Marriage Matching - How are horoscopes matched in Vedic Jyotish Kundali matching
What is Match-making?
All of us have heard about matching Kundalis some time or another. Even Media emphasizes on astrology these days, though many things are exaggerated. One such topic that is talked about is Kundali Milan (Matchind Kundalis). People have many different perceptions about matching Kundalis. But, you will realize that matching Kundalis gives fruitful results and tells you about how to live together, if seen from a scientific point of view. If you are marrying a person whose likes and dislikes are different from yours, it can create problems in day to day life. Matching Kundalis is considered to be important because of all the above mentioned reasons.
What is Manglik Dosha?
People usually are warned whenever they hear the term, ‘Mangalik’. Sometimes it feels strange. But, it is just a Yog like any other Yog in the Kundali. If a person with Mangalik Yog marries a person with Mangalik Yog, everything stays normal. You should understand that you should not blame Mangalik Yog for all the problems in marital life. Other Yog in a Kundali should also be studied carefully. Mangalik Yog should not be blamed if a person is unable to receive marital benefits in his life.
What is Gun Milan ?
Ashtakut Milan is done in the Kundalis of the bride and the groom. There are 36 points in all related to Ashtakut Milan. It is believed that at least 18 points should be matched for a smooth marital life. The more the points, the happier will be the marital life. But it is strange to see that sometimes people with more than even 30 points also face problems in their marital life. We all know the problems that Lord Ram and Goddess Sita faced in their marital life. Even they had 36 matching points. Hence, Karma of the past life should also be noted along with Gun Milan.
What is Varna Milan?
Varna Milan is the first in the Gun Milan process. The Moon signs of the bride and the groom are taken into account to categorize people into different castes. The four castes are Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. It is considered to be auspicious if the bride and the groom have the same Varna.
Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are a part of the Brahmana Varna. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are a part of the Kshatriya Varna. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are a part of the Vaishya Varna. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are a part of the Shudra Varna.
What is Vashya Milan ?
We will acquire knowledge about Vashya Milan while talking about matching Kundalis. This is the second part of the process. Two points are awarded for Vashya Milan. Two points are awarded if Vashya of the bride and the groom are same. If Vashya is not the same for the bride and groom, one or even less point can be awarded. It is considered to be auspicious if Vashya of the bride and the groom are same.
What is Tara Milan ?
Tara Milan is the next part of the process related to matching Kundalis. Three points have been given to this Milan. The birth Nakshatra of the bride and the groom are analyzed for Tara Milan. Nakshatra from the groom to the Nakshatra of the bride are calculated. In the same way, Nakshatra from the bride to the Nakshatra of the groom are calculated. If the Nakshatra of the bride and the groom fall in Vipat, Pratyari or Vadh Nakshatras, the Milan is considered to be inappropriate. In case, there are other stars present, it is considered to be auspicious.
What is Yoni Milan?
We will now discuss Yoni Milan as a part of the process of matching Kundalis. This Milan has been given four points in the whole process. We bring a Yoni with us whenever we are born. This has been mentioned in the Shastras. It is said that a glimpse of a person’s Yoni can be seen in his behaviour and attitude.
There are some Yonis which are enemies to each other. For example : Marjar (Cat) and Mushak (Mouse). They can never get along well. Hence, we should try that the Yonis of the bride and the groom should not be enemies to each other.
What is Grah Maitri?
Till now, we have provided you with information on four types of Milan. Grah Maitri is the next part of the process. Though all other Milan are of immense importance, the Lords of the Moon signs of the bride and the groom should be friendly to each other. The thoughts, behaviour and attitudes are similar if the Lords are friendly to each other or are in the same sign. This helps in living a smooth life. There is a tremendous decrease in the number of problems.
If the Lords of the Moon signs are enemies to each other, the family life is usually tensed.
What is Gana Milan ?
Let us now talk about Gana Milan. Gana Milan has been given six points. Gana have been categorized on the basis of the Nakshatras of the bride and the groom. The twenty seven Nakshatras have been categorized into three different parts. Maximum six and minimum zero points are awarded in this Milan. In case, Gana are same, six points are awarded.
As we proceed further in the process of matching Kundalis, the points and importance of the different steps in the process increase. This Milan is also considered to be extremely important. The behaviours of the bride and the groom will be quite different from each other if one belongs to Deva Gana and the other belongs to Rakshas Gana. Hence, such couples can face problems in their marital life.
What is Bhakoot Milan?
Seven points are awarded in this Milan. This an important part of the process of matching Kundalis. It is based on the Moon signs of the bride and the groom. The placement of the Moon in the Kundalis of the bride and the groom is analyzed in this Milan.
Till now, we have talked about a lot of things related to Gun Milan. Now we will try to give you some information about Bhakoot Milan which is an important part of the process. You have to remember that this Milan should not be ignored while matching Kundalis. This is an extremely important Milan.
If you take a look at some one’s Kundali, you can easily make out the distance between the placement of the Moon in one Kundali from an other. It is auspicious and will provide success in business if the Moon is in the same houses or if it is 1/7, 3/11 or 4/10 on the axis. There will be a good source of income if the Moon in the Kundalis is 2/12 on the axis. But, with this placement, one of the person will spend a lot.
If the Moons are 5/9 on the axis, Navpancham Yog is formed. If the Moon in the bride’s Kundali is in fifth house from the groom’s Moon, then the situation is worse. A groom can be sacrificing. He can sacrifice material pleasures. If both have the presence of Graha Mairtri, then it can be controlled. If a bride’s moon is in ninth house from the groom’s Moon, then the bride can sacrifice material pleasures.
It is even worse if the Moons are 6/8 on the axis. There is one problem or an other in marital life. A person also faces financial problems. There may even be sudden accidents. Direct and indirect enemies can also create problems. In this Shadashtak Yog, the Lords of the Moon signs of the bride and the groom are also enemies to each other. This can increase the problems.
It is better to take care of such matters before the marriage, as we know that precaution is better than cure.
What is Nadi Dosha?
Nadis are categorized in the Kundalis of the bride and the groom on the basis of birth Nakshatras. The twenty seven Nakshatras are divided into three categories. Aadi, Madhya and Antya are collectively known as Nadi Milan or Nadi Dosh. In case, the bride and the groom have the same Nadi, it is a Dosh.
Nadi Milan is the last part of the process of matching Kundalis. This is also considered to be an important Milan. Eight points have been given to this Milan. This Milan is done on the basis of the birth Nakshatras of the bride and the groom. Many different views explaining the importance of this Milan have been given in the Shastras. According to some, this Milan is considered to be important for the birth of a child. According to others, it is believed that if the bride and the groom belong to the same Nadi, the child may receive parents’ health problems.
Nadi should not be same for the bride and the groom. If Nadi is same and the Nakshatras are different, marriage can take place. For example : If the bride and the groom are born in Gemini sign, they belong to Aadi Nadi. But, since one will belong to Ardra Nakshatra and the other will belong to Punarvasu Nakshatra, there will be no Nadi Dosh. Some also believe that if the stages in a Nakshatra are different even if the Nakshatra is same for both bride and the groom, there is no Nadi Dosh.
If a groom’s Nakshatra is next to a bride’s Nakshatra, it is known as Nridur Dosh. This is inauspicious.