What is Your Rashi?
Dr Jaiprakash Sharma
Tags : vedic astrology,
Categories : Vedic Astrology,
No need for you to run around the marriage consultants and so-called marriage-makers to get the woman of your destiny. For, you have the secret of finding your ideal bride analytically revealed in this book which throws enough light on who should your ideal bride be. How she should look, what features she must have, what mental capabilities she must be endowed with—All these questions have been answered in an easy-to-comprehend language. A ‘must’ book for those willing to have their ideal choice in this field of many uncertainties! Some of the astrological parameters discussed in the book are appearing for the first time in black and white. Based on the study of our ancient tomes, with modern interpretations, the learned author has not left any ‘gem’ untouched to smoothen the marital life of every potential groom.