Book details

Mystics of Sarvato Bhadra Chakra & Astrological Predictions

M K Agarwal

Tags : vedic astrology,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Sarvato Bhadra Chakra (SBC) is like a light lamp empowered to enlighten the whole World. According to Brahmyamal granth, a rare document of Vedic Astrology, SBC is an instrument which can most accurately predict and also verify correctness of astrological predictions. It can be successfully applied for the following purposes: Individual problems, national problems, benefic auspicious time (Muhurta), horary and business forecast.

The main source of SBC is Brahmyamal granth of Hindu literature. Thereafter number of other commentators and sages like Narpati, Mantreswara, Garg, Varah Mihira, Damodar, etc. experimented and developed its application for welfare of human beings. SBC consisting of 81 Vargas is recommended by the author of Brahmyamal granth..

As indicated above, SBC is most useful for predicting all types of events including major events of one's life. The birth star (Moon's sign star) plays important role in predicting transit results and for deciding the timing of event. In addition SBC can be applied for determining the timing, location and quantum of rain. Such forecasts are most important for National economy.