Aja Ekadashi 2025 । Aja Ekadashi Fast Story

Ekadashi during Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha is known as Aja or Kamika Ekadashi. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. This year, Aja Ekadashi will be celebrated on 19  August 2025. It is believed that keeping a fast and worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day frees a person from all kinds of sins. A lot of things have to be considered while keeping this fast.

On the night of Dashami Tithi, you should not eat Masur dal. You should not eat grams, karod, shaak etc. You should also not eat honey. You should follow the principles of Brahmacharya on the day of this fast.

Aja Ekadashi Fast Worship

A person should remember all the points mentioned above. He should also wake up early on this day. He should clean his house and use sesame seeds and mud to take a bath. Lord Vishnu should worshipped once everything is done.

In order to worship Lord Vishnu, rice should be kept in an auspicious location. A kalash should be kept on top of this rice and decorated with red colored clothes. This kalash is worshipped once it is established. Lord Vishnu’s idol is placed on this kalash and the fast begins. Dhoop, lamps and flowers are also used in this worship.

Aja Ekadashi Fast Story

Aja Ekadashi story is associated with King Harishchandra. He was extremely brave, courageous and honest. Due to his honesty, he sold his wife and son. He served a devil too. Saint Gautam told him a way to free himself from this misery. Saint Gautam told King Harishchandra about Aja Ekadashi fast. King Harishchandra kept this fast as told by the saint.

Due to the effects of this fast, the king as able to free himself of all sins. He was able to acquire his kingdom and went to heaven with his family upon his death. It is believed that a person who keeps a fast on this day and worships Lord Vishnu is freed from all kinds of sins. This fast is equivalent to an Ashwamedha yagya.

Importance of Aja Ekadashi Fast

Aja Ekadashi fast is considered to be the most beneficial of all. A person keeping this fast has to control his emotions, body, food and behaviour. This fast motivates a person to walk on the path of salvation and go straight to heaven. This fast was even kept in ancient times. The basis for this fast is a balanced lifestyle. It is believed that this fast is even more beneficial than visiting pilgrimages, Ashwamedha yagya or austerities. This fast purifies a person’s heart and soul.

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Krishna Janmashtami Mahotsav – Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Lord Vishnu incarnated into many forms to protect the world from destruction. According to religious scriptures, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Krishna in dwapar yuga r to free the Earth from sins and sinners.  Lord Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudev at midnight in Rohini Nakshatra on Ashtami of Krishna Paksha during Bhadrapad month. Thus, this auspicious date is celebrated as Shri Krishna Janmashtami all over the country will full zeal and fervor. The life of Lord Krishna is an inspiration which guides us to various aspects of life and provides a path to salvation.

Janmashtami Festival

The temples are decorated with flowers, lights, colourful wings etc on the day of Krishna Janmashtami. People from all around the world visit Lord Krishna’s temples on Janmashtami to celebrate his birth date and offer their prayers. Bhandaras and jhanki are organized in special places, and people sing devotional songs and perform on them to celebrate the day.

Special kirtans and bhajans are organized in temples in the evening. Fasts are kept on this day and Lord Krishna is worshipped by singing holy songs and bhajans. Exhibitions of Lord Krishna’s lives are organized in temples. People take baths in hole rivers on the day of Janmashtami. Game of Dahi-Handi is also inevitable on this day. This festival is celebrated for two consecutive days. This festival is celebrated in a lot of different ways around the country

Significance of Fast on Janmashtami

According to scriptures, Janmashtami fasting has been considered an important part of the celebration. Janmashtami has been categorized in two forms, according to which one is known as Janmashtami and the other is Jayanti. As per the rituals described in skanda purana related to janmashtami fasting, it is said that the fast should only be observed during the day or night time when there rohini nakshatra is not present at all.

However, if Rohini nakshatra is present in the month of bhadrapad, then it is observed as jayanti.

According to Vashishtha Samhita, the fast can also be performed in ahoratra, when the yoga is formed with the combination of ashtami and rohini nakshatra.

According to skanda purana, a person fasting on this day attains salvation. This fast is believed to fulfill all kinds of desires. Also, according to Vishnu purana, a person fasting  in the mid night of janmashtami in rohini nakshatra, gets relief from his sins.

Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Krishnashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini etc. As per the legend, the parents of Lord krishna were imprisoned at the time of his birth. As soon as he took birth, his father Vasudeva went out of the prison that night and left his son in his friend’s house – Nand and Yashoda.


The night of Sri Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Mohratri. An individual can attain the salvation by chanting the name of Yogeshwar Sri Krishna at this night. The virtues of a person are increased by observing this fast. Many delicious dishes are prepared on the day of Janmashtami. Milk and desserts made with milk are eaten on this day.

Lord Krishna loved milk and butter. That is why, sweet dishes like kheer, Pede, butter and mishri are made and eaten on this day. The fast of Janmashtami completes after the birth of lord Krishna by taking the Prasada

Dahi – Handi Festival

The houses and temples are decorated beautifully on the day of Janamashtmi. This festival is also known as Krishnashtmi or Gokulashtmi. The hymns of lord Krishna are sung on this day and Ras Lilas are organized. Along with this, the ceremony of Dahi-Handi is also organized in which curd and butter is kept in an earthen pot and is hanged at a height. This pot is meant to be broken. This arrangement is known as ceremony of Dahi-Handi and whoever breaks this pot and takes the things inside it is awarded with a prize. This ceremony takes place in Maharashtra on Janamasthmi. Various kinds of ceremonies and competitions are seen in Maharashtra on this day.

Importance of Janmashtami

Through his famous saying of Geeta, lord Krishna says that whenever any harm to religion happens, I will take birth or incarnate on this earth and establish religion by destroying the irreligious activities.

That is why, lord Vishnu takes birth in some or the other and destroy the evil whenever the terror of demons and devils is dominant. The incarnation of lord Krishna is most important among all the incarnations of lord Vishnu. The sacred day on which lord Krishna took birth is celebrated as Sri Krishna Janamashtmi.

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Importance of Shravana Purnima – Narali Purnima Festival

The Poornima in the month of Sawan is considered very auspicious and sacred in hindu religion. The rituals performed on the day of Shrawan have a special significance. The ‘Yagyopaweet’ and ‘Upnayan’ rituals are most significant among all the rituals. The sacred festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on this day.

Brahmins also perform the ‘Shudhikaran’ ritual on this day. The Sawan Poornima is considered very sacred and auspicious day. The day of Sawan Poornima is not only important from religious point of view but is also important for practical reasons. The month of Sawan is considered the month of worship of lord Shiva. The special worship of lord Shiva is done in the month of Sawan.

Lord Shiva pleases easily with this kind of worship and grants the wishes of his devotees. Poornima is the last day of this month. That is why, the benefit of whole month of devotion to lord Shiva is obtained by worshipping lord Shiva and by offering water to lord Shiva on this day

Kajari Purnima

The festival of Kajri Poornima is also celebrated on the day of Shravan Poornima. This festival is celebrated primarily in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. The preparations for this day begin from the ninth day of the Shravan Amavysya. On the day of Kajri Navami, women fill the pots made from the leaves of tree with soil and barley is sown into it.  After that, women carry these pots on their head and leave these pots into a nearest pot or river. Women sow Kajri after the worship of this Navami. They sing songs and narrate the story of this fast. Women observe this fast for the longevity and prosperity of their sons.

Shrawan Poornima is also known as Naryali Poornima and Avani Avittam in southern India, Kajri Poornima in the mid parts of India, Raksha Bandhan in northen India and Pavittropana in Gujarat.


The festival of Rakshabandhan is also celebrated on the Poornima of month of Sawan. It is also known as Sawani or Saloono. Rakshabandhan is a festival of Rakhi or Raksha thread. Normally, sisters tie Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers. They tie Rakhi and perform their Aarti. Brothers give the word of protection to their sisters in return and also give them some gifts.

Apart from this, Rakhi is also tied by Brahmins, Gurus and young girls in the family to some of the relatives and to their fathers. The Yajurvedi Dwij do their activities on this day. The new sacred thread is worn after daily ablutions and Tarpan. The learned Brahmins give sacred thread and Rakhi to their Yajmanas.

End of Amarnath Yatra on Sawana Purnima

According to Puranas, the sacred Amarnath Chadi Yatra starts on Guru Poornima and it ends on Shravan Poornima. Water is offered on Shivlinga by the ‘Kavaniyas’ and their journey concludes on this day. Lord Shiva is worshipped on this day. In the festival of Pavitropanna, the cotton is dipped in ghee and lamp is lighted before lord Shiva.

Significance of Sawan Poornima

A full moon arises on the day of Shrawan Poornima. That is why, worshipping Moon on this day eliminates the Chandradosha. The day of Shrawani Poornima is very significant for giving donations. That is why, one should give fodder to cows and should feed the ants and fishes with grains. Donation of cow is very significant on this day.

Every person who wears sacred thread and has an inclination towards religion takes an oath of piousness and changes his sacred thread. Donation is given to Brahmins according to one’s capability and they are provided food. Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi are worshipped on this day. The glimpse of Vishnu and Lakshmi gives happiness, wealth and prosperity.  Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Mahalaksmi and Hanuman are offered sacred thread on this day

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Janmashtami Festival 2025 । Janmashtami Festival 2025

Janmashtami marks the day of Lord Krishna’s birth. Smmart and Vaishnav community will celebrate Janmashtami on 16 august 2025.  Janmashtami is celebrated with a lot of zeal and excitement all around India. People are totally devoted toward Lord Krishna during this period. Janmashtami is celebrated with total devotion and dedication.

According to religious scriptures, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Krishna in order to free the Earth from sins and sinners. Lord Krishna was born to Devki and Vasudev at midnight in Rohini Nakshatra on Ashtami of Krishna Paksha during Bhadrapad month. People of Smmart and Vaishnav communities celebrate Janmashtami in their own different ways. People of Smmart community celebrate Janmashtami during Moon rise in Rohini Nakshatra. On the other hand, people of Vaishnav community celebrate Janmashtami during sun rise in Rohini Nakshatra.

Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on Friday. Ashtami Tithi will begin on, 15 August 2025 at 23:50 and end on 16 August 2025 at 21:35.

Different Celebrations of Janmashtami

This festival is celebrated in a lot of different ways. Some people celebrate it with colors, while others use flowers and fragrances. A glimpse of Lord Krishna’s life can be seen in the exhibitions organized in various temples. A game of Dahi-Handi is also inevitable on this day. Devotees usually fast on this day. Lord Krishna’s idol is kept in a cradle. A lot of exhibitions can be seen in various temples.

Devotees from all around India visit Lord Krishna’s temples on this day. Brij is crowded throughout this period. Temples in Brij and Mathura are decorated with colors and flowers. People from all around the world visit these places on Janmashtami. Lord Krishna is offered turmeric, curd, ghee, oil, rose water, butter, saffron, camphor etc.

Janmashtami Fast Worship

According to shastras, a person fasting on this day attains salvation. This fast is believed to fulfill all kinds of desires. People are totally devoted and dedicated to Lord Krishna on this day. This fast is mandatory for people of Sanatan Dharma community. Fasts are kept on this day and Lord Krishna is worshipped by singing holy songs and bhajans. Exhibitions of Lord Krishna’s lives are organized in temples. People take baths in hole rivers on the day of Janmashtami.

An idol of Lord Krishna and his mother, Devki is kept in a cradle. This idol is made of gold, silver, copper, brass or even mud. Lord Krishna is worshipped after his idol is kept in a cradle. Names of Devki, Vasudev, Baldev, Nand, Yashoda and Laxmi are also used in the prayers. Even their idols are placed in temples on the day of Janmashtami. Lord Krishna is given a bath with water, flowers, fragrances etc. from a conch. Panchamrit is made with Tulsi, butter and sugar crystals.

Bhagavad Gita is read and worshipped at night. Lord Krishna is offered milk, curd, honey and water from river Yamuna. Lord Krishna’s idol is decorated and kept in a cradle. Devotees fast till midnight on this day. At midnight, sounds of conches, bhajans, kirtans and chants mark the birth of Lord Krishna.

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Teej Festival in the month of Shravan 2025, Shravani Teej 2025

Teej festival is celebrated on Tritiya of Shukla Paksha during Shravan month. This festival is also known as Sindhara, Hariyali Teej, Madhusrava Tritiya and Choti Teej. This year, this festival will be celebrated on 27 august 2025, This festival is mostly celebrated by women. Teej is celebrated with the commencement of monsoon month. Therefore, nature plays a very important role in the beauty of this festival. Markets and other public areas are decorated during this period.

Teej is celebrated with a lot of zeal and excitement. People of different age groups celebrate this festival. Newly married women celebrate this festival in the house of their parents. Women keep a fast on this day. Married women keep a fast for a happy married life, whereas unmarried girls keep this fast so that they are blessed with a good husband in the future. This festival is known as Hariyali Teej in North East India. Women sing songs and play on swings during this period.

Teej Fast Worship

According to a famous legend, Goddess Parvati kept this fast in order to marry Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was impressed by her devotion and married Goddess Parvati. Therefore, women worship Goddess Parvati on this day desiring a happy married life.

Hariyali or Kajli Teej has a great impact on India’s culture. Mehndi and swings hold a great importance on the day of this festival. Young girls and married women decorate their hands with mehndi and play on swings while singing songs. Swings are tied on trees or terraces. A lot of fairs are also organized on the day of this festival. It is believed that Goddess Parvati met Lord Shiva after a long period on this day.

The festival of Teej commences with the beginning of monsoon season. The sky can be seen covered with dark clouds all the time and the whole earth prospers because of the rain. A newly married woman goes back to her parents house on this day. Married women are offered Sindhara by their in-laws. Sindhara includes clothes, ornaments, mehndi, sweets, objects related to make up etc.

Fairs during Teej Festival

A lot of fairs are organized on this day. Teej festival is followed by Raksha Bandhan and therefore, people are excited and happy during this period. Mehndi and swings are among some attractions associated with these fairs. Women can be seen playing on these swings and flaunting mehndi in their hands and feet. Swings are tied on big trees. A lot of such fair are organized in different places all around India.

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Raksha Bandhan Shubh Muhurat – Raksha Bandhan Muhurat 2025

Raksha Bandhan is the symbol of unbreakable bond between the love of brother and sister. This festivals brings a sense of happiness and joy in the lives of people.  The bond of love and trust formed by tying of Rakhi to brother, can not be expressed in words. It is believed that if a work is performed in the favorable time period, its auspiciousness increases. To make the bond of brother and sister unbreakable, tying of Rakhi should be done in the auspicious period. Vedic scriptures have determined some auspicious period in which all the festivals and ceremonies must be performed. These auspicious period are commonly known as Shubh Muhurat.

Similarly, shubh muhurat for tying a rakhi is also mentioned in these scriptures. According to them, Raksha bandhan should not be celebrated in the bhadra period of both shravani and phalguni. Tying rakhi on the brother’s wrist is prohibited during this period and considered to be inauspicious. According to the belief, tying a knot during these nakshatras harms the people related to it. This is the reason that auspicious period should be taken into consideration while celebrating the festival of Rakhi.

This year in 2025, the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 09th August. The full moon date will start from 14:13 on 08th August 2025 and will prevail till  13:25 on 09th August.

There will be no Bhadra on the 9th August. Bhadra time is considered during Raksha Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan is favorable as it is Bhadra free time. If this work has to be done during Bhadra period, then it should be done during Bhadra tail period, leaving aside Bhadra Mukha. There will be no Bhadra on the 9th

As per the ancient scriptures, the auspicious and inauspicious period of any festival or ceremony is calculated on the basis of Chau ghadi. It is advised to prohibit doing any auspicious work during bhadra kaal. Keeping in consideration the ancient beliefs, bhadra period is not considered to be auspicious, because when Bhadra resides in any muhurat is destroys the auspiciousness of it. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is considered favorable if celebrated in time devoid of Bhadra. The festival of Raksha bandhan must be celebrated only when Bhadra period lies on the previous day and the date of Poornima shows more than three muhurat on the second day of Raksha bandhan.

Vermillion, red thread, turmeric, rice, Diya, incense, sweets are also used along with Rakhi by sisters while tying the knot. Apply a tilak of vermillion and turmeric, followed by rice on the forehead. Now, tie rakhi on your brother’s wrist while praying for his longevity. Sisters should chant the following mantra while tying the knot,

“Yena Badho Bali Raja, Danvendro Mahabal |
Tena Twamanubadhnami, Rakshe Ma Chal Ma Chal ||”

In india, no festival of India is complete without delicious dishes. For every festival some special dishes are prepared, so as for Raksha bandhan. A person celebrating this festival should wake up early in the morning, take bath and wear clean clothes. First of all, the family God is worshiped, followed by taking ther blesings of dead ancestors and elder family members.

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Tulsidas Jayanti 2025 । Biography of Tulsidas

Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated every year in the honor of Goswami Tulsidas. It is held on the seventh day after in the Shravan month. In 2025, Tulsidas Jayanti will be celebrated on 31st July . Goswami Tulsidas was a great worshipper of Lord Rama and represented his devotion by emphasising on the bhakti of Lord Ram in his compositions. He not only attained success through ram bhakti, but also tried to bind everyone with the ideals of Lord Rama. He composed Ramcharitmanas in devotion of Lord Rama in Hindi on the basis of Valmiki Ramayana.

Tulsidas Life History

Tulsidas was a great devotee of Lord Rama and Hanuman. He was a composer of  Ramcharitmanas, and great devotee of Lord Rama. It is believed that one has to take several births to attain this honor which Tulsidas was able to attain in his life. He was respected and worshipped by his followers and disciples. He was born in 1589 in  Rajapur (Chitrakuta), a village on the banks of the Yamuna river in Uttar Pradesh. His parents were Hulsi and Atmaram Dubey.

Tulsidas was an unfortunate child and has go through various problems and sufferings during his childhood days. Later he was married to Ratnavali. He immensely loved his wife, and due to this one day he had to listen to harsh words uttered by his wife remarking, “ that if Tulsidas was even half as devoted to God as he was to her body of flesh and blood, he would have been redeemed from his suffering”. Tulsidas left her instantly and decided to devote his life in the worshipping of Lord Rama. He also gained wisdom from Guru Baba Narharidas.

He spent most the time of his life in Chitrakoot, Kashi and Ayodhya. He composed various scriptures while wandering from one place to another. His compositions include: Ramcharitmanas, Ktiwali, Janakimangal, Vinayapatrika, Geetawali, Hanuman Chalia, Barve Ramayana etc.

Major Compositions of Tulsidas

Tulsidas was a scholar of Sanskrit language and composed various scriptures in his life span. His most epic composition “Ramcharitmanas” is still read by people with immense faith and devotion.

It elaborates the various aspects of  life and deeds of the Lord Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is an immortal poetic classic and considered to be one of the best in the world literature.Dohavali. It is a work consisting of 573 miscellaneous Doha and Sortha verses. The verses are aphorisms on topics related to tact, political wisdom, righteousness and the purpose of life. Katvali is also a composition describing the life history of Lord Rama in the form of verses.  Like the Ramcharitmanas, it is divided into seven Kands or books and many episodes in this work are different from the Ramcharitmanas.

Gitavali is a collection of songs and also divided into seven kands. Other than these, Barve Ramayana, Hanuman Bahuk, Ramlal Nahchu, Janaki Mangal, Rmgya Prashna and Sankat Mochan are some of his small compositions. Hanuman chalisa is second most popular composition of Tulsidas, after Ramcharitmanas.

Tulsidas as a community guide

Tulsidas tried to remove malpractices through his compositions . He used to criticize the social issues prevailing in the country and preached people about their negative effects. He made various attempts to raise up the practice of true worshipping, protection of brahmins, and honor of ancient scriptures. He wanted to create a ram rajya  where everyone can live a peaceful life without any malpractices. Many people tried to destroy his compositions out of jealousy.

Even today Ramlila is held every year in various parts of the country. On Tulsidas Jayanti people recite verses from Ramcharitmanas and his other compositions. It is said that he spent his last days of life in Kashi and died in 1680 on Shravan Tritiya at the bank of Asi Ghat while chanting the name of Lord Rama.

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Kaal Sarpa Puja on Naag Panchami – Kaal Sarpa Puja

Naag panchami is celebrated on the shukla paksha panchami of shravan maas. Performing Kal sarpa puja on this day has a special significance in hinduism.  It is believed that performing kal sarpa puja on this day gives a native relief from the all kinds of negative effects of this dosha. Hence, shanti puja is performed on this day by worshipping Lord Shiva and shivalinga to destroy the ill-effects of kal sarpa yoga. Performing jalabhishek on Dwadash jyotirlinga on this is considered to auspicious.

A person suffering from Kal sarpa yoga should observe fast on Naag panchami and flow a pair of snakes made of silver into a flowing water. Offering a pair of snake make with eight elements and or glass on a shivalinga also gives relief from this dosha. The native should chant Shiva panchakshara mantra “Om Namah shivaya counting on a rosay give relief from its negative effects. Worshipping the lord with milk, honey, sugar is considered to give beneficial results. Worshipping Mahakaleshwar on this day destroys this defect forever. It is a festival of faith and fervor. On this day, worshiping Lord Shiva, the holder of serpent, is considered auspicious.

Puja for Kaal sarpa Dosha in Naag Panchami

According to the astrology, the God of fifth date is Snake. As, Naag Panchami is celebrated in Sharav Maas, hence, no digging of earth is done in this month. On the day of Naag Panchami, ploughing of field, digging of foundation is not good. Because, habitat of snake is considered to be beneath the earth. Digging of land can hurt the Snake God.At many places of nation, Naag Panchami is also celebrated on Panchami Tithti of Krishan Paksha.

On the day of Naag Panchami, fast is kept in order to please God Snake . In this fast, after the sunset and whole day fasting, Kheer is prepared as an offering for God snake while worshiping it. First of all the Kheer is offered to God snake or to Lord Shiva, and then eaten as Prashad (offering from God), by everyone. The person keeping the fast should strictly  follow all the rules. People who’s Kundali have Kaal Sarp Yoga, should keep fast and offer worshiping as mentioned for the pacification of this dosha.

On the day of Naag Panchami, people keeping fast, should make a sculpture of snake with cow dunk, and worship the lord  with milk, grass, Kusha, sandalwood, rice, flower and sweet(Ladoo).  They should recite Naag stotra or chant Naag mantras to please the God Snake. The fragrance of sandalwood is especially dear to Serpent God. Hence, sandalwood should be used while worshiping. White lotus is also used while offering prayer to the lord.. Chanting of the mantras, reduces the inauspicious effect of Kalsarp Yoga.

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Raksha Bandhan Celebration – Raksha Bandhan Festival

The festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on full moon day(Purnima) of Shravan Masa. This festival is a symbol of unbreakable bond between brother and sister that cannot be described in words. To understand the significance of Raksha Bandhan, first of all we will need to understand its meaning. “Rakshabandhan” is made out of two words Raksha + Bandhan. That means, a bond which take the promise of safety.

In the Hindu religion thread of Rakhi is the token of emotional unity. It is a thread of love and faith. It provides the strength to brothers to stand by their sisters in every situation of life and protect them from all evils. Thread gives power to brothers so that they can be capable of protecting their sisters. It is the only festival in the Indian tradition, which makes all social relations strong and holds a cultural and social importance as well.

Speciality of Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is specially the festival of feeling and sentiments. A bond which ties two people with a thread of love. An unbreakable bond of Raksha Bandhan has crossed the restriction of only brother and sister. Now Rakhi is also tied between Guru and his disciple, two brothers, two sisters, two friends or parents and child which can be seen in various ancient scriptures as well. Raksha Bandhan is not just accepting the relationship of sister. But, the person who get the Rakhi tied on his wrist needs to accept his responsibilities. And should try to maintain the relationship with full dedication.

In present society, the social issues arising nowadays can be removed with the help of festival of Raksha Bandhan. When we see old parents roaming in search of old age homes, then a question mark is put on our development and growth. The solution of this problem can be tying of Rakhi to parents, and children taking the responsibilities of completing their duty towards their parents. This way an important problem of society can be solved.

Hence, festival of Raksha Bandhan should not be restricted to brother and sister, instead we need to expand the scope of our ideas and understand its significance in today’s contexts. In brief it is a festival of making relationships stronger with a bond of affinity and love. This bonding gives Indian tradition a different recognition from others.

Raksha Bandhan Puja

On this day sisters, after having bath etc. in the morning, prepare variety of dishes. After this, plate used for worshiping is decorated and Rakhi, saffron, turmeric, rice, lamps, insence sticks, sweet and some money is kept in the plate. First of all, the family God is worshiped. After this,Tilak is applied on the  forehead of brother, followed by applying and scattering rice on the head.  Aarti is performed. Then, Rakhi is tied on the right wrist of brother.

Sisters touch the feet of their brothers and seek their blessings, and in return brothers promises to protect them till the end of their life and give gifts in the form of money or clothes. While tying Rakhi, sister should chant the following mantra for the longevity of her brother. The person, who wants to celebrate this festival, should take bath early in the morning and wear new clothes. After this, family god should be worship, then, Rakhi is also worship. Remember your ancestors and take the blessing of elders.

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Pavitra Ekadashi 2025 – Pavitra Ekadashi Fast

Pavitra Ekadashi is celebrated on the day of Ekadashi during Shukla Paksha of Shravan month. This year, Pavitra Ekadashi will be celebrated on 05 August 2025. According to religious scriptures, by listening to the story of this fast, you receive the same same auspicious results as Vajpeyi yagya. Lord Krishna explained the importance of this fast to Yudhisthira.

According to Lord Krishna, if a person keeps this fast with devotion, he is blessed with a child. In other words, people who want a child are blessed with one by keeping this fast. A person keeping a fast on this day is free from all sins. Such a person goes to heaven after he dies.

Pavitra Ekadashi Worship

Lord Narayana is worshipped on this day. A person should wake up early and wear clean clothes. First of all, Lord Narayana is worshipped with dhoop and deep. Then, Bel leaves, fruits, flowers, pan, supari, cloves, ber, amla etc. are offered to Lord Narayana.

Donating lamps on this day holds special importance. A person should not consume any food till the evening. Lord Vishnu should be worshipped on this day. A fast should also be kept. Vishnu Sahastranam should also be read or recited. Food should be offered to Brahmanas and their blessings should be taken.

Pavitra Ekadashi Fast Story

There was a King named Suketuman in ancient times. The King did not have a child and was always stressed about it. He went to a forest one day in search of peace. Eventually he was thirsty and started looking for a river to drink water. He could not find a river, but was able to locate an asylum which belonged to saints.

The King offered his respects to the saints. The saints blessed the King. Suketuman asked the saints about the reason for their gathering. The saints said that they had gathered to take a bath in a nearby river. The saints told him that it was Putrada Ekadashi and the Magh month’s bath would being in five days. A person keeping this fast is blessed with a child.

The King asked for blessings from the saints. The saints asked Suketuman to keep this fast if he desired a child. Suketuman followed the saints’ advice and kept a fast with total devotion and dedication. In case there are obstacles and a person is unable to be blessed with a child, all problems are eliminated by keeping this fast. A person keeping this fast attains salvation.

Importance of Pavitra Ekadashi Fast

Keeping a fast on this day is considered to be very auspicious. A person who keeps this fast is blessed with a child. Hence, if a person is desiring a child, he should fast on this day.

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