Unlucky Mercury and Lalkitab Remedies
Signs of an inauspicious Mercury and its remedies in Lal Kitab
Using the remedies suggested by Lal Kitab minimizes the inauspicious effects of planets. In this webcast, we will tell you about the different signs and indications of an inauspicious Mercury. We will also discuss the remedies that one can use in order to minimize the inauspicious effects. You will be able to recognize an inauspicious Mercury according to signs provided here and can use the remedies to decrease its inauspicious results.
Signs or indications of an inauspicious Mercury
The surroundings of a person and events happening in his life can tell whether Mercury is weak or inauspicious in his Kundali or not. Mercury is the Karak planet of business. Therefore, you may get some losses in business when Mercury is inauspicious.
An inauspicious Mercury may also ruin your relationships with your sister, daughter or paternal aunt.
A person may even stammer or suffer from some other speech problems when Mercury is weak or inauspicious since Mercury is the Karaka planet of speech.
A prolonged illness or a chronic disease is also an indication of an inauspicious or weak Mercury.
A weak or afflicted Mercury makes a person lazy and lethargic. Such kind of person may also betray others.
A person may be imprisoned due to the presence of an inauspicious Mercury. He might also suffer from depression because of constant mental stress. Avoid thinking too much about small things in this period.
A weak Mercury may also cause venereal diseases.
The person may become a flatterer or might get involved in some unethical activities. Addiction to alcohol is also a strong indication of an inauspicious or weak Mercury.
You may also suffer from skin diseases when Mercury is weak or inauspicious in your Kundali.
Mercury is the Karak planet of intelligence. It gives knowledge to a person. Hence, an inauspicious Mercury results in lack of knowledge and intelligence.
You may witness a rapid change in your life which might cause some trouble for you. This is also an indication of an inauspicious Mercury.
Remedies for an inauspicious Mercury
Keep saunf beside your bed before sleeping at night in order to strengthen Mercury.
You should not consume alcohol, eggs or meat if Mercury is debilitated or weak.
To minimize the ill effects of Mercury, you should keep some water beside your bed at night. Offer this water on a Pipal tree in the next morning.
Girls should get their nose pierced in order to minimize the ill effects of Mercury.
Donate milk and rice in a temple to increase the reduce the inauspicious results of Mercury.
Offer water to the Sun daily in the morning. This will strengthen Mercury.
Be kind and compassionate towards little girls. Mercury gives auspicious results when you have good relations with your sisters, maternal and paternal aunts or sister-in-laws.
Wear a silver chain or a copper coin in your neck to strengthen a weak Mercury.