Sun in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Signs - Sun in Different Signs

In Vedic astrology, every planet gives different results in different signs. The Karak elements of both, signs and planets give results to the native. At times, you receive auspicious results, while they may be inauspicious in different situations. A planet gives auspicious results in certain signs, while inauspicious results in others.

In this webcast, we will talk about Sun’s effects in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio signs. We will try to analyse Sun’s effects in these four signs.

Sun’s effects in Leo Sign

First of all, we will talk about Sun’s effects in Leo sign. Leo is Sun’s own sign. It is also Sun’s Mooltrikona sign. You will be very caring and loving towards others. Once you fall in love with someone, you tend to be loyal and caring towards the person.

Sun is the ruling planet of Leo sign. It is considered to be a King among all the planets. The symbol of this sign is a Lion, which is considered to be the King of the jungle. Due to these qualities, you will be brave and courageous.

Leo is a Fiery sign. Therefore, you may be very short tempered in life, that means you may easily get angry about everything. You will be extremely ambitious. You will have a desire to achieve a lot of things in life. You may also be very proud of yourself. You may be self-centered. You are always involved with yourself.

Sun’s Position in Virgo Sign

In this slide, we will talk about Sun’s effects in Virgo sign. Due to the presence of Sun in Virgo sign, you may have a shy personality. You don’t socialize with others easily.

You will use your intelligence to take decisions in life. You will not blindly trust your heart or emotions. You will not let your emotions dominate your intelligence.

You will be good-looking. You will also have a good personality. Due to Sun in Virgo sign, you will also have a sweet voice. You will talk nicely with everyone.

You may worry a lot in life. In other words, you may think a lot about certain issues and worry yourself. You will even have a habit of worrying about petty issues.

You will be easily attracted to the opposite gender. You will be interested in people of opposite gender. You will have great communication skills.

You will also be interested in music. You may be interested in attending musical events. You are a very talkative person. You can easily speak on any subject.

Sun in Libra Sign

Let us now analyse Sun’s position in Libra sign. Sun is debilitated in Libra sign. Since Sun is debilitated in Libra sign, it is considered to be inauspicious. Sun is considered to be weak in this sign.

Venus is the ruling planet of Libra sign. It is associated with beauty. Therefore, you will admire beauty in life. You will prefer to do every task in a proper and systematic manner.

You are a judicious person and don’t like injustice. You never hurt anyone in your life. You are always grateful to others and help them in their needs.

You always think about long-term effects of everything. You try to analyse the pros and cons of every decision. You analyse everything in detail. You ask yourself questions regarding what, when and how about a certain subject. Once you get your answers, you proceed with your decision.

Sun is a fiery planet and Libra is a moveable sign, that’s why you may have an unstable mind shifting from thought to thought or ideas to ideas very rapidly.

Sun’s Characteristics in Scorpio Sign

Before we conclude this webcast, we will talk about Sun’s position in Scorpio sign. Scorpio is considered to be Sun’s friendly sign. This is because Mars is the Lord of Scorpio sign. Mars is friendly towards Sun.

When Sun is in Scorpio sign, it is in the tenth house from its own Leo sign. It is considered to be auspicious when a planet is in a center or trine house from its own house.

Scorpio is a watery sign. Therefore, when Sun is in Scorpio sign, you may be very emotional. You are very compassionate in life. You have a lot of feelings within yourself.

Due to the presence of Sun in Scorpio sign, you have a broad chest. You may be a bit miser. If you have to spend some money, you always try to plan your expenditure.

Due to the presence of Sun in Scorpio sign, you may be unhappy throughout your life. In other words, you are never satisfied with anything.

Click on this link to watch Sun in Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer Signs : Sun in Aries to Cancer Sign