Raman's 110 Year Ephemeris of Planetary Positions
B V Raman
Tags : vedic astrology, Hndiu astrology,
Categories : Vedic Astrology,
Ephemerides published in foreign countries were available some years back though at exhorbitant prices. Hence the need for a publication of this type became all the more necessary. It seemed highly desirable that an ephemeris capable of meeting the demands of astrological students and savants and those interested in the study of astrology all over the world irrespective of their preference—Sayana (tropical) or Nirayana (Sidereal)—and reasonably accurate and easy to consult should be made available.
This Ephemeris can be used universally as planetary positions given are Sayana (tropical). Students of Hindu astrology will be able to use it not only for casting horoscopes according to Nirayana (Sidereal) system but also for finding the thithi (lunar day), the nakshatra (constellation) and the yoga which are necessary elements of Hndiu astrology.