Book details

Plantary Behaviour & Human Life

N N Saha

Tags : vedic astrology, Nimai Banerjee,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Here is a collection of articles written by the author and published in the magazine Planets & Forecast over the years.


1. Moon Meets Saturn – Introductory article by Dr. Nimai Banerjee,
2. Mars Makes Top Business Executives,
3. Mars in Evil Houses, Aspect, Transit,
4. Saturn—the Controller of Fate and Destiny,
5. The Moon Creates Good and Bad Days,
6. Planets and Combustion,
7. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Rahu, Ketu in Combustion,
8. Planets and Retrogression,
9. Derimented Ketu,
10. Jupiter Creates Fortunate & Unfortunate Moments in Life,
11. Important Planetary Transits.