Raksha Bandhan is the symbol of unbreakable bond between the love of brother and sister. This festivals brings a sense of happiness and joy in the lives of people. The bond of love and trust formed by tying of Rakhi to brother, can not be expressed in words. It is believed that if a work is performed in the favorable time period, its auspiciousness increases. To make the bond of brother and sister unbreakable, tying of Rakhi should be done in the auspicious period. Vedic scriptures have determined some auspicious period in which all the festivals and ceremonies must be performed. These auspicious period are commonly known as Shubh Muhurat.
Similarly, shubh muhurat for tying a rakhi is also mentioned in these scriptures. According to them, Raksha bandhan should not be celebrated in the bhadra period of both shravani and phalguni. Tying rakhi on the brother’s wrist is prohibited during this period and considered to be inauspicious. According to the belief, tying a knot during these nakshatras harms the people related to it. This is the reason that auspicious period should be taken into consideration while celebrating the festival of Rakhi.
This year in 2025, the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 09th August. The full moon date will start from 14:13 on 08th August 2025 and will prevail till 13:25 on 09th August.
There will be no Bhadra on the 9th August. Bhadra time is considered during Raksha Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan is favorable as it is Bhadra free time. If this work has to be done during Bhadra period, then it should be done during Bhadra tail period, leaving aside Bhadra Mukha. There will be no Bhadra on the 9th
As per the ancient scriptures, the auspicious and inauspicious period of any festival or ceremony is calculated on the basis of Chau ghadi. It is advised to prohibit doing any auspicious work during bhadra kaal. Keeping in consideration the ancient beliefs, bhadra period is not considered to be auspicious, because when Bhadra resides in any muhurat is destroys the auspiciousness of it. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is considered favorable if celebrated in time devoid of Bhadra. The festival of Raksha bandhan must be celebrated only when Bhadra period lies on the previous day and the date of Poornima shows more than three muhurat on the second day of Raksha bandhan.
Vermillion, red thread, turmeric, rice, Diya, incense, sweets are also used along with Rakhi by sisters while tying the knot. Apply a tilak of vermillion and turmeric, followed by rice on the forehead. Now, tie rakhi on your brother’s wrist while praying for his longevity. Sisters should chant the following mantra while tying the knot,
“Yena Badho Bali Raja, Danvendro Mahabal |
Tena Twamanubadhnami, Rakshe Ma Chal Ma Chal ||”
In india, no festival of India is complete without delicious dishes. For every festival some special dishes are prepared, so as for Raksha bandhan. A person celebrating this festival should wake up early in the morning, take bath and wear clean clothes. First of all, the family God is worshiped, followed by taking ther blesings of dead ancestors and elder family members.
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