Classification of Planets
Planets can be classified under various categories. This classifications can be on the basis of nature. The planets can be classified as natural benefic planets and natural malefic planets. Classification is also possible on the basis of planet’s basic property. For instance, some are fiery, some are airy etc. Sect is an ancient concept in which the seven traditional planets i.e the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn are classified on the basis of astrological polarity, similar to masculine and feminine planets. The classification can also be done on the basis of gender. The planets can also be classified on the basis of sect.
Classification of Planets on the basis of sect
Diurnal : Diurnal planets are more comfortable and powerful when they appear in charts in which the Sun is above the horizon or in the day. The planet under this category are
Neutral : The planet placed under this category is Mercury. Mercury, the master of ambivalence is considered to be entirely neutral. It is a hermaphroditic and an adaptable planet. It possesses no inherent sect. Mercury changes its sect orientation depending upon the direction oriental to that of the Sun (which means that it is positioned so that it rises before the Sun rises and sets before the Sun sets). It is diurnal in sect or is occidental when it rises after the Sun rises and it is of nocturnal sect when sets after the Sun sets.
Nocturnal : Nocturnal planets are more comfortable and powerful when they appear in charts in which the Sun is below the horizon or at night. The planet under this category are:
It has been observed through practical experience that some planets were seen to be stronger in a positive or masculine environment and others were seen to be more effective in a negative or feminine environment. A planet is placed diurnally when it is above the horizon in the daytime or below at night. A diurnal chart has the Sun between the ascendant and descendant (the upper hemisphere, east to west – where the Sun rises and sets). A nocturnal chart has the Sun between the descendant and ascendant (the lower hemisphere, west to east – where the Sun sets and the rises later). The Moon is most likely of more importance than the Sun for those who are born at night.
Saturn prefers a day chart because Saturn is considered too cold and the day heats it up and that is why it is less melancholy and serious while Mars prefers a night chart because Mars is considered too hot and the night cools it down and that is why it is less impulsive and fiery, etc.
So, which type of chart do you have – diurnal or nocturnal? Which planets are in their natural sect ?
The Hellenistic astrologers laid a lot of emphasis to the sect than any other astrological factor.
According to Arab astrologers, a planet can still be in some sect if its sign polarity corresponds with its inherent sect. Hence, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are masculine or diurnal signs whereas Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine or nocturnal signs. Therefore, Venus in Virgo sign is in sect by sign because Virgo is a negative or feminine or a nocturnal sign.
In other words, ‘A Nativity is either of the diurnal (day) sect or of the nocturnal (night) sect’ - Genesis 1:16. If a birth is of day time then the Sun is dominant in the chart along with Saturn and Jupiter but if by night then the Moon becomes the dominant along with Venus and Mars.
Sect is only one of many weighting factors to be considered in judging a nativity. For example, if a native is born at night then astrologer must look to the Moon's position and to the positions of its co-sectarians which are Mars and Venus but if in day then consider the position of Sun, Jupiter and Saturn.