Lal Kitab and Malefic Venus
Effects of inauspicious Venus and remedies according to Lal Kitab
Laal Kitaab’s predictions are not based on the horoscope of a person. It has its own set of principles and uses certain calculations to make predictions. The remedies of Laal Kitaab have the same impact on a person’s life as Vedic astrology. A person can attain the benefits of Laal Kitaab if he follows the remedies sincerely.
According to the Laal Kitaab, a benefic Venus gives auspicious results and makes life pleasurable and peaceful. On the other hand, a malefic Venus gives defects and sufferings. In this webcast, we will try to tell you about the signs of inauspicious and auspicious Venus. We will also discuss the remedies to get relief from its inauspicious results.
Signs of an inauspicious Venus according to Lal Kitab
According to the Laal Kitaab, when you come under the negative influence of Venus then you are likely to get moral defeat. You may even become a victim of bad habits.
Inauspicious Venus can give rise to conflicts and disagreements in a marital life which might lead to divorce or separation. Hence, you should try to avoid arguments over petty issues.
Although you will be blessed with wealth and luxury, but a malefic Venus will not let you enjoy these luxuries.
The frequent rifts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a sign of an inauspicious Venus.
If you are facing losses due to a female member in family then it is due to an inauspicious Venus.
Similarly, if a person is not able to get pleasure of the married life or relationship between the partners is not harmonious, then also Venus is said to be inauspicious.
If a female at home is suffering from any diseases related to pregnancy or a child then it indicates that Venus is inauspicious.
A person which comes under the negative influence of Venus might become deceptive and fraud.
He may also suffer from venereal diseases due to the influence of an inauspicious Venus. He may become careless or can adopt bad habits which might have an adverse impact on his health.
An inauspicious Venus also leads to the addiction of alcohol or drugs at a very young age. Such a person gets in a habit of doing wrong deeds and can become severely addicted to bad habits.
According to the Laal Kitaab, when a person adopts dual life or start living two different lives he said to be under the influence of the inauspicious Venus.
Remedies to turn an inauspicious Venus into an auspicious one
Till now, we spoke about the signs and effects of an inauspicious Venus. Now, we will tell you about the remedies to turn the inauspicious Venus into an auspicious one.
You should donate cotton and curd in a temple to reduce the ill-effects of inauspicious Venus.
You should also feed green fodder to a cow and serve her will full devotion.
Do not disrespect or humiliate any female member of your family since it may decrease the auspicious effects of Venus.
Keeping a silver ball with you will increase the auspicious effects of Venus.
You should observe fast on Friday and should visit the temple regularly to offer prayers to the lord Venus. This will help to increase the auspicious results of Venus.
Keep a control on your mind and heart and try to maintain an equilibrium between these two to live a happy and balanced life.
Females should wear a gold clip or pin in their hair to get the pleasure of wealth and child.
Laal Kitaab emphasizes to keep your mind and heart in control.
The inauspicious influence of Venus can be decreased by feeding green fodder to a cow. Donate cow’s ghee in the temple to make Venus strong.