Vedic Astrology combination for learning foreign languages
A foreign language is a language not native to a country. For example, an english speaker living in Japan can say that Japanese is a foreign language to him or her. Today, we will talk about various astrological combinations which help us to predict the chances of learning a foreign language.
Foreign language and the related planets
Jupiter when placed strongly in a Janma Kundali indicates affection and interest for mother tongue and motherland. When it is weak, it shows an interest in foreign culture and foreign language.
If Saturn is placed strongly in a Janma Kundali, it confirms an inclination towards foreign culture and foreign language.
Rahu is a virtual planet and its characteristics resemble to that of Saturn. Hence, Rahu placed in the ascendant indicate an interest for a foreign language.
Mercury is the planet of communication and it should be strong in order to gain an ability to learn and write foreign languages.
You can also learn a foreign language when Ketu is present in third house or fifth house in your Kundali. A person also learns a foreign language when the lord of fifth house forms a relationship with Ketu.
Role of 1st house, 2nd house and 12th house
The 1st house indicates the basic traits of the person and if it is aspected by Saturn, Mercury or Rahu, it indicates the flair for a foreign language.
If 2nd house is strong in a Janma Kundali, it indicates command in speaking or writing a foreign language.
12th house is the house of additional interests other than main profession of a person. Therefore, if any planet like Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury or Rahu are involved with the 12th house, it indicates the learning of other language in leisure time.
Zodiac signs inclined towards learning a foreign language
Natives of Aries sign are courageous, ambitious and have the skills to learn foreign language as Jupiter is the lord of their 12th house.
Leos are versatile and have an inclination for art, literature and foreign cultures. They are avid readers and since Mercury is the lord of their 2nd house, they can learn and speak foreign languages easily.
Capricorn is the sign with Jupiter as the lord of 12th house, the house of interests other than profession. Therefore, Capricorns have a flair to learn a foreign language in their leisure time.
Other Yogas for building career with foreign languages
If you are looking for a career related to a foreign language, your Janma Kundali should have Rahu, Ketu or Saturn related to the 9th house or 12th house. The planets Rahu and Ketu should be prominent since they represent inclination towards foreign culture. The 4th house should also be afflicted in order to learn a foreign language.
The ascendant should be strong to learn a foreign language. Along with this, you should have a flair to learn a foreign language.
The planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu should be strong to gain expertise in a foreign language. The 1st house should also be strong.
Remedies to improve the skills to learn a foreign language
Saraswati Mantra “Om Aiyang Hreem Kleeng Maha Saraswatye Namah” should be chanted to improve the skills required to learn a foreign language.
Surya Namaskaar along with Gayatri Mantra should be done to enhance the concentration of mind.
Lal kitab suggests the remedies for Rahu in 9th house and 2nd house to improve the skills required to learn a foreign language. These remedies are as follows:
- Never tame any pet like parrot, dog, goat or sheep.
- Always bow your head in the temple.
- Keep a silver ball in the pocket.