Jupiter in Vedic Astrology (Guru Jyotisha)
Importance of Jupiter in Vedic astrology
In this webcast, we will talk about the importance of Jupiter in astrology. We will also discuss the effects of Jupiter on a Kundali, the issues related to it and also the remedies.
Ancient legends and other information related to Jupiter in astrology
According to an ancient legend, Jupiter was born to Angira and Sunitha. He was married to Tara. Jupiter is known as the god of intelligence and speech. Since Jupiter is considered to be a Devguru, he is also considered to be the Guru of Moon. His appearance is believed to be strange. Jupiter is believed to have seven heads, a beautiful tongue, narrow horns and numerous feathers. He can be seen holding a bow and arrow along with a golden Parshu.
Jupiter is considered magnificent because of his extraordinary size. Hence, he became popular by the name of Brahaspati. Jupiter is also known by many different names like Angiras, Angira, Arya, Guru, Jeev, Surguru, Sursariya, Vachaspati, Suri, Devguru etc.
Jupiter is considered the Karak planet for many things in a Kundali
Each Kundali has a definite set of Karak planets. While studying a Kundali, the Karak planets of each house should also be analyzed along with the houses and their lords. Jupiter is the Karak planet of the second, fifth, ninth and the eleventh house. All these houses are analyzed for wealth. Hence, Jupiter is considered to be the Naisargik Karak for wealth. Jupiter is also considered to be the Karak planet of children as the fifth house is studied to analyze the prospects of having children. Ninth house is studied to analyze wealth and it also forms a Dharma triangle. Jupiter being the Devguru is also the Karak planet for the ninth house.
You can wear a yellow sapphire if Jupiter is auspicious but weak in your Kundali. If you are not able to wear this gem, you can even wear a golden topaz.
Jupiter is the Karak planet of knowledge in every Kundali. It is considered the planet of intelligence. It is also the Karak planet for listening. The placement of Jupiter is properly analyzed in a Kundali along with other Yogas. Jupiter effects all the yellow objects.
Being a pure planet, Jupiter is also known as Jitendriya. It gives fame, wealth and charm.
Impact of Jupiter in a Janma Kundali
Each planet has its own sign(Swarashi), Mooltrikon sign, an exalted sign and a debilitated sign in vedic astrology. It is considered auspicious if a planet is in an exalted sign. On the other hand, it is considered inauspicious if a planet is in its debilitated sign.
Jupiter is considered to be in its own sign(Swarashi), if it is in Sagittarius or Pisces sign. It is considered auspicious. Jupiter is in its Mooltrikon sign, if it is in Sagittarius sign from 0 to 10 degrees. This placement is considered less auspicious than Jupiter being in its own sign (Swarashi). Jupiter will be exalted if it is in Cancer sign from 0 to 5 degrees. It is considered most exalted if it is at 5 degrees in Cancer sign.
Jupiter will be debilitated if it is in Capricorn sign from 0 to 5 degrees. It is not a good position for Jupiter. A debilitated Jupiter can result in lack of confidence.
Relationship of Jupiter with other planets
In Vedic astrology, planets are either friendly, neutral or enemies towards each other. The natural friendship of planets is called Naisargik Maitri. The permanent enemies are called Naisargik Shatru. Sun, Moon and Mars are natural (Naisargik) friends of Jupiter. Saturn is neutral towards Jupiter. Mercury and Venus are enemies of Jupiter.
Besides Naisargik Maitri, planets also have immediate friendship between them which is known as Tatkaalik Maitri. It depends on the position of planets in a Kundali. Venus will be friendly to the planets which are present three houses ahead and three houses back from their original position.
The Panchadha maitri is ascertained on the basis of Naisargik and Tatkaalik Maitri and it gives the final verdict about the planets which are friendly or enemy planets of Jupiter in Janma Kundali. The auspicious or inauspicious results are determined on the basis of a Panchadha maitri. For example, let us assume that Mercury is the Tatkaalik friend of Jupiter but it is a naisargik enemy to Jupiter. The immediate friendly relationship neutralizes the natural enmity of Mercury and Jupiter, and hence Mercury will give neutral results in the kundli.
You should recite any one Mantra sixteen thousand times if Jupiter is weak in your Janma Kundali or Varsha Kundali. You should also chant these Mantras when Jupiter is the Lord of an inauspicious house in your Kundali. The chant of these Mantras should be started from the Thursday of Shukla Paksha at sunrise. Dashansh Havan should be performed once the chant is complete which means that 10% of the chant should be done during the Havan.
You can also chant one of the Mantra for 108 times daily. These Mantras should be recited in morning. You can also strengthen Jupiter by reading Vishnu Sahastranam in the morning or in evening.
You can also fast on Thursdays in order to strengthen Jupiter. This fast should be started from a Thursday of Shukla Paksha. You should decide the number of fasts first which you will be keeping. On the day of the fast, you should eat Besan Ladoo, yellow rice and saffron rice. The same should be donated. Donate Chana Dal, Ladoo, honey, yellow clothes and other yellow things on Thursday to an old Brahman. Do not use salt in your meals on the day of the fast.