Chintamani is one of the top astrological works. From the point of view of practical utility it offers very valuable comments on the subjects relating to each of the 12 houses of a birthMore Info

Brihat Jatak
Usha and Shashi
As regards the first astrological work taken up for translation, Brihat Jatak of Varaha Mihira, it is generally considered as one of the best works on the science.More Info

Vedic Astrological Calculations
Usha and Shashi
Vedic Astrological Calculations was first published about 3 decades ago.The book deals with calculations of Time,Ayanamsha,Nirayana Longitudes of Grahas and Bhavas,quite in detail.The importantMore Info

Laghu Parashari Sidhant
S S Sareen
With Madhya arashari composed by some ancient sages who were ardent followers of parasara rishi.It is unique in itself for giving the fundamental principles to interpret vimshottariMore Info

S S Sareen
Phaladeepika of Mantreswara as the title implies is light to phaladesh or a guide to hora.Next to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra ,Phaladeepika is the most often quoted text book onMore Info

Jataka Desh Marga
S S Sareen
An outstanding classic on astrology, dealing with almost all subjects including yogas, dasa and transit analysis.More Info

Jataka Alankara
S S Sareen
A 17th century text besides giving the typical bhava effects of all the twelve houses and special combinations for longevity etc.gives the effects of various exchanges (parivartan yoga)More Info

S S Sareen
This book is divided into two Kanda: the first consists of 8 sections dealing with Time of Birth, Planets, Bhavas, Strength of planets, Length of life, Planetary effects in several Bhavas, SaturnMore Info

Astrology & Diagnosis
Maj. S G Khot
The fundamental purpose of Medical Astrology is to give the planetary influences which cause the various diseases, afflictions and accidents. This book will help the astrologers in predicting andMore Info

Practical Mundane Astrology (Basic Principles)
J C Luthra
It deals with the rudimentaries of the Science and gives in great detail mundane significations (including those even remotely connected) of Planets, Houses, Signs & Constellations and can beMore Info

Practical Mundane Astrology (How to Judge a Mundane Chart)
J C Luthra
This book deals exhaustively with the scientific analysis and interpretation of a mundane chart. Apart from the rules of judgement of charts, practical examples of detailed interpretation of suchMore Info

Venus in Astrology
K C Saksena
Venus is a most brilliant planet and is known as the Goddess of beauty. It represents love affairs, his spouse and marriage. This book contains valuable materials for the professional as well asMore Info

Predictive Series -1 Collector’s Edition
Such a great collection of masters in book format has never been seen before and for decades this book would remain a fantastic collection of masters of predictive astrology.More Info

Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business
Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles is the first ever systematic work on the astrological influences on stock markets and the stock prices, based on 11More Info

Astrology And Wealth
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
Money is the basic requirement of life but some people are not so lucky in this regard. There are various factors that do not let a person earn money but as he is unaware of adverse impact ofMore Info

Change Your Name Change Your Fate
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
Name is like the ornament of a person. The personality goes haywire if the ornamentation is not proper. Sometime back, people had started adopting bizarre and meaningless names. But, now withMore Info

Jyotish And Santan Yoga
Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi
For the furtherance of any family a son is needed but there are countless couples who have no progeny, neither a son nor a daughter. In Hindu tradition it is the son who performs last rites on andMore Info

Astrology And Wealth
Bhojraj Dwivedi
Money is the basic requirement of life but some people are not so lucky in this regard. There are various factors that do not let a person earn money but as he is unaware of adverse impact ofMore Info